// NOTE: Diagrams in this file have been created with https://asciiflow.com/#/ // If you update the tests, please update the diagrams as well. // If you add a test, please create a new diagram. // // Map // 0 means the output has no run data // 1 means the output has run data // ►► denotes the node that the user wants to execute to // XX denotes that the node is disabled // PD denotes that the node has pinned data import { mock } from 'jest-mock-extended'; import { pick } from 'lodash'; import type { ExecutionBaseError, IConnection, IExecuteData, INode, INodeExecutionData, INodeType, INodeTypes, IPinData, IRun, IRunData, IRunExecutionData, ITriggerResponse, IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, WorkflowTestData, RelatedExecution, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { ApplicationError, createDeferredPromise, NodeConnectionType, NodeExecutionOutput, NodeHelpers, Workflow, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { DirectedGraph } from '@/PartialExecutionUtils'; import * as partialExecutionUtils from '@/PartialExecutionUtils'; import { createNodeData, toITaskData } from '@/PartialExecutionUtils/__tests__/helpers'; import { WorkflowExecute } from '@/WorkflowExecute'; import * as Helpers from './helpers'; import { legacyWorkflowExecuteTests, v1WorkflowExecuteTests } from './helpers/constants'; const nodeTypes = Helpers.NodeTypes(); describe('WorkflowExecute', () => { describe('v0 execution order', () => { const tests: WorkflowTestData[] = legacyWorkflowExecuteTests; const executionMode = 'manual'; for (const testData of tests) { test(testData.description, async () => { const workflowInstance = new Workflow({ id: 'test', nodes: testData.input.workflowData.nodes, connections: testData.input.workflowData.connections, active: false, nodeTypes, settings: { executionOrder: 'v0', }, }); const waitPromise = createDeferredPromise<IRun>(); const nodeExecutionOrder: string[] = []; const additionalData = Helpers.WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData( waitPromise, nodeExecutionOrder, ); const workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(additionalData, executionMode); const executionData = await workflowExecute.run(workflowInstance); const result = await waitPromise.promise; // Check if the data from WorkflowExecute is identical to data received // by the webhooks expect(executionData).toEqual(result); // Check if the output data of the nodes is correct for (const nodeName of Object.keys(testData.output.nodeData)) { if (result.data.resultData.runData[nodeName] === undefined) { throw new ApplicationError('Data for node is missing', { extra: { nodeName } }); } const resultData = result.data.resultData.runData[nodeName].map((nodeData) => { if (nodeData.data === undefined) { return null; } return nodeData.data.main[0]!.map((entry) => entry.json); }); expect(resultData).toEqual(testData.output.nodeData[nodeName]); } // Check if the nodes did execute in the correct order expect(nodeExecutionOrder).toEqual(testData.output.nodeExecutionOrder); // Check if other data has correct value expect(result.finished).toEqual(true); expect(result.data.executionData!.contextData).toEqual({}); expect(result.data.executionData!.nodeExecutionStack).toEqual([]); }); } }); describe('v1 execution order', () => { const tests: WorkflowTestData[] = v1WorkflowExecuteTests; const executionMode = 'manual'; const nodeTypes = Helpers.NodeTypes(); for (const testData of tests) { test(testData.description, async () => { const workflowInstance = new Workflow({ id: 'test', nodes: testData.input.workflowData.nodes, connections: testData.input.workflowData.connections, active: false, nodeTypes, settings: { executionOrder: 'v1', }, }); const waitPromise = createDeferredPromise<IRun>(); const nodeExecutionOrder: string[] = []; const additionalData = Helpers.WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData( waitPromise, nodeExecutionOrder, ); const workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(additionalData, executionMode); const executionData = await workflowExecute.run(workflowInstance); const result = await waitPromise.promise; // Check if the data from WorkflowExecute is identical to data received // by the webhooks expect(executionData).toEqual(result); // Check if the output data of the nodes is correct for (const nodeName of Object.keys(testData.output.nodeData)) { if (result.data.resultData.runData[nodeName] === undefined) { throw new ApplicationError('Data for node is missing', { extra: { nodeName } }); } const resultData = result.data.resultData.runData[nodeName].map((nodeData) => { if (nodeData.data === undefined) { return null; } const toMap = testData.output.testAllOutputs ? nodeData.data.main : [nodeData.data.main[0]!]; return toMap.map((data) => data!.map((entry) => entry.json)); }); // expect(resultData).toEqual(testData.output.nodeData[nodeName]); expect(resultData).toEqual(testData.output.nodeData[nodeName]); } // Check if the nodes did execute in the correct order expect(nodeExecutionOrder).toEqual(testData.output.nodeExecutionOrder); // Check if other data has correct value expect(result.finished).toEqual(true); expect(result.data.executionData!.contextData).toEqual({}); expect(result.data.executionData!.nodeExecutionStack).toEqual([]); }); } }); //run tests on json files from specified directory, default 'workflows' //workflows must have pinned data that would be used to test output after execution describe('run test workflows', () => { const tests: WorkflowTestData[] = Helpers.workflowToTests(__dirname); const executionMode = 'manual'; const nodeTypes = Helpers.NodeTypes(Helpers.getNodeTypes(tests)); for (const testData of tests) { test(testData.description, async () => { const workflowInstance = new Workflow({ id: 'test', nodes: testData.input.workflowData.nodes, connections: testData.input.workflowData.connections, active: false, nodeTypes, settings: testData.input.workflowData.settings, }); const waitPromise = createDeferredPromise<IRun>(); const nodeExecutionOrder: string[] = []; const additionalData = Helpers.WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData( waitPromise, nodeExecutionOrder, ); const workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(additionalData, executionMode); const executionData = await workflowExecute.run(workflowInstance); const result = await waitPromise.promise; // Check if the data from WorkflowExecute is identical to data received // by the webhooks expect(executionData).toEqual(result); // Check if the output data of the nodes is correct for (const nodeName of Object.keys(testData.output.nodeData)) { if (result.data.resultData.runData[nodeName] === undefined) { throw new ApplicationError('Data for node is missing', { extra: { nodeName } }); } const resultData = result.data.resultData.runData[nodeName].map((nodeData) => { if (nodeData.data === undefined) { return null; } return nodeData.data.main[0]!.map((entry) => { // remove pairedItem from entry if it is an error output test if (testData.description.includes('error_outputs')) delete entry.pairedItem; return entry; }); }); expect(resultData).toEqual(testData.output.nodeData[nodeName]); } // Check if other data has correct value expect(result.finished).toEqual(true); // expect(result.data.executionData!.contextData).toEqual({}); //Fails when test workflow Includes splitInbatches expect(result.data.executionData!.nodeExecutionStack).toEqual([]); }); } }); test('WorkflowExecute, NodeExecutionOutput type test', () => { //TODO Add more tests here when execution hints are added to some node types const nodeExecutionOutput = new NodeExecutionOutput( [[{ json: { data: 123 } }]], [{ message: 'TEXT HINT' }], ); expect(nodeExecutionOutput).toBeInstanceOf(NodeExecutionOutput); expect(nodeExecutionOutput[0][0].json.data).toEqual(123); expect(nodeExecutionOutput.getHints()[0].message).toEqual('TEXT HINT'); }); describe('runPartialWorkflow2', () => { // Dirty ► // ┌───────┐1 ┌─────┐1 ┌─────┐ // │trigger├──────►node1├──────►node2│ // └───────┘ └─────┘ └─────┘ test("deletes dirty nodes' run data", async () => { // ARRANGE const waitPromise = createDeferredPromise<IRun>(); const nodeExecutionOrder: string[] = []; const additionalData = Helpers.WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData(waitPromise, nodeExecutionOrder); const workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(additionalData, 'manual'); const trigger = createNodeData({ name: 'trigger', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.manualTrigger' }); const node1 = createNodeData({ name: 'node1' }); const node2 = createNodeData({ name: 'node2' }); const workflow = new DirectedGraph() .addNodes(trigger, node1, node2) .addConnections({ from: trigger, to: node1 }, { from: node1, to: node2 }) .toWorkflow({ name: '', active: false, nodeTypes }); const pinData: IPinData = {}; const runData: IRunData = { [trigger.name]: [toITaskData([{ data: { name: trigger.name } }])], [node1.name]: [toITaskData([{ data: { name: node1.name } }])], [node2.name]: [toITaskData([{ data: { name: node2.name } }])], }; const dirtyNodeNames = [node1.name]; const destinationNode = node2.name; jest.spyOn(workflowExecute, 'processRunExecutionData').mockImplementationOnce(jest.fn()); // ACT await workflowExecute.runPartialWorkflow2( workflow, runData, pinData, dirtyNodeNames, destinationNode, ); // ASSERT const fullRunData = workflowExecute.getFullRunData(new Date()); expect(fullRunData.data.resultData.runData).toHaveProperty(trigger.name); expect(fullRunData.data.resultData.runData).not.toHaveProperty(node1.name); }); // XX ►► // ┌───────┐1 ┌─────┐1 ┌─────┐ // │trigger├──────►node1├──────►node2│ // └───────┘ └─────┘ └─────┘ test('removes disabled nodes from the workflow', async () => { // ARRANGE const waitPromise = createDeferredPromise<IRun>(); const nodeExecutionOrder: string[] = []; const additionalData = Helpers.WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData(waitPromise, nodeExecutionOrder); const workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(additionalData, 'manual'); const trigger = createNodeData({ name: 'trigger', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.manualTrigger' }); const node1 = createNodeData({ name: 'node1', disabled: true }); const node2 = createNodeData({ name: 'node2' }); const workflow = new DirectedGraph() .addNodes(trigger, node1, node2) .addConnections({ from: trigger, to: node1 }, { from: node1, to: node2 }) .toWorkflow({ name: '', active: false, nodeTypes }); const pinData: IPinData = {}; const runData: IRunData = { [trigger.name]: [toITaskData([{ data: { name: trigger.name } }])], [node1.name]: [toITaskData([{ data: { name: node1.name } }])], [node2.name]: [toITaskData([{ data: { name: node2.name } }])], }; const dirtyNodeNames: string[] = []; const destinationNode = node2.name; const processRunExecutionDataSpy = jest .spyOn(workflowExecute, 'processRunExecutionData') .mockImplementationOnce(jest.fn()); // ACT await workflowExecute.runPartialWorkflow2( workflow, runData, pinData, dirtyNodeNames, destinationNode, ); // ASSERT expect(processRunExecutionDataSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); const nodes = Object.keys(processRunExecutionDataSpy.mock.calls[0][0].nodes); expect(nodes).toContain(trigger.name); expect(nodes).toContain(node2.name); expect(nodes).not.toContain(node1.name); }); // ►► // ┌────┐0 ┌─────────┐ // ┌───────┐1 │ ├──────►afterLoop│ // │trigger├───┬──►loop│1 └─────────┘ // └───────┘ │ │ ├─┐ // │ └────┘ │ // │ │ ┌──────┐1 // │ └─►inLoop├─┐ // │ └──────┘ │ // └────────────────────┘ test('passes filtered run data to `recreateNodeExecutionStack`', async () => { // ARRANGE const waitPromise = createDeferredPromise<IRun>(); const nodeExecutionOrder: string[] = []; const additionalData = Helpers.WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData(waitPromise, nodeExecutionOrder); const workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(additionalData, 'manual'); const trigger = createNodeData({ name: 'trigger', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.manualTrigger' }); const loop = createNodeData({ name: 'loop', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.splitInBatches' }); const inLoop = createNodeData({ name: 'inLoop' }); const afterLoop = createNodeData({ name: 'afterLoop' }); const workflow = new DirectedGraph() .addNodes(trigger, loop, inLoop, afterLoop) .addConnections( { from: trigger, to: loop }, { from: loop, to: afterLoop }, { from: loop, to: inLoop, outputIndex: 1 }, { from: inLoop, to: loop }, ) .toWorkflow({ name: '', active: false, nodeTypes }); const pinData: IPinData = {}; const runData: IRunData = { [trigger.name]: [toITaskData([{ data: { value: 1 } }])], [loop.name]: [toITaskData([{ data: { nodeName: loop.name }, outputIndex: 1 }])], [inLoop.name]: [toITaskData([{ data: { nodeName: inLoop.name } }])], }; const dirtyNodeNames: string[] = []; jest.spyOn(workflowExecute, 'processRunExecutionData').mockImplementationOnce(jest.fn()); const recreateNodeExecutionStackSpy = jest.spyOn( partialExecutionUtils, 'recreateNodeExecutionStack', ); // ACT await workflowExecute.runPartialWorkflow2( workflow, runData, pinData, dirtyNodeNames, afterLoop.name, ); // ASSERT expect(recreateNodeExecutionStackSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith( 1, expect.any(DirectedGraph), expect.any(Set), // The run data should only contain the trigger node because the loop // node has no data on the done branch. That means we have to rerun the // whole loop, because we don't know how many iterations would be left. pick(runData, trigger.name), expect.any(Object), ); }); // ┌───────┐ ┌─────┐ // │trigger├┬──►│node1│ // └───────┘│ └─────┘ // │ ┌─────┐ // └──►│node2│ // └─────┘ test('passes subgraph to `cleanRunData`', async () => { // ARRANGE const waitPromise = createDeferredPromise<IRun>(); const nodeExecutionOrder: string[] = []; const additionalData = Helpers.WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData(waitPromise, nodeExecutionOrder); const workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(additionalData, 'manual'); const trigger = createNodeData({ name: 'trigger', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.manualTrigger' }); const node1 = createNodeData({ name: 'node1' }); const node2 = createNodeData({ name: 'node2' }); const workflow = new DirectedGraph() .addNodes(trigger, node1, node2) .addConnections({ from: trigger, to: node1 }, { from: trigger, to: node2 }) .toWorkflow({ name: '', active: false, nodeTypes }); const pinData: IPinData = {}; const runData: IRunData = { [trigger.name]: [toITaskData([{ data: { value: 1 } }])], [node1.name]: [toITaskData([{ data: { nodeName: node1.name } }])], [node2.name]: [toITaskData([{ data: { nodeName: node2.name } }])], }; const dirtyNodeNames: string[] = []; jest.spyOn(workflowExecute, 'processRunExecutionData').mockImplementationOnce(jest.fn()); const cleanRunDataSpy = jest.spyOn(partialExecutionUtils, 'cleanRunData'); // ACT await workflowExecute.runPartialWorkflow2( workflow, runData, pinData, dirtyNodeNames, node1.name, ); // ASSERT expect(cleanRunDataSpy).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith( 1, runData, new DirectedGraph().addNodes(trigger, node1).addConnections({ from: trigger, to: node1 }), new Set([node1]), ); }); }); describe('checkReadyForExecution', () => { const disabledNode = mock<INode>({ name: 'Disabled Node', disabled: true }); const startNode = mock<INode>({ name: 'Start Node' }); const unknownNode = mock<INode>({ name: 'Unknown Node', type: 'unknownNode' }); const nodeParamIssuesSpy = jest.spyOn(NodeHelpers, 'getNodeParametersIssues'); const nodeTypes = mock<INodeTypes>(); nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion.mockImplementation((type) => { // TODO: getByNameAndVersion signature needs to be updated to allow returning undefined if (type === 'unknownNode') return undefined as unknown as INodeType; return mock<INodeType>({ description: { properties: [], }, }); }); const workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(mock(), 'manual'); beforeEach(() => jest.clearAllMocks()); it('should return null if there are no nodes', () => { const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: [], connections: {}, active: false, nodeTypes, }); const issues = workflowExecute.checkReadyForExecution(workflow); expect(issues).toBe(null); expect(nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(nodeParamIssuesSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should return null if there are no enabled nodes', () => { const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: [disabledNode], connections: {}, active: false, nodeTypes, }); const issues = workflowExecute.checkReadyForExecution(workflow, { startNode: disabledNode.name, }); expect(issues).toBe(null); expect(nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(nodeParamIssuesSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should return typeUnknown for unknown nodes', () => { const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: [unknownNode], connections: {}, active: false, nodeTypes, }); const issues = workflowExecute.checkReadyForExecution(workflow, { startNode: unknownNode.name, }); expect(issues).toEqual({ [unknownNode.name]: { typeUnknown: true } }); expect(nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(nodeParamIssuesSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should return issues for regular nodes', () => { const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: [startNode], connections: {}, active: false, nodeTypes, }); nodeParamIssuesSpy.mockReturnValue({ execution: false }); const issues = workflowExecute.checkReadyForExecution(workflow, { startNode: startNode.name, }); expect(issues).toEqual({ [startNode.name]: { execution: false } }); expect(nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(nodeParamIssuesSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('runNode', () => { const nodeTypes = mock<INodeTypes>(); const triggerNode = mock<INode>(); const triggerResponse = mock<ITriggerResponse>({ closeFunction: jest.fn(), // This node should never trigger, or return manualTriggerFunction: async () => await new Promise(() => {}), }); const triggerNodeType = mock<INodeType>({ description: { properties: [], }, execute: undefined, poll: undefined, webhook: undefined, async trigger() { return triggerResponse; }, }); nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion.mockReturnValue(triggerNodeType); const workflow = new Workflow({ nodeTypes, nodes: [triggerNode], connections: {}, active: false, }); const executionData = mock<IExecuteData>(); const runExecutionData = mock<IRunExecutionData>(); const additionalData = mock<IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData>(); const abortController = new AbortController(); const workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(additionalData, 'manual'); test('should call closeFunction when manual trigger is aborted', async () => { const runPromise = workflowExecute.runNode( workflow, executionData, runExecutionData, 0, additionalData, 'manual', abortController.signal, ); // Yield back to the event-loop to let async parts of `runNode` execute await new Promise((resolve) => setImmediate(resolve)); let isSettled = false; void runPromise.then(() => { isSettled = true; }); expect(isSettled).toBe(false); expect(abortController.signal.aborted).toBe(false); expect(triggerResponse.closeFunction).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); abortController.abort(); expect(triggerResponse.closeFunction).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('handleNodeErrorOutput', () => { const testNode: INode = { id: '1', name: 'Node1', type: 'test.set', typeVersion: 1, position: [0, 0], parameters: {}, }; const nodeType = mock<INodeType>({ description: { name: 'test', displayName: 'test', defaultVersion: 1, properties: [], inputs: [{ type: NodeConnectionType.Main }], outputs: [ { type: NodeConnectionType.Main }, { type: NodeConnectionType.Main, category: 'error' }, ], }, }); const nodeTypes = mock<INodeTypes>(); const workflow = new Workflow({ id: 'test', nodes: [testNode], connections: {}, active: false, nodeTypes, }); const executionData = { node: workflow.nodes.Node1, data: { main: [ [ { json: { data: 'test' }, pairedItem: { item: 0, input: 0 }, }, ], ], }, source: { [NodeConnectionType.Main]: [ { previousNode: 'previousNode', previousNodeOutput: 0, previousNodeRun: 0, }, ], }, }; const runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData = { resultData: { runData: { previousNode: [ { data: { main: [[{ json: { someData: 'test' } }]], }, source: [], startTime: 0, executionTime: 0, }, ], }, }, }; let workflowExecute: WorkflowExecute; beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion.mockReturnValue(nodeType); workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(mock(), 'manual', runExecutionData); }); test('should handle undefined error data input correctly', () => { const nodeSuccessData: INodeExecutionData[][] = [ [undefined as unknown as INodeExecutionData], ]; workflowExecute.handleNodeErrorOutput(workflow, executionData, nodeSuccessData, 0); expect(nodeSuccessData[0]).toEqual([undefined]); expect(nodeSuccessData[1]).toEqual([]); }); test('should handle empty input', () => { const nodeSuccessData: INodeExecutionData[][] = [[]]; workflowExecute.handleNodeErrorOutput(workflow, executionData, nodeSuccessData, 0); expect(nodeSuccessData[0]).toHaveLength(0); expect(nodeSuccessData[1]).toHaveLength(0); }); test('should route error items to last output', () => { const nodeSuccessData: INodeExecutionData[][] = [ [ { json: { error: 'Test error', additionalData: 'preserved' }, pairedItem: { item: 0, input: 0 }, }, { json: { regularData: 'success' }, pairedItem: { item: 1, input: 0 }, }, ], ]; workflowExecute.handleNodeErrorOutput(workflow, executionData, nodeSuccessData, 0); expect(nodeSuccessData[0]).toEqual([ { json: { additionalData: 'preserved', error: 'Test error' }, pairedItem: { item: 0, input: 0 }, }, { json: { regularData: 'success' }, pairedItem: { item: 1, input: 0 } }, ]); expect(nodeSuccessData[1]).toEqual([]); }); test('should handle error in json with message property', () => { const nodeSuccessData: INodeExecutionData[][] = [ [ { json: { error: 'Error occurred', message: 'Error details', }, pairedItem: { item: 0, input: 0 }, }, ], ]; workflowExecute.handleNodeErrorOutput(workflow, executionData, nodeSuccessData, 0); expect(nodeSuccessData[0]).toEqual([]); expect(nodeSuccessData[1]).toEqual([ { json: { error: 'Error occurred', message: 'Error details', someData: 'test', }, pairedItem: { item: 0, input: 0 }, }, ]); }); test('should preserve pairedItem data when routing errors', () => { const nodeSuccessData: INodeExecutionData[][] = [ [ { json: { error: 'Test error' }, pairedItem: [ { item: 0, input: 0 }, { item: 1, input: 1 }, ], }, ], ]; workflowExecute.handleNodeErrorOutput(workflow, executionData, nodeSuccessData, 0); expect(nodeSuccessData[0]).toEqual([]); expect(nodeSuccessData[1]).toEqual([ { json: { someData: 'test', error: 'Test error' }, pairedItem: [ { item: 0, input: 0 }, { item: 1, input: 1 }, ], }, ]); }); test('should route multiple error items correctly', () => { const nodeSuccessData: INodeExecutionData[][] = [ [ { json: { error: 'Error 1', data: 'preserved1' }, pairedItem: { item: 0, input: 0 }, }, { json: { error: 'Error 2', data: 'preserved2' }, pairedItem: { item: 1, input: 0 }, }, ], ]; workflowExecute.handleNodeErrorOutput(workflow, executionData, nodeSuccessData, 0); expect(nodeSuccessData[1]).toEqual([]); expect(nodeSuccessData[0]).toEqual([ { json: { error: 'Error 1', data: 'preserved1' }, pairedItem: { item: 0, input: 0 }, }, { json: { error: 'Error 2', data: 'preserved2' }, pairedItem: { item: 1, input: 0 }, }, ]); }); test('should handle complex pairedItem data correctly', () => { const nodeSuccessData: INodeExecutionData[][] = [ [ { json: { error: 'Test error' }, pairedItem: [ { item: 0, input: 0 }, { item: 1, input: 1 }, ], }, ], ]; workflowExecute.handleNodeErrorOutput(workflow, executionData, nodeSuccessData, 0); expect(nodeSuccessData[0]).toEqual([]); expect(nodeSuccessData[1]).toEqual([ { json: { someData: 'test', error: 'Test error' }, pairedItem: [ { item: 0, input: 0 }, { item: 1, input: 1 }, ], }, ]); }); }); describe('prepareWaitingToExecution', () => { let runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData; let workflowExecute: WorkflowExecute; beforeEach(() => { runExecutionData = { startData: {}, resultData: { runData: {}, pinData: {}, }, executionData: { contextData: {}, nodeExecutionStack: [], metadata: {}, waitingExecution: {}, waitingExecutionSource: {}, }, }; workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(mock(), 'manual', runExecutionData); }); test('should initialize waitingExecutionSource if undefined', () => { runExecutionData.executionData!.waitingExecutionSource = null; const nodeName = 'testNode'; const numberOfConnections = 2; const runIndex = 0; workflowExecute.prepareWaitingToExecution(nodeName, numberOfConnections, runIndex); expect(runExecutionData.executionData?.waitingExecutionSource).toBeDefined(); }); test('should create arrays of correct length with null values', () => { const nodeName = 'testNode'; const numberOfConnections = 3; const runIndex = 0; runExecutionData.executionData!.waitingExecution[nodeName] = {}; workflowExecute.prepareWaitingToExecution(nodeName, numberOfConnections, runIndex); const nodeWaiting = runExecutionData.executionData!.waitingExecution[nodeName]; const nodeWaitingSource = runExecutionData.executionData!.waitingExecutionSource![nodeName]; expect(nodeWaiting[runIndex].main).toHaveLength(3); expect(nodeWaiting[runIndex].main).toEqual([null, null, null]); expect(nodeWaitingSource[runIndex].main).toHaveLength(3); expect(nodeWaitingSource[runIndex].main).toEqual([null, null, null]); }); test('should work with zero connections', () => { const nodeName = 'testNode'; const numberOfConnections = 0; const runIndex = 0; runExecutionData.executionData!.waitingExecution[nodeName] = {}; workflowExecute.prepareWaitingToExecution(nodeName, numberOfConnections, runIndex); expect( runExecutionData.executionData!.waitingExecution[nodeName][runIndex].main, ).toHaveLength(0); expect( runExecutionData.executionData!.waitingExecutionSource![nodeName][runIndex].main, ).toHaveLength(0); }); test('should handle multiple run indices', () => { const nodeName = 'testNode'; const numberOfConnections = 2; runExecutionData.executionData!.waitingExecution[nodeName] = {}; workflowExecute.prepareWaitingToExecution(nodeName, numberOfConnections, 0); workflowExecute.prepareWaitingToExecution(nodeName, numberOfConnections, 1); const nodeWaiting = runExecutionData.executionData!.waitingExecution[nodeName]; const nodeWaitingSource = runExecutionData.executionData!.waitingExecutionSource![nodeName]; expect(nodeWaiting[0].main).toHaveLength(2); expect(nodeWaiting[1].main).toHaveLength(2); expect(nodeWaitingSource[0].main).toHaveLength(2); expect(nodeWaitingSource[1].main).toHaveLength(2); }); }); describe('incomingConnectionIsEmpty', () => { let workflowExecute: WorkflowExecute; beforeEach(() => { workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(mock(), 'manual'); }); test('should return true when there are no input connections', () => { const result = workflowExecute.incomingConnectionIsEmpty({}, [], 0); expect(result).toBe(true); }); test('should return true when all input connections have no data', () => { const runData: IRunData = { node1: [ { source: [], data: { main: [[], []] }, startTime: 0, executionTime: 0, }, ], }; const inputConnections: IConnection[] = [ { node: 'node1', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0 }, { node: 'node1', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 1 }, ]; const result = workflowExecute.incomingConnectionIsEmpty(runData, inputConnections, 0); expect(result).toBe(true); }); test('should return true when input connection node does not exist in runData', () => { const runData: IRunData = {}; const inputConnections: IConnection[] = [ { node: 'nonexistentNode', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0 }, ]; const result = workflowExecute.incomingConnectionIsEmpty(runData, inputConnections, 0); expect(result).toBe(true); }); test('should return false when any input connection has data', () => { const runData: IRunData = { node1: [ { source: [], data: { main: [[{ json: { data: 'test' } }], []], }, startTime: 0, executionTime: 0, }, ], }; const inputConnections: IConnection[] = [ { node: 'node1', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0 }, { node: 'node1', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 1 }, ]; const result = workflowExecute.incomingConnectionIsEmpty(runData, inputConnections, 0); expect(result).toBe(false); }); test('should check correct run index', () => { const runData: IRunData = { node1: [ { source: [], data: { main: [[]], }, startTime: 0, executionTime: 0, }, { source: [], data: { main: [[{ json: { data: 'test' } }]], }, startTime: 0, executionTime: 0, }, ], }; const inputConnections: IConnection[] = [ { node: 'node1', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0 }, ]; expect(workflowExecute.incomingConnectionIsEmpty(runData, inputConnections, 0)).toBe(true); expect(workflowExecute.incomingConnectionIsEmpty(runData, inputConnections, 1)).toBe(false); }); test('should handle undefined data in runData correctly', () => { const runData: IRunData = { node1: [ { source: [], startTime: 0, executionTime: 0, }, ], }; const inputConnections: IConnection[] = [ { node: 'node1', type: NodeConnectionType.Main, index: 0 }, ]; const result = workflowExecute.incomingConnectionIsEmpty(runData, inputConnections, 0); expect(result).toBe(true); }); }); describe('moveNodeMetadata', () => { let runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData; let workflowExecute: WorkflowExecute; const parentExecution = mock<RelatedExecution>(); beforeEach(() => { runExecutionData = { startData: {}, resultData: { runData: {}, pinData: {}, }, executionData: { contextData: {}, nodeExecutionStack: [], metadata: {}, waitingExecution: {}, waitingExecutionSource: {}, }, }; workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(mock(), 'manual', runExecutionData); }); test('should do nothing when there is no metadata', () => { runExecutionData.resultData.runData = { node1: [{ startTime: 0, executionTime: 0, source: [] }], }; workflowExecute.moveNodeMetadata(); expect(runExecutionData.resultData.runData.node1[0].metadata).toBeUndefined(); }); test('should merge metadata into runData for single node', () => { runExecutionData.resultData.runData = { node1: [{ startTime: 0, executionTime: 0, source: [] }], }; runExecutionData.executionData!.metadata = { node1: [{ parentExecution }], }; workflowExecute.moveNodeMetadata(); expect(runExecutionData.resultData.runData.node1[0].metadata).toEqual({ parentExecution }); }); test('should merge metadata into runData for multiple nodes', () => { runExecutionData.resultData.runData = { node1: [{ startTime: 0, executionTime: 0, source: [] }], node2: [{ startTime: 0, executionTime: 0, source: [] }], }; runExecutionData.executionData!.metadata = { node1: [{ parentExecution }], node2: [{ subExecutionsCount: 4 }], }; workflowExecute.moveNodeMetadata(); const { runData } = runExecutionData.resultData; expect(runData.node1[0].metadata).toEqual({ parentExecution }); expect(runData.node2[0].metadata).toEqual({ subExecutionsCount: 4 }); }); test('should preserve existing metadata when merging', () => { runExecutionData.resultData.runData = { node1: [ { startTime: 0, executionTime: 0, source: [], metadata: { subExecutionsCount: 4 }, }, ], }; runExecutionData.executionData!.metadata = { node1: [{ parentExecution }], }; workflowExecute.moveNodeMetadata(); expect(runExecutionData.resultData.runData.node1[0].metadata).toEqual({ parentExecution, subExecutionsCount: 4, }); }); test('should handle multiple run indices', () => { runExecutionData.resultData.runData = { node1: [ { startTime: 0, executionTime: 0, source: [] }, { startTime: 0, executionTime: 0, source: [] }, ], }; runExecutionData.executionData!.metadata = { node1: [{ parentExecution }, { subExecutionsCount: 4 }], }; workflowExecute.moveNodeMetadata(); const { runData } = runExecutionData.resultData; expect(runData.node1[0].metadata).toEqual({ parentExecution }); expect(runData.node1[1].metadata).toEqual({ subExecutionsCount: 4 }); }); }); describe('getFullRunData', () => { afterAll(() => { jest.useRealTimers(); }); test('should return complete IRun object with all properties correctly set', () => { const runExecutionData = mock<IRunExecutionData>(); const workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(mock(), 'manual', runExecutionData); const startedAt = new Date('2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'); jest.useFakeTimers().setSystemTime(startedAt); const result1 = workflowExecute.getFullRunData(startedAt); expect(result1).toEqual({ data: runExecutionData, mode: 'manual', startedAt, stoppedAt: startedAt, status: 'new', }); const stoppedAt = new Date('2023-01-01T00:00:10.000Z'); jest.setSystemTime(stoppedAt); // @ts-expect-error read-only property workflowExecute.status = 'running'; const result2 = workflowExecute.getFullRunData(startedAt); expect(result2).toEqual({ data: runExecutionData, mode: 'manual', startedAt, stoppedAt, status: 'running', }); }); }); describe('processSuccessExecution', () => { const startedAt: Date = new Date('2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'); const workflow = new Workflow({ id: 'test', nodes: [], connections: {}, active: false, nodeTypes: mock<INodeTypes>(), }); let runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData; let workflowExecute: WorkflowExecute; beforeEach(() => { runExecutionData = { startData: {}, resultData: { runData: {} }, executionData: { contextData: {}, nodeExecutionStack: [], metadata: {}, waitingExecution: {}, waitingExecutionSource: null, }, }; workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(mock(), 'manual', runExecutionData); jest.spyOn(workflowExecute, 'executeHook').mockResolvedValue(undefined); jest.spyOn(workflowExecute, 'moveNodeMetadata').mockImplementation(); }); test('should handle different workflow completion scenarios', async () => { // Test successful execution const successResult = await workflowExecute.processSuccessExecution(startedAt, workflow); expect(successResult.status).toBe('success'); expect(successResult.finished).toBe(true); // Test execution with wait runExecutionData.waitTill = new Date('2024-01-01'); const waitResult = await workflowExecute.processSuccessExecution(startedAt, workflow); expect(waitResult.status).toBe('waiting'); expect(waitResult.waitTill).toEqual(runExecutionData.waitTill); // Test execution with error const testError = new Error('Test error') as ExecutionBaseError; // Reset the status since it was changed by previous tests // @ts-expect-error read-only property workflowExecute.status = 'new'; runExecutionData.waitTill = undefined; const errorResult = await workflowExecute.processSuccessExecution( startedAt, workflow, testError, ); expect(errorResult.data.resultData.error).toBeDefined(); expect(errorResult.data.resultData.error?.message).toBe('Test error'); // Test canceled execution const cancelError = new Error('Workflow execution canceled') as ExecutionBaseError; const cancelResult = await workflowExecute.processSuccessExecution( startedAt, workflow, cancelError, ); expect(cancelResult.data.resultData.error).toBeDefined(); expect(cancelResult.data.resultData.error?.message).toBe('Workflow execution canceled'); }); test('should handle static data, hooks, and cleanup correctly', async () => { // Mock static data change workflow.staticData.__dataChanged = true; workflow.staticData.testData = 'changed'; // Mock cleanup function that's actually a promise let cleanupCalled = false; const mockCleanupPromise = new Promise<void>((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { cleanupCalled = true; resolve(); }, 0); }); const result = await workflowExecute.processSuccessExecution( startedAt, workflow, undefined, mockCleanupPromise, ); // Verify static data handling expect(result).toBeDefined(); expect(workflowExecute.moveNodeMetadata).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(workflowExecute.executeHook).toHaveBeenCalledWith('workflowExecuteAfter', [ result, workflow.staticData, ]); // Verify cleanup was called await mockCleanupPromise; expect(cleanupCalled).toBe(true); }); }); describe('assignPairedItems', () => { let workflowExecute: WorkflowExecute; beforeEach(() => { workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(mock(), 'manual'); }); test('should handle undefined node output', () => { const result = workflowExecute.assignPairedItems( undefined, mock<IExecuteData>({ data: { main: [] } }), ); expect(result).toBeNull(); }); test('should auto-fix pairedItem for single input/output scenario', () => { const nodeOutput = [[{ json: { test: true } }]]; const executionData = mock<IExecuteData>({ data: { main: [[{ json: { input: true } }]] } }); const result = workflowExecute.assignPairedItems(nodeOutput, executionData); expect(result?.[0][0].pairedItem).toEqual({ item: 0 }); }); test('should auto-fix pairedItem when number of items match', () => { const nodeOutput = [[{ json: { test: 1 } }, { json: { test: 2 } }]]; const executionData = mock<IExecuteData>({ data: { main: [[{ json: { input: 1 } }, { json: { input: 2 } }]] }, }); const result = workflowExecute.assignPairedItems(nodeOutput, executionData); expect(result?.[0][0].pairedItem).toEqual({ item: 0 }); expect(result?.[0][1].pairedItem).toEqual({ item: 1 }); }); test('should not modify existing pairedItem data', () => { const existingPairedItem = { item: 5, input: 2 }; const nodeOutput = [[{ json: { test: true }, pairedItem: existingPairedItem }]]; const executionData = mock<IExecuteData>({ data: { main: [[{ json: { input: true } }]] } }); const result = workflowExecute.assignPairedItems(nodeOutput, executionData); expect(result?.[0][0].pairedItem).toEqual(existingPairedItem); }); test('should process multiple output branches correctly', () => { const nodeOutput = [[{ json: { test: 1 } }], [{ json: { test: 2 } }]]; const executionData = mock<IExecuteData>({ data: { main: [[{ json: { input: true } }]] } }); const result = workflowExecute.assignPairedItems(nodeOutput, executionData); expect(result?.[0][0].pairedItem).toEqual({ item: 0 }); expect(result?.[1][0].pairedItem).toEqual({ item: 0 }); }); }); });