import type { INodeProperties } from 'n8n-workflow';

const resource = ['user'];

export const userOperations: INodeProperties[] = [
		displayName: 'Operation',
		name: 'operation',
		type: 'options',
		noDataExpression: true,
		displayOptions: {
			show: {
		options: [
				name: 'Create',
				value: 'create',
				description: 'Create a user',
				action: 'Create a user',
				name: 'Delete',
				value: 'delete',
				description: 'Delete a user',
				action: 'Delete a user',
				name: 'Get',
				value: 'get',
				description: 'Get data of a user',
				action: 'Get data of a user',
				name: 'Get Many',
				value: 'getAll',
				description: 'Get data of many users',
				action: 'Get data of all users',

				name: 'Me',
				value: 'me',
				description: 'Get data of authenticated user',
				action: 'Get data of authenticated user',
				name: 'Update',
				value: 'update',
				description: 'Update a user',
				action: 'Update a user',
		default: 'me',

export const userFields: INodeProperties[] = [
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*                                user:getAll                                 */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

		displayName: 'Return All',
		name: 'returnAll',
		type: 'boolean',
		displayOptions: {
			show: {
				operation: ['getAll'],
		default: false,
		description: 'Whether to return all results or only up to a given limit',
		displayName: 'Limit',
		name: 'limit',
		type: 'number',
		displayOptions: {
			show: {
				operation: ['getAll'],
				returnAll: [false],
		typeOptions: {
			minValue: 1,
			maxValue: 100,
		default: 100,
		description: 'Max number of results to return',
		displayName: 'Filters',
		name: 'filters',
		type: 'collection',
		placeholder: 'Add Filter',
		default: {},
		displayOptions: {
			show: {
				operation: ['getAll'],
		options: [
				displayName: 'Is Active',
				name: 'is_active',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: true,
				description: 'Whether to only return active users and false to return inactive users',
				displayName: 'Updated Since',
				name: 'updated_since',
				type: 'dateTime',
				default: '',
				description: 'Only return users belonging to the user with the given ID',
				displayName: 'Page',
				name: 'page',
				type: 'number',
				typeOptions: {
					minValue: 1,
				default: 1,
				description: 'The page number to use in pagination',

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*                                user:get                                    */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		displayName: 'User ID',
		name: 'id',
		type: 'string',
		default: '',
		required: true,
		displayOptions: {
			show: {
				operation: ['get'],
		description: 'The ID of the user you are retrieving',

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*                                user:delete                                 */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		displayName: 'User ID',
		name: 'id',
		type: 'string',
		default: '',
		required: true,
		displayOptions: {
			show: {
				operation: ['delete'],
		description: 'The ID of the user you want to delete',

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*                                user:create                                 */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		displayName: 'First Name',
		name: 'firstName',
		type: 'string',
		displayOptions: {
			show: {
				operation: ['create'],
		default: '',
		required: true,
		description: 'The first name of the user',
		displayName: 'Last Name',
		name: 'lastName',
		type: 'string',
		displayOptions: {
			show: {
				operation: ['create'],
		default: '',
		required: true,
		description: 'The last name of the user',
		displayName: 'Email',
		name: 'email',
		type: 'string',
		placeholder: '',
		displayOptions: {
			show: {
				operation: ['create'],
		default: '',
		required: true,
		description: 'The email of the user',
		displayName: 'Additional Fields',
		name: 'additionalFields',
		type: 'collection',
		placeholder: 'Add Field',
		displayOptions: {
			show: {
				operation: ['create'],
		default: {},
		options: [
				displayName: 'Can Create Invoices',
				name: 'can_create_invoices',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: false,
				description: 'Whether the user can create invoices. Only applicable to Project Managers.',
				displayName: 'Can Create Projects',
				name: 'can_create_projects',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: false,
				description: 'Whether the user can create projects. Only applicable to Project Managers.',
				displayName: 'Can See Rates',
				name: 'can_see_rates',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: false,
					'Whether the user can see billable rates on projects. Only applicable to Project Managers.',
				displayName: 'Cost Rate',
				name: 'cost_rate',
				type: 'number',
				typeOptions: {
					minValue: 0,
				default: 0,
					'The cost rate to use for this user when calculating a project’s costs vs billable amount',
				displayName: 'Default Hourly Rate',
				name: 'default_hourly_rate',
				type: 'string',
				default: '0',
				description: 'The billable rate to use for this user when they are added to a project',
				displayName: 'Has Access To All Future Projects',
				name: 'has_access_to_all_future_projects',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: false,
				description: 'Whether the user should be automatically added to future projects',
				displayName: 'Is Active',
				name: 'is_active',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: true,
				description: 'Whether the user is active or archived',
				displayName: 'Is Admin',
				name: 'is_admin',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: false,
				description: 'Whether the user has Admin permissions',
				displayName: 'Is Contractor',
				name: 'is_contractor',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: false,
				description: 'Whether the user is a contractor or an employee',
				displayName: 'Is Project Manager',
				name: 'is_project_manager',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: false,
				description: 'Whether the user has Project Manager permissions',
				displayName: 'Roles',
				name: 'roles',
				type: 'string',
				default: '',
				description: 'The role names assigned to this person',
				displayName: 'Timezone',
				name: 'timezone',
				type: 'string',
				default: '',
				// eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-param-description-url-missing-protocol
					'The user’s timezone. Defaults to the company’s timezone. See a list of <a href="/api-v2/introduction/overview/supported-timezones/">supported time zones</a>.',
				displayName: 'Weekly Capacity',
				name: 'weekly_capacity',
				type: 'number',
				typeOptions: {
					minValue: 0,
				default: 126000,
					'The number of hours per week this person is available to work in seconds. Defaults to <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">126000</code> seconds (35 hours).',

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
	/*                                user:update                                 */
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		displayName: 'Time Entry ID',
		name: 'id',
		type: 'string',
		default: '',
		required: true,
		displayOptions: {
			show: {
				operation: ['update'],
		description: 'The ID of the time entry to update',
		displayName: 'Update Fields',
		name: 'updateFields',
		type: 'collection',
		placeholder: 'Add Field',
		displayOptions: {
			show: {
				operation: ['update'],
		default: {},
		options: [
				displayName: 'Can Create Invoices',
				name: 'can_create_invoices',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: false,
				description: 'Whether the user can create invoices. Only applicable to Project Managers.',
				displayName: 'Can Create Projects',
				name: 'can_create_projects',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: false,
				description: 'Whether the user can create projects. Only applicable to Project Managers.',
				displayName: 'Can See Rates',
				name: 'can_see_rates',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: false,
					'Whether the user can see billable rates on projects. Only applicable to Project Managers.',
				displayName: 'Cost Rate',
				name: 'cost_rate',
				type: 'number',
				typeOptions: {
					minValue: 0,
				default: 0,
					'The cost rate to use for this user when calculating a project’s costs vs billable amount',
				displayName: 'Default Hourly Rate',
				name: 'default_hourly_rate',
				type: 'string',
				default: '0',
				description: 'The billable rate to use for this user when they are added to a project',
				displayName: 'Email',
				name: 'email',
				type: 'string',
				placeholder: '',
				default: '',
				description: 'The user email',
				displayName: 'First Name',
				name: 'first_name',
				type: 'string',
				default: '',
				description: 'The user first name',
				displayName: 'Has Access To All Future Projects',
				name: 'has_access_to_all_future_projects',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: false,
				description: 'Whether the user should be automatically added to future projects',
				displayName: 'Is Active',
				name: 'is_active',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: true,
				description: 'Whether the user is active or archived',
				displayName: 'Is Admin',
				name: 'is_admin',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: false,
				description: 'Whether the user has Admin permissions',
				displayName: 'Is Contractor',
				name: 'is_contractor',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: false,
				description: 'Whether the user is a contractor or an employee',
				displayName: 'Is Project Manager',
				name: 'is_project_manager',
				type: 'boolean',
				default: false,
				description: 'Whether the user has Project Manager permissions',
				displayName: 'Last Name',
				name: 'last_name',
				type: 'string',
				default: '',
				description: 'The user last name',
				displayName: 'Roles',
				name: 'roles',
				type: 'string',
				default: '',
				description: 'The role names assigned to this person',
				displayName: 'Timezone',
				name: 'timezone',
				type: 'string',
				default: '',
				// eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-param-description-url-missing-protocol
					'The user’s timezone. Defaults to the company’s timezone. See a list of <a href="/api-v2/introduction/overview/supported-timezones/">supported time zones</a>.',
				displayName: 'Weekly Capacity',
				name: 'weekly_capacity',
				type: 'number',
				typeOptions: {
					minValue: 0,
				default: 126000,
					'The number of hours per week this person is available to work in seconds. Defaults to <code class="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">126000</code> seconds (35 hours).',