import { IRun, IRunExecutionData, Workflow, WorkflowExecuteMode, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { createDeferredPromise, IExecutingWorkflowData, IExecutionsCurrentSummary, } from '.'; export class ActiveExecutions { private nextId = 1; private activeExecutions: { [index: string]: IExecutingWorkflowData; } = {}; private stopExecutions: string[] = []; /** * Add a new active execution * * @param {Workflow} workflow * @param {IRunExecutionData} runExecutionData * @param {WorkflowExecuteMode} mode * @returns {string} * @memberof ActiveExecutions */ add(workflow: Workflow, runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode): string { const executionId = this.nextId++; this.activeExecutions[executionId] = { runExecutionData, startedAt: new Date().getTime(), mode, workflow, postExecutePromises: [], }; return executionId.toString(); } /** * Remove an active execution * * @param {string} executionId * @param {IRun} fullRunData * @returns {void} * @memberof ActiveExecutions */ remove(executionId: string, fullRunData: IRun): void { if (this.activeExecutions[executionId] === undefined) { return; } // Resolve all the waiting promises for (const promise of this.activeExecutions[executionId].postExecutePromises) { promise.resolve(fullRunData); } // Remove from the list of active executions delete this.activeExecutions[executionId]; const stopExecutionIndex = this.stopExecutions.indexOf(executionId); if (stopExecutionIndex !== -1) { // If it was on the stop-execution list remove it this.stopExecutions.splice(stopExecutionIndex, 1); } } /** * Forces an execution to stop * * @param {string} executionId The id of the execution to stop * @returns {(Promise)} * @memberof ActiveExecutions */ async stopExecution(executionId: string): Promise { if (this.activeExecutions[executionId] === undefined) { // There is no execution running with that id return; } if (!this.stopExecutions.includes(executionId)) { // Add the execution to the stop list if it is not already on it this.stopExecutions.push(executionId); } return this.getPostExecutePromise(executionId); } /** * Returns a promise which will resolve with the data of the execution * with the given id * * @param {string} executionId The id of the execution to wait for * @returns {Promise} * @memberof ActiveExecutions */ async getPostExecutePromise(executionId: string): Promise { // Create the promise which will be resolved when the execution finished const waitPromise = await createDeferredPromise(); if (this.activeExecutions[executionId] === undefined) { throw new Error(`There is no active execution with id "${executionId}".`); } this.activeExecutions[executionId].postExecutePromises.push(waitPromise); return waitPromise.promise(); } /** * Returns if the execution should be stopped * * @param {string} executionId The execution id to check * @returns {boolean} * @memberof ActiveExecutions */ shouldBeStopped(executionId: string): boolean { return this.stopExecutions.includes(executionId); } /** * Returns all the currently active executions * * @returns {IExecutionsCurrentSummary[]} * @memberof ActiveExecutions */ getActiveExecutions(): IExecutionsCurrentSummary[] { const returnData: IExecutionsCurrentSummary[] = []; let executionData; for (const id of Object.keys(this.activeExecutions)) { executionData = this.activeExecutions[id]; returnData.push( { id, startedAt: executionData.startedAt, mode: executionData.mode, workflowId:!, } ); } return returnData; } } let activeExecutionsInstance: ActiveExecutions | undefined; export function getInstance(): ActiveExecutions { if (activeExecutionsInstance === undefined) { activeExecutionsInstance = new ActiveExecutions(); } return activeExecutionsInstance; }