/** * Creates event listeners for `data-action` attribute to allow for actions to be called from locale without using * unsafe onclick attribute */ import { reactive, del, computed, onMounted, onUnmounted, getCurrentInstance } from 'vue'; import { globalLinkActionsEventBus } from '@/event-bus'; const state = reactive({ customActions: {} as Record, }); export default () => { function registerCustomAction({ key, action }: { key: string; action: Function }) { state.customActions[key] = action; } function unregisterCustomAction(key: string) { del(state.customActions, key); } function delegateClick(e: MouseEvent) { const clickedElement = e.target; if (!(clickedElement instanceof Element) || clickedElement.tagName !== 'A') return; const actionAttribute = clickedElement.getAttribute('data-action'); if (actionAttribute && typeof availableActions.value[actionAttribute] === 'function') { e.preventDefault(); availableActions.value[actionAttribute](); } } function reload() { if (window.top) { window.top.location.reload(); } else { window.location.reload(); } } const availableActions = computed<{ [key: string]: Function }>(() => ({ reload, ...state.customActions, })); onMounted(() => { const instance = getCurrentInstance(); window.addEventListener('click', delegateClick); globalLinkActionsEventBus.on('registerGlobalLinkAction', registerCustomAction); }); onUnmounted(() => { const instance = getCurrentInstance(); window.removeEventListener('click', delegateClick); globalLinkActionsEventBus.off('registerGlobalLinkAction', registerCustomAction); }); return { registerCustomAction, unregisterCustomAction, }; };