import express from 'express'; import config from '@/config'; import type { Role } from '@db/entities/Role'; import * as testDb from './shared/testDb'; import type { AuthAgent } from './shared/types'; import * as utils from './shared/utils'; import { ILicensePostResponse, ILicenseReadResponse } from '@/Interfaces'; import { LicenseManager } from '@n8n_io/license-sdk'; import { License } from '@/License'; jest.mock('@/telemetry'); jest.mock('@n8n_io/license-sdk'); const MOCK_SERVER_URL = ''; const MOCK_RENEW_OFFSET = 259200; const MOCK_INSTANCE_ID = 'instance-id'; const MOCK_N8N_VERSION = '0.27.0'; let app: express.Application; let testDbName = ''; let globalOwnerRole: Role; let globalMemberRole: Role; let authAgent: AuthAgent; let license: License; beforeAll(async () => { app = await utils.initTestServer({ endpointGroups: ['license'], applyAuth: true }); const initResult = await testDb.init(); testDbName = initResult.testDbName; globalOwnerRole = await testDb.getGlobalOwnerRole(); globalMemberRole = await testDb.getGlobalMemberRole(); authAgent = utils.createAuthAgent(app); utils.initTestLogger(); utils.initTestTelemetry(); config.set('license.serverUrl', MOCK_SERVER_URL); config.set('license.autoRenewEnabled', true); config.set('license.autoRenewOffset', MOCK_RENEW_OFFSET); }); beforeEach(async () => { license = new License(); await license.init(MOCK_INSTANCE_ID, MOCK_N8N_VERSION); }); afterEach(async () => { await testDb.truncate(['Settings'], testDbName); }); afterAll(async () => { await testDb.terminate(testDbName); }); test('GET /license should return license information to the instance owner', async () => { const userShell = await testDb.createUserShell(globalOwnerRole); const response = await authAgent(userShell).get('/license'); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); // No license defined so we just expect the result to be the defaults expect(response.body).toStrictEqual(DEFAULT_LICENSE_RESPONSE); }); test('GET /license should return license information to a regular user', async () => { const userShell = await testDb.createUserShell(globalMemberRole); const response = await authAgent(userShell).get('/license'); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); // No license defined so we just expect the result to be the defaults expect(response.body).toStrictEqual(DEFAULT_LICENSE_RESPONSE); }); test('POST /license/activate should work for instance owner', async () => { const userShell = await testDb.createUserShell(globalOwnerRole); const response = await authAgent(userShell) .post('/license/activate') .send({ activationKey: 'abcde' }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); // No license defined so we just expect the result to be the defaults expect(response.body).toMatchObject(DEFAULT_POST_RESPONSE); }); test('POST /license/activate does not work for regular users', async () => { const userShell = await testDb.createUserShell(globalMemberRole); const response = await authAgent(userShell) .post('/license/activate') .send({ activationKey: 'abcde' }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(403); expect(response.body.message).toBe(NON_OWNER_ACTIVATE_RENEW_MESSAGE); }); test('POST /license/activate errors out properly', async () => { License.prototype.activate = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { throw new Error(INVALID_ACIVATION_KEY_MESSAGE); }); const userShell = await testDb.createUserShell(globalOwnerRole); const response = await authAgent(userShell) .post('/license/activate') .send({ activationKey: 'abcde' }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(400); expect(response.body.message).toBe(INVALID_ACIVATION_KEY_MESSAGE); }); test('POST /license/renew should work for instance owner', async () => { const userShell = await testDb.createUserShell(globalOwnerRole); const response = await authAgent(userShell).post('/license/renew'); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); // No license defined so we just expect the result to be the defaults expect(response.body).toMatchObject(DEFAULT_POST_RESPONSE); }); test('POST /license/renew does not work for regular users', async () => { const userShell = await testDb.createUserShell(globalMemberRole); const response = await authAgent(userShell).post('/license/renew'); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(403); expect(response.body.message).toBe(NON_OWNER_ACTIVATE_RENEW_MESSAGE); }); test('POST /license/renew errors out properly', async () => { License.prototype.renew = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { throw new Error(RENEW_ERROR_MESSAGE); }); const userShell = await testDb.createUserShell(globalOwnerRole); const response = await authAgent(userShell).post('/license/renew'); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(400); expect(response.body.message).toBe(RENEW_ERROR_MESSAGE); }); const DEFAULT_LICENSE_RESPONSE: { data: ILicenseReadResponse } = { data: { usage: { executions: { value: 0, limit: -1, warningThreshold: 0.8, }, }, license: { planId: '', planName: 'Community', }, }, }; const DEFAULT_POST_RESPONSE: { data: ILicensePostResponse } = { data: { usage: { executions: { value: 0, limit: -1, warningThreshold: 0.8, }, }, license: { planId: '', planName: 'Community', }, managementToken: '', }, }; const NON_OWNER_ACTIVATE_RENEW_MESSAGE = 'Only an instance owner may activate or renew a license'; const INVALID_ACIVATION_KEY_MESSAGE = 'Invalid activation key'; const RENEW_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Something went wrong when trying to renew license';