import fs from 'fs'; import { Container } from 'typedi'; import { mock } from 'jest-mock-extended'; import { GlobalConfig } from '../src/index'; jest.mock('fs'); const mockFs = mock(); fs.readFileSync = mockFs.readFileSync; describe('GlobalConfig', () => { beforeEach(() => { Container.reset(); }); const originalEnv = process.env; afterEach(() => { process.env = originalEnv; }); const defaultConfig = { database: { logging: { enabled: false, maxQueryExecutionTime: 0, options: 'error', }, mysqldb: { database: 'n8n', host: 'localhost', password: '', port: 3306, user: 'root', }, postgresdb: { database: 'n8n', host: 'localhost', password: '', poolSize: 2, port: 5432, schema: 'public', ssl: { ca: '', cert: '', enabled: false, key: '', rejectUnauthorized: true, }, user: 'postgres', }, sqlite: { database: 'database.sqlite', enableWAL: false, executeVacuumOnStartup: false, poolSize: 0, }, tablePrefix: '', type: 'sqlite', }, credentials: { defaultName: 'My credentials', overwrite: { data: '{}', endpoint: '', }, }, userManagement: { emails: { mode: 'smtp', smtp: { host: '', port: 465, secure: true, sender: '', startTLS: true, auth: { pass: '', user: '', privateKey: '', serviceClient: '', }, }, template: { credentialsShared: '', invite: '', passwordReset: '', workflowShared: '', }, }, }, eventBus: { checkUnsentInterval: 0, crashRecoveryMode: 'extensive', logWriter: { keepLogCount: 3, logBaseName: 'n8nEventLog', maxFileSizeInKB: 10240, }, }, externalSecrets: { preferGet: false, updateInterval: 300, }, publicApi: { disabled: false, path: 'api', swaggerUiDisabled: false, }, templates: { enabled: true, host: '', }, versionNotifications: { enabled: true, endpoint: '', infoUrl: '', }, }; it('should use all default values when no env variables are defined', () => { process.env = {}; const config = Container.get(GlobalConfig); expect(config).toEqual(defaultConfig); expect(mockFs.readFileSync).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should use values from env variables when defined', () => { process.env = { DB_POSTGRESDB_HOST: 'some-host', DB_POSTGRESDB_USER: 'n8n', DB_TABLE_PREFIX: 'test_', }; const config = Container.get(GlobalConfig); expect(config).toEqual({ ...defaultConfig, database: { logging: defaultConfig.database.logging, mysqldb: defaultConfig.database.mysqldb, postgresdb: { ...defaultConfig.database.postgresdb, host: 'some-host', user: 'n8n', }, sqlite: defaultConfig.database.sqlite, tablePrefix: 'test_', type: 'sqlite', }, }); expect(mockFs.readFileSync).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should use values from env variables when defined and convert them to the correct type', () => { const passwordFile = '/path/to/postgres/password'; process.env = { DB_POSTGRESDB_PASSWORD_FILE: passwordFile, }; mockFs.readFileSync.calledWith(passwordFile, 'utf8').mockReturnValueOnce('password-from-file'); const config = Container.get(GlobalConfig); expect(config).toEqual({ ...defaultConfig, database: { ...defaultConfig.database, postgresdb: { ...defaultConfig.database.postgresdb, password: 'password-from-file', }, }, }); expect(mockFs.readFileSync).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); });