import { IExecuteFunctions, BINARY_ENCODING, } from 'n8n-core'; import { IDataObject, INodeExecutionData, INodeTypeDescription, INodeType, ILoadOptionsFunctions, INodePropertyOptions, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { googleApiRequest, googleApiRequestAllItems, } from './GenericFunctions'; import { channelOperations, channelFields, } from './ChannelDescription'; export class YouTube implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'Youtube', name: 'youTube', icon: 'file:youTube.png', group: ['input'], version: 1, subtitle: '={{$parameter["operation"] + ": " + $parameter["resource"]}}', description: 'Consume YouTube API.', defaults: { name: 'YouTube', color: '#FF0000', }, inputs: ['main'], outputs: ['main'], credentials: [ { name: 'youTubeOAuth2Api', required: true, } ], properties: [ { displayName: 'Resource', name: 'resource', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Channel', value: 'channel', }, ], default: 'channel', description: 'The resource to operate on.' }, ...channelOperations, ...channelFields, ], }; methods = { loadOptions: { // Get all the languages to display them to user so that he can // select them easily async getLanguages( this: ILoadOptionsFunctions ): Promise { const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; const languages = await this, 'items', 'GET', '/youtube/v3/i18nLanguages', ); for (const language of languages) { const languageName =; const languageId =; returnData.push({ name: languageName, value: languageId }); } return returnData; }, } }; async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions): Promise { const items = this.getInputData(); const returnData: IDataObject[] = []; const length = (items.length as unknown) as number; const qs: IDataObject = {}; let responseData; const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource', 0) as string; const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation', 0) as string; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (resource === 'channel') { // if (operation === 'getAll') { const returnAll = this.getNodeParameter('returnAll', i) as boolean; const part = this.getNodeParameter('part', i) as string[]; const options = this.getNodeParameter('options', i) as IDataObject; qs.part = part.join(','); if (options.categoryId) { qs.categoryId = options.categoryId as string; } if (options.forUsername) { qs.forUsername = options.forUsername as string; } if ( { = as string; } if (options.managedByMe) { qs.managedByMe = options.managedByMe as boolean; } if (options.mine) { qs.mine = options.mine as boolean; } if (options.h1) { qs.h1 = options.h1 as string; } if (options.onBehalfOfContentOwner) { qs.onBehalfOfContentOwner = options.onBehalfOfContentOwner as string; } if (returnAll) { responseData = await this, 'items', 'GET', `/youtube/v3/channels`, {}, qs ); } else { qs.maxResults = this.getNodeParameter('limit', i) as number; responseData = await this, 'GET', `/youtube/v3/channels`, {}, qs ); responseData = responseData.items; } } // if (operation === 'update') { const channelId = this.getNodeParameter('channelId', i) as string; const updateFields = this.getNodeParameter('updateFields', i) as IDataObject; const body: IDataObject = { id: channelId, brandingSettings: { channel: {}, image: {}, }, }; qs.part = 'brandingSettings'; if (updateFields.onBehalfOfContentOwner) { qs.onBehalfOfContentOwner = updateFields.onBehalfOfContentOwner as string; } if (updateFields.brandingSettingsUi) { const channelSettingsValues = (updateFields.brandingSettingsUi as IDataObject).channelSettingsValues as IDataObject | undefined; const channelSettings: IDataObject = {}; if (channelSettingsValues?.channel) { const channelSettingsOptions = as IDataObject; if ( { =; } if (channelSettingsOptions.description) { channelSettings.description = channelSettingsOptions.description; } if (channelSettingsOptions.defaultLanguage) { channelSettings.defaultLanguage = channelSettingsOptions.defaultLanguage; } if (channelSettingsOptions.defaultTab) { channelSettings.defaultTab = channelSettingsOptions.defaultTab; } if (channelSettingsOptions.featuredChannelsTitle) { channelSettings.featuredChannelsTitle = channelSettingsOptions.featuredChannelsTitle; } if (channelSettingsOptions.featuredChannelsUrls) { channelSettings.featuredChannelsUrls = channelSettingsOptions.featuredChannelsUrls; } if (channelSettingsOptions.keywords) { channelSettings.keywords = channelSettingsOptions.keywords; } if (channelSettingsOptions.moderateComments) { channelSettings.moderateComments = channelSettingsOptions.moderateComments as boolean; } if (channelSettingsOptions.profileColor) { channelSettings.profileColor = channelSettingsOptions.profileColor as string; } if (channelSettingsOptions.profileColor) { channelSettings.profileColor = channelSettingsOptions.profileColor as string; } if (channelSettingsOptions.showRelatedChannels) { channelSettings.showRelatedChannels = channelSettingsOptions.showRelatedChannels as boolean; } if (channelSettingsOptions.showBrowseView) { channelSettings.showBrowseView = channelSettingsOptions.showBrowseView as boolean; } if (channelSettingsOptions.trackingAnalyticsAccountId) { channelSettings.trackingAnalyticsAccountId = channelSettingsOptions.trackingAnalyticsAccountId as string; } if (channelSettingsOptions.unsubscribedTrailer) { channelSettings.unsubscribedTrailer = channelSettingsOptions.unsubscribedTrailer as string; } } const imageSettingsValues = (updateFields.brandingSettingsUi as IDataObject).imageSettingsValues as IDataObject | undefined; const imageSettings: IDataObject = {}; if (imageSettingsValues?.image) { const imageSettingsOptions = imageSettings.image as IDataObject; if (imageSettingsOptions.bannerExternalUrl) { imageSettings.bannerExternalUrl = imageSettingsOptions.bannerExternalUrl as string } if (imageSettingsOptions.trackingImageUrl) { imageSettings.trackingImageUrl = imageSettingsOptions.trackingImageUrl as string } if (imageSettingsOptions.watchIconImageUrl) { imageSettings.watchIconImageUrl = imageSettingsOptions.watchIconImageUrl as string } } //@ts-ignore = channelSettings; //@ts-ignore body.brandingSettings.image = imageSettings; } responseData = await this, 'PUT', '/youtube/v3/channels', body, qs ); } // if (operation === 'uploadBanner') { const channelId = this.getNodeParameter('channelId', i) as string; const binaryProperty = this.getNodeParameter('binaryProperty', i) as string; let mimeType; // Is binary file to upload const item = items[i]; if (item.binary === undefined) { throw new Error('No binary data exists on item!'); } if (item.binary[binaryProperty] === undefined) { throw new Error(`No binary data property "${binaryProperty}" does not exists on item!`); } if (item.binary[binaryProperty].mimeType) { mimeType = item.binary[binaryProperty].mimeType; } const body = Buffer.from(item.binary[binaryProperty].data, BINARY_ENCODING); const requestOptions = { headers: { 'Content-Type': mimeType, }, json: false, }; let response = await, 'POST', '/upload/youtube/v3/channelBanners/insert', body, qs, undefined, requestOptions); const { url } = JSON.parse(response); qs.part = 'brandingSettings' responseData = await this, 'PUT', `/youtube/v3/channels`, { id: channelId, brandingSettings: { image: { bannerExternalUrl: url, }, }, }, qs, ); } } } if (Array.isArray(responseData)) { returnData.push.apply(returnData, responseData as IDataObject[]); } else if (responseData !== undefined) { returnData.push(responseData as IDataObject); } return [this.helpers.returnJsonArray(returnData)]; } }