import { CORE_NODES_CATEGORY, ERROR_TRIGGER_NODE_TYPE, TEMPLATES_NODES_FILTER } from '@/constants'; import { INodeUi, ITemplatesNode } from '@/Interface'; import dateformat from 'dateformat'; const KEYWORDS_TO_FILTER = ['API', 'OAuth1', 'OAuth2']; const SI_SYMBOL = ['', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E']; export function abbreviateNumber(num: number) { const tier = (Math.log10(Math.abs(num)) / 3) | 0; if (tier === 0) return num; const suffix = SI_SYMBOL[tier]; const scale = Math.pow(10, tier * 3); const scaled = num / scale; return Number(scaled.toFixed(1)) + suffix; } export function convertToDisplayDate (epochTime: number) { return dateformat(epochTime, 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss'); } export function convertToHumanReadableDate (epochTime: number) { return dateformat(epochTime, 'd mmmm, yyyy @ HH:MM Z'); } export function getAppNameFromCredType(name: string) { return name.split(' ').filter((word) => !KEYWORDS_TO_FILTER.includes(word)).join(' '); } export function getStyleTokenValue(name: string): string { const style = getComputedStyle(document.body); return style.getPropertyValue(name); } export function getTriggerNodeServiceName(nodeName: string) { return nodeName.replace(/ trigger/i, ''); } export function getActivatableTriggerNodes(nodes: INodeUi[]) { return nodes.filter((node: INodeUi) => { // Error Trigger does not behave like other triggers and workflows using it can not be activated return !node.disabled && node.type !== ERROR_TRIGGER_NODE_TYPE; }); } export function filterTemplateNodes(nodes: ITemplatesNode[]) { const notCoreNodes = nodes.filter((node: ITemplatesNode) => { return !(node.categories || []).some( (category) => === CORE_NODES_CATEGORY, ); }); const results = notCoreNodes.length > 0 ? notCoreNodes : nodes; return results.filter((elem) => !TEMPLATES_NODES_FILTER.includes(; } export function setPageTitle(title: string) { window.document.title = title; }