import type { INode } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { SortRule, WhereClause } from '../../v2/helpers/interfaces'; import { prepareQueryAndReplacements, wrapData, addWhereClauses, addSortRules, replaceEmptyStringsByNulls, } from '../../v2/helpers/utils'; const mySqlMockNode: INode = { id: '1', name: 'MySQL node', typeVersion: 2, type: 'n8n-nodes-base.mySql', position: [60, 760], parameters: { operation: 'select', }, }; describe('Test MySql V2, prepareQueryAndReplacements', () => { it('should transform query and values', () => { const preparedQuery = prepareQueryAndReplacements( 'SELECT * FROM $1:name WHERE id = $2 AND name = $4 AND $3:name = 28', ['table', 15, 'age', 'Name'], ); expect(preparedQuery).toBeDefined(); expect(preparedQuery.query).toEqual( 'SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE id = ? AND name = ? AND `age` = 28', ); expect(preparedQuery.values.length).toEqual(2); expect(preparedQuery.values[0]).toEqual(15); expect(preparedQuery.values[1]).toEqual('Name'); }); }); describe('Test MySql V2, wrapData', () => { it('should wrap object in json', () => { const data = { id: 1, name: 'Name', }; const wrappedData = wrapData(data); expect(wrappedData).toBeDefined(); expect(wrappedData).toEqual([{ json: data }]); }); it('should wrap each object in array in json', () => { const data = [ { id: 1, name: 'Name', }, { id: 2, name: 'Name 2', }, ]; const wrappedData = wrapData(data); expect(wrappedData).toBeDefined(); expect(wrappedData).toEqual([{ json: data[0] }, { json: data[1] }]); }); it('json key from source should be inside json', () => { const data = { json: { id: 1, name: 'Name', }, }; const wrappedData = wrapData(data); expect(wrappedData).toBeDefined(); expect(wrappedData).toEqual([{ json: data }]); expect(Object.keys(wrappedData[0].json)).toContain('json'); }); }); describe('Test MySql V2, addWhereClauses', () => { it('add where clauses to query', () => { const whereClauses: WhereClause[] = [ { column: 'species', condition: 'equal', value: 'dog' }, { column: 'name', condition: 'equal', value: 'Hunter' }, ]; const [query, values] = addWhereClauses( mySqlMockNode, 0, 'SELECT * FROM `pet`', whereClauses, [], ); expect(query).toEqual('SELECT * FROM `pet` WHERE `species` = ? AND `name` = ?'); expect(values.length).toEqual(2); expect(values[0]).toEqual('dog'); expect(values[1]).toEqual('Hunter'); }); it('add where clauses to query combined by OR', () => { const whereClauses: WhereClause[] = [ { column: 'species', condition: 'equal', value: 'dog' }, { column: 'name', condition: 'equal', value: 'Hunter' }, ]; const [query, values] = addWhereClauses( mySqlMockNode, 0, 'SELECT * FROM `pet`', whereClauses, [], 'OR', ); expect(query).toEqual('SELECT * FROM `pet` WHERE `species` = ? OR `name` = ?'); expect(values.length).toEqual(2); expect(values[0]).toEqual('dog'); expect(values[1]).toEqual('Hunter'); }); }); describe('Test MySql V2, addSortRules', () => { it('should add ORDER by', () => { const sortRules: SortRule[] = [ { column: 'name', direction: 'ASC' }, { column: 'age', direction: 'DESC' }, ]; const [query, values] = addSortRules('SELECT * FROM `pet`', sortRules, []); expect(query).toEqual('SELECT * FROM `pet` ORDER BY `name` ASC, `age` DESC'); expect(values.length).toEqual(0); }); }); describe('Test MySql V2, replaceEmptyStringsByNulls', () => { it('should replace empty strings', () => { const data = [ { json: { id: 1, name: '' } }, { json: { id: '', name: '' } }, { json: { id: null, data: '' } }, ]; const replacedData = replaceEmptyStringsByNulls(data, true); expect(replacedData).toBeDefined(); expect(replacedData).toEqual([ { json: { id: 1, name: null } }, { json: { id: null, name: null } }, { json: { id: null, data: null } }, ]); }); it('should not replace empty strings', () => { const data = [{ json: { id: 1, name: '' } }]; const replacedData = replaceEmptyStringsByNulls(data); expect(replacedData).toBeDefined(); expect(replacedData).toEqual([{ json: { id: 1, name: '' } }]); }); });