#!/usr/bin/env zx /** * This script runs the benchmarks for the given n8n setup. */ // @ts-check import path from 'path'; import { $, argv, fs } from 'zx'; import { DockerComposeClient } from './clients/docker-compose-client.mjs'; import { flagsObjectToCliArgs } from './utils/flags.mjs'; const paths = { n8nSetupsDir: path.join(__dirname, 'n8n-setups'), mockApiDataPath: path.join(__dirname, 'mock-api'), }; const N8N_ENCRYPTION_KEY = 'very-secret-encryption-key'; async function main() { const [n8nSetupToUse] = argv._; validateN8nSetup(n8nSetupToUse); const composeFilePath = path.join(paths.n8nSetupsDir, n8nSetupToUse); const setupScriptPath = path.join(paths.n8nSetupsDir, n8nSetupToUse, 'setup.mjs'); const n8nTag = argv.n8nDockerTag || process.env.N8N_DOCKER_TAG || 'latest'; const benchmarkTag = argv.benchmarkDockerTag || process.env.BENCHMARK_DOCKER_TAG || 'latest'; const k6ApiToken = argv.k6ApiToken || process.env.K6_API_TOKEN || undefined; const resultWebhookUrl = argv.resultWebhookUrl || process.env.BENCHMARK_RESULT_WEBHOOK_URL || undefined; const resultWebhookAuthHeader = argv.resultWebhookAuthHeader || process.env.BENCHMARK_RESULT_WEBHOOK_AUTH_HEADER || undefined; const baseRunDir = argv.runDir || process.env.RUN_DIR || '/n8n'; const n8nLicenseCert = argv.n8nLicenseCert || process.env.N8N_LICENSE_CERT || undefined; const n8nLicenseActivationKey = process.env.N8N_LICENSE_ACTIVATION_KEY || undefined; const n8nLicenseTenantId = argv.n8nLicenseTenantId || process.env.N8N_LICENSE_TENANT_ID || '1'; const envTag = argv.env || 'local'; const vus = argv.vus; const duration = argv.duration; const hasN8nLicense = !!n8nLicenseCert || !!n8nLicenseActivationKey; if (n8nSetupToUse === 'scaling-multi-main' && !hasN8nLicense) { console.error( 'n8n license is required to run the multi-main scaling setup. Please provide N8N_LICENSE_CERT or N8N_LICENSE_ACTIVATION_KEY (and N8N_LICENSE_TENANT_ID if needed)', ); process.exit(1); } if (!fs.existsSync(baseRunDir)) { console.error( `The run directory "${baseRunDir}" does not exist. Please specify a valid directory using --runDir`, ); process.exit(1); } const runDir = path.join(baseRunDir, n8nSetupToUse); fs.emptyDirSync(runDir); const dockerComposeClient = new DockerComposeClient({ $: $({ cwd: composeFilePath, verbose: true, env: { PATH: process.env.PATH, N8N_VERSION: n8nTag, N8N_LICENSE_CERT: n8nLicenseCert, N8N_LICENSE_ACTIVATION_KEY: n8nLicenseActivationKey, N8N_LICENSE_TENANT_ID: n8nLicenseTenantId, N8N_ENCRYPTION_KEY, BENCHMARK_VERSION: benchmarkTag, K6_API_TOKEN: k6ApiToken, BENCHMARK_RESULT_WEBHOOK_URL: resultWebhookUrl, BENCHMARK_RESULT_WEBHOOK_AUTH_HEADER: resultWebhookAuthHeader, RUN_DIR: runDir, MOCK_API_DATA_PATH: paths.mockApiDataPath, }, }), }); // Run the setup script if it exists if (fs.existsSync(setupScriptPath)) { const setupScript = await import(setupScriptPath); await setupScript.setup({ runDir }); } try { await dockerComposeClient.$('up', '-d', '--remove-orphans', 'n8n'); const tags = Object.entries({ Env: envTag, N8nVersion: n8nTag, N8nSetup: n8nSetupToUse, }) .map(([key, value]) => `${key}=${value}`) .join(','); const cliArgs = flagsObjectToCliArgs({ scenarioNamePrefix: n8nSetupToUse, vus, duration, tags, }); await dockerComposeClient.$('run', 'benchmark', 'run', ...cliArgs); } catch (error) { console.error('An error occurred while running the benchmarks:'); console.error(error.message); console.error(''); await printContainerStatus(dockerComposeClient); console.error(''); await dumpLogs(dockerComposeClient); } finally { await dockerComposeClient.$('down'); } } async function printContainerStatus(dockerComposeClient) { console.error('Container statuses:'); await dockerComposeClient.$('ps', '-a'); } async function dumpLogs(dockerComposeClient) { console.error('Container logs:'); await dockerComposeClient.$('logs'); } function printUsage() { const availableSetups = getAllN8nSetups(); console.log('Usage: zx runForN8nSetup.mjs --runDir /path/for/n8n/data '); console.log(` eg: zx runForN8nSetup.mjs --runDir /path/for/n8n/data ${availableSetups[0]}`); console.log(''); console.log('Flags:'); console.log( ' --runDir Directory to share with the n8n container for storing data. Default is /n8n', ); console.log(' --n8nDockerTag Docker tag for n8n image. Default is latest'); console.log( ' --benchmarkDockerTag Docker tag for benchmark cli image. Default is latest', ); console.log(' --k6ApiToken K6 API token to upload the results'); console.log(''); console.log('Available setups:'); console.log(availableSetups.join(', ')); } /** * @returns {string[]} */ function getAllN8nSetups() { return fs.readdirSync(paths.n8nSetupsDir); } function validateN8nSetup(givenSetup) { const availableSetups = getAllN8nSetups(); if (!availableSetups.includes(givenSetup)) { printUsage(); process.exit(1); } } main();