#!/usr/bin/env zx /** * Script to run benchmarks on the cloud benchmark environment. * This script will: * 1. Provision a benchmark environment using Terraform. * 2. Run the benchmarks on the VM. * 3. Destroy the cloud environment. * * NOTE: Must be run in the root of the package. */ // @ts-check import { sleep, which, $, tmpdir } from 'zx'; import path from 'path'; import { SshClient } from './clients/sshClient.mjs'; import { TerraformClient } from './clients/terraformClient.mjs'; import { flagsObjectToCliArgs } from './utils/flags.mjs'; /** * @typedef {Object} BenchmarkEnv * @property {string} vmName * @property {string} ip * @property {string} sshUsername * @property {string} sshPrivateKeyPath */ /** * @typedef {Object} Config * @property {boolean} isVerbose * @property {string[]} n8nSetupsToUse * @property {string} n8nTag * @property {string} benchmarkTag * @property {string} [k6ApiToken] * @property {string} [n8nLicenseCert] * @property {string} [vus] * @property {string} [duration] * * @param {Config} config */ export async function runInCloud(config) { await ensureDependencies(); const terraformClient = new TerraformClient({ isVerbose: config.isVerbose, }); const benchmarkEnv = await terraformClient.getTerraformOutputs(); await runBenchmarksOnVm(config, benchmarkEnv); } async function ensureDependencies() { await which('terraform'); await which('az'); } /** * @param {Config} config * @param {BenchmarkEnv} benchmarkEnv */ async function runBenchmarksOnVm(config, benchmarkEnv) { console.log(`Setting up the environment...`); const sshClient = new SshClient({ ip: benchmarkEnv.ip, username: benchmarkEnv.sshUsername, privateKeyPath: benchmarkEnv.sshPrivateKeyPath, verbose: config.isVerbose, }); await ensureVmIsReachable(sshClient); const scriptsDir = await transferScriptsToVm(sshClient, config); // Bootstrap the environment with dependencies console.log('Running bootstrap script...'); const bootstrapScriptPath = path.join(scriptsDir, 'bootstrap.sh'); await sshClient.ssh(`chmod a+x ${bootstrapScriptPath} && ${bootstrapScriptPath}`); // Give some time for the VM to be ready await sleep(1000); for (const n8nSetup of config.n8nSetupsToUse) { await runBenchmarkForN8nSetup({ config, sshClient, scriptsDir, n8nSetup, }); } } /** * @param {{ config: Config; sshClient: any; scriptsDir: string; n8nSetup: string; }} opts */ async function runBenchmarkForN8nSetup({ config, sshClient, scriptsDir, n8nSetup }) { console.log(`Running benchmarks for ${n8nSetup}...`); const runScriptPath = path.join(scriptsDir, 'runForN8nSetup.mjs'); const cliArgs = flagsObjectToCliArgs({ n8nDockerTag: config.n8nTag, benchmarkDockerTag: config.benchmarkTag, k6ApiToken: config.k6ApiToken, n8nLicenseCert: config.n8nLicenseCert, vus: config.vus, duration: config.duration, }); const flagsString = cliArgs.join(' '); await sshClient.ssh(`npx zx ${runScriptPath} ${flagsString} ${n8nSetup}`, { // Test run should always log its output verbose: true, }); } async function ensureVmIsReachable(sshClient) { try { await sshClient.ssh('echo "VM is reachable"'); } catch (error) { console.error(`VM is not reachable: ${error.message}`); console.error( `Did you provision the cloud environment first with 'pnpm provision-cloud-env'? You can also run the benchmarks locally with 'pnpm run benchmark-locally'.`, ); process.exit(1); } } /** * @returns Path where the scripts are located on the VM */ async function transferScriptsToVm(sshClient, config) { const cwd = process.cwd(); const scriptsDir = path.resolve(cwd, './scripts'); const tarFilename = 'scripts.tar.gz'; const scriptsTarPath = path.join(tmpdir('n8n-benchmark'), tarFilename); const $$ = $({ verbose: config.isVerbose }); // Compress the scripts folder await $$`tar -czf ${scriptsTarPath} ${scriptsDir} -C ${cwd} ./scripts`; // Transfer the scripts to the VM await sshClient.scp(scriptsTarPath, `~/${tarFilename}`); // Extract the scripts on the VM await sshClient.ssh(`tar -xzf ~/${tarFilename}`); return '~/scripts'; }