import type { IExecuteFunctions, IHookFunctions, ILoadOptionsFunctions, IHttpRequestMethods, INode, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import nock from 'nock'; import { setup, equalityTest, workflowToTests, getWorkflowFilenames } from '@test/nodes/Helpers'; import { profileResponse } from './apiResponses'; import { ouraApiRequest } from '../GenericFunctions'; const node: INode = { id: '2cdb46cf-b561-4537-a982-b8d26dd7718b', name: 'Oura', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.oura', typeVersion: 1, position: [0, 0], parameters: { resource: 'profile', operation: 'get', }, }; const mockThis = { helpers: { httpRequestWithAuthentication: jest .fn() .mockResolvedValue({ statusCode: 200, data: profileResponse }), }, getNode() { return node; }, getNodeParameter: jest.fn(), } as unknown as IHookFunctions | IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions; describe('Oura', () => { describe('ouraApiRequest', () => { it('should make an authenticated API request to Oura', async () => { const method: IHttpRequestMethods = 'GET'; const resource = '/usercollection/personal_info'; await, method, resource); expect(mockThis.helpers.httpRequestWithAuthentication).toHaveBeenCalledWith('ouraApi', { method: 'GET', url: '', json: true, }); }); }); describe('Run Oura workflow', () => { const workflows = getWorkflowFilenames(__dirname); const tests = workflowToTests(workflows); beforeAll(() => { nock.disableNetConnect(); nock('') .get('/usercollection/personal_info') .reply(200, profileResponse); }); afterAll(() => { nock.restore(); }); const nodeTypes = setup(tests); for (const testData of tests) { test(testData.description, async () => await equalityTest(testData, nodeTypes)); } }); });