import { mock, mockFn } from 'jest-mock-extended'; import { ActiveExecutionService } from '@/executions/active-execution.service'; import config from '@/config'; import type { ExecutionRepository } from '@db/repositories/execution.repository'; import type { ActiveExecutions } from '@/ActiveExecutions'; import type { Job, Queue } from '@/Queue'; import type { IExecutionBase, IExecutionsCurrentSummary } from '@/Interfaces'; import type { WaitTracker } from '@/WaitTracker'; describe('ActiveExecutionsService', () => { const queue = mock(); const activeExecutions = mock(); const executionRepository = mock(); const waitTracker = mock(); const jobIds = ['j1', 'j2']; const jobs = => mock({ data: { executionId } })); const activeExecutionService = new ActiveExecutionService( mock(), queue, activeExecutions, executionRepository, waitTracker, ); const getEnv = mockFn<(typeof config)['getEnv']>(); config.getEnv = getEnv; beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); describe('stop()', () => { describe('in regular mode', () => { getEnv.calledWith('executions.mode').mockReturnValue('regular'); it('should call `ActiveExecutions.stopExecution()`', async () => { const execution = mock({ id: '123' }); await activeExecutionService.stop(execution); expect(activeExecutions.stopExecution).toHaveBeenCalledWith(; }); it('should call `WaitTracker.stopExecution()` if `ActiveExecutions.stopExecution()` found no execution', async () => { activeExecutions.stopExecution.mockResolvedValue(undefined); const execution = mock({ id: '123' }); await activeExecutionService.stop(execution); expect(waitTracker.stopExecution).toHaveBeenCalledWith(; }); }); describe('in queue mode', () => { it('should call `ActiveExecutions.stopExecution()`', async () => { const execution = mock({ id: '123' }); await activeExecutionService.stop(execution); expect(activeExecutions.stopExecution).toHaveBeenCalledWith(; }); it('should call `WaitTracker.stopExecution` if `ActiveExecutions.stopExecution()` found no execution', async () => { activeExecutions.stopExecution.mockResolvedValue(undefined); const execution = mock({ id: '123' }); await activeExecutionService.stop(execution); expect(waitTracker.stopExecution).toHaveBeenCalledWith(; }); }); }); describe('findManyInQueueMode()', () => { it('should query for active jobs, waiting jobs, and in-memory executions', async () => { const sharedWorkflowIds = ['123']; const filter = {}; const executionIds = ['e1', 'e2']; const summaries = => mock({ id: e })); activeExecutions.getActiveExecutions.mockReturnValue(summaries); queue.getJobs.mockResolvedValue(jobs); executionRepository.findMultipleExecutions.mockResolvedValue([]); executionRepository.getManyActive.mockResolvedValue([]); await activeExecutionService.findManyInQueueMode(filter, sharedWorkflowIds); expect(queue.getJobs).toHaveBeenCalledWith(['active', 'waiting']); expect(executionRepository.getManyActive).toHaveBeenCalledWith( jobIds.concat(executionIds), sharedWorkflowIds, filter, ); }); }); describe('findManyInRegularMode()', () => { it('should return summaries of in-memory executions', async () => { const sharedWorkflowIds = ['123']; const filter = {}; const executionIds = ['e1', 'e2']; const summaries = => mock({ id: e, workflowId: '123', status: 'running' }), ); activeExecutions.getActiveExecutions.mockReturnValue(summaries); const result = await activeExecutionService.findManyInRegularMode(filter, sharedWorkflowIds); expect(result).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ id: 'e1', workflowId: '123', status: 'running', }), expect.objectContaining({ id: 'e2', workflowId: '123', status: 'running', }), ]); }); }); });