import { v5 as uuidv5, v3 as uuidv3, v4 as uuidv4, v1 as uuidv1 } from 'uuid';
import { ANONYMIZATION_CHARACTER as CHAR, getDomainBase, getDomainPath } from '@/TelemetryHelpers';

describe('getDomainBase should return protocol plus domain', () => {
	test('in valid URLs', () => {
		for (const url of validUrls(numericId)) {
			const { full, protocolPlusDomain } = url;

	test('in malformed URLs', () => {
		for (const url of malformedUrls(numericId)) {
			const { full, protocolPlusDomain } = url;

describe('getDomainPath should return pathname, excluding query string', () => {
	describe('anonymizing strings containing at least one number', () => {
		test('in valid URLs', () => {
			for (const url of validUrls(alphanumericId)) {
				const { full, pathname } = url;

		test('in malformed URLs', () => {
			for (const url of malformedUrls(alphanumericId)) {
				const { full, pathname } = url;

	describe('anonymizing UUIDs', () => {
		test('in valid URLs', () => {
			for (const url of uuidUrls(validUrls)) {
				const { full, pathname } = url;

		test('in malformed URLs', () => {
			for (const url of uuidUrls(malformedUrls)) {
				const { full, pathname } = url;

	describe('anonymizing emails', () => {
		test('in valid URLs', () => {
			for (const url of validUrls(email)) {
				const { full, pathname } = url;

		test('in malformed URLs', () => {
			for (const url of malformedUrls(email)) {
				const { full, pathname } = url;

function validUrls(idMaker: typeof alphanumericId | typeof email, char = CHAR) {
	const firstId = idMaker();
	const secondId = idMaker();
	const firstIdObscured = char.repeat(firstId.length);
	const secondIdObscured = char.repeat(secondId.length);

	return [
			full: `${firstId}`,
			protocolPlusDomain: '',
			pathname: `/api/v1/users/${firstIdObscured}`,
			full: `${firstId}/`,
			protocolPlusDomain: '',
			pathname: `/api/v1/users/${firstIdObscured}/`,
			full: `${firstId}/posts/${secondId}`,
			protocolPlusDomain: '',
			pathname: `/api/v1/users/${firstIdObscured}/posts/${secondIdObscured}`,
			full: `${firstId}/posts/${secondId}/`,
			protocolPlusDomain: '',
			pathname: `/api/v1/users/${firstIdObscured}/posts/${secondIdObscured}/`,
			full: `${firstId}/posts/${secondId}/`,
			protocolPlusDomain: '',
			pathname: `/api/v1/users/${firstIdObscured}/posts/${secondIdObscured}/`,
			full: `${firstId}`,
			protocolPlusDomain: '',
			pathname: '/api/v1/users',
			full: `${firstId}&post=${secondId}`,
			protocolPlusDomain: '',
			pathname: '/api/v1/users',
			full: `${firstId}/posts/${secondId}`,
			protocolPlusDomain: '',
			pathname: `/api/v1/users/${firstIdObscured}/posts/${secondIdObscured}`,

function malformedUrls(idMaker: typeof numericId | typeof email, char = CHAR) {
	const firstId = idMaker();
	const secondId = idMaker();
	const firstIdObscured = char.repeat(firstId.length);
	const secondIdObscured = char.repeat(secondId.length);

	return [
			full: `${firstId}/posts/${secondId}/`,
			protocolPlusDomain: '',
			pathname: `/api/v1/users/${firstIdObscured}/posts/${secondIdObscured}/`,
			full: `htp://${firstId}/posts/${secondId}/`,
			protocolPlusDomain: 'htp://',
			pathname: `/api/v1/users/${firstIdObscured}/posts/${secondIdObscured}/`,
			full: `${firstId}`,
			protocolPlusDomain: '',
			pathname: '/api/v1/users',
			full: `${firstId}&post=${secondId}`,
			protocolPlusDomain: '',
			pathname: '/api/v1/users',

const email = () => encodeURIComponent('');

function uuidUrls(
	urlsMaker: typeof validUrls | typeof malformedUrls,
	baseName = 'test',
	namespaceUuid = uuidv4(),
) {
	return [
		...urlsMaker(() => uuidv5(baseName, namespaceUuid)),
		...urlsMaker(() => uuidv3(baseName, namespaceUuid)),

function digit() {
	return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);

function positiveDigit(): number {
	const d = digit();

	return d === 0 ? positiveDigit() : d;

function numericId(length = positiveDigit()) {
	return Array.from({ length }, digit).join('');

function alphanumericId() {
	return chooseRandomly([`john${numericId()}`, `title${numericId(1)}`, numericId()]);

const chooseRandomly = <T>(array: T[]) => array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];