/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */ import { RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGES as CORE_RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGES } from 'n8n-core'; export const NODE_PACKAGE_PREFIX = 'n8n-nodes-'; export const STARTER_TEMPLATE_NAME = `${NODE_PACKAGE_PREFIX}starter`; export const RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGES = { NO_CREDENTIAL: 'Credential not found', NO_ENCRYPTION_KEY: CORE_RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGES.NO_ENCRYPTION_KEY, PACKAGE_NAME_NOT_PROVIDED: 'Package name is required', PACKAGE_NAME_NOT_VALID: `Package name is not valid - it must start with "${NODE_PACKAGE_PREFIX}"`, PACKAGE_NOT_INSTALLED: 'This package is not installed - you must install it first', PACKAGE_FAILED_TO_INSTALL: 'Package could not be installed - check logs for details', PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND: 'Package not found in npm', PACKAGE_VERSION_NOT_FOUND: 'The specified package version was not found', PACKAGE_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_NODES: 'The specified package does not contain any nodes', DISK_IS_FULL: 'There appears to be insufficient disk space', }; export const AUTH_COOKIE_NAME = 'n8n-auth'; export const NPM_COMMAND_TOKENS = { NPM_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR: '404 Not Found', NPM_PACKAGE_VERSION_NOT_FOUND_ERROR: 'No matching version found for', NPM_NO_VERSION_AVAILABLE: 'No valid versions available', NPM_DISK_NO_SPACE: 'ENOSPC', NPM_DISK_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE: 'insufficient space', }; export const NPM_PACKAGE_STATUS_GOOD = 'OK'; export const UNKNOWN_FAILURE_REASON = 'Unknown failure reason'; export const WORKFLOW_REACTIVATE_INITIAL_TIMEOUT = 1000; export const WORKFLOW_REACTIVATE_MAX_TIMEOUT = 180000;