import type { IDataObject, IExecuteFunctions, INodeExecutionData, INodeProperties, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { NodeOperationError } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { PgpDatabase, QueriesRunner, QueryValues, QueryWithValues, } from '../../helpers/interfaces'; import { addReturning, checkItemAgainstSchema, getTableSchema, prepareItem, replaceEmptyStringsByNulls, configureTableSchemaUpdater, } from '../../helpers/utils'; import { optionsCollection } from '../common.descriptions'; import { updateDisplayOptions } from '@utils/utilities'; const properties: INodeProperties[] = [ { displayName: 'Data Mode', name: 'dataMode', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Auto-Map Input Data to Columns', value: 'autoMapInputData', description: 'Use when node input properties names exactly match the table column names', }, { name: 'Map Each Column Manually', value: 'defineBelow', description: 'Set the value for each destination column manually', }, ], default: 'autoMapInputData', description: 'Whether to map node input properties and the table data automatically or manually', displayOptions: { show: { '@version': [2, 2.1], }, }, }, { displayName: ` In this mode, make sure incoming data fields are named the same as the columns in your table. If needed, use a 'Set' node before this node to change the field names. `, name: 'notice', type: 'notice', default: '', displayOptions: { show: { dataMode: ['autoMapInputData'], '@version': [2, 2.1], }, }, }, { // eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-param-display-name-wrong-for-dynamic-options displayName: 'Unique Column', name: 'columnToMatchOn', type: 'options', required: true, // eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-param-description-wrong-for-dynamic-options description: 'The column to compare when finding the rows to update. Choose from the list, or specify an ID using an expression.', typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: 'getColumns', loadOptionsDependsOn: ['schema.value', 'table.value'], }, default: '', hint: "Used to find the correct row(s) to update. Doesn't get changed. Has to be unique.", displayOptions: { show: { '@version': [2, 2.1], }, }, }, { displayName: 'Value of Unique Column', name: 'valueToMatchOn', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'Rows with a value in the specified "Column to Match On" that corresponds to the value in this field will be updated. New rows will be created for non-matching items.', displayOptions: { show: { dataMode: ['defineBelow'], '@version': [2, 2.1], }, }, }, { displayName: 'Values to Send', name: 'valuesToSend', placeholder: 'Add Value', type: 'fixedCollection', typeOptions: { multipleValueButtonText: 'Add Value', multipleValues: true, }, displayOptions: { show: { dataMode: ['defineBelow'], '@version': [2, 2.1], }, }, default: {}, options: [ { displayName: 'Values', name: 'values', values: [ { // eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-param-display-name-wrong-for-dynamic-options displayName: 'Column', name: 'column', type: 'options', // eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-param-description-wrong-for-dynamic-options description: 'Choose from the list, or specify an ID using an expression', typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: 'getColumnsWithoutColumnToMatchOn', loadOptionsDependsOn: ['schema.value', 'table.value'], }, default: [], }, { displayName: 'Value', name: 'value', type: 'string', default: '', }, ], }, ], }, { displayName: 'Columns', name: 'columns', type: 'resourceMapper', noDataExpression: true, default: { mappingMode: 'defineBelow', value: null, }, required: true, typeOptions: { loadOptionsDependsOn: ['table.value', 'operation'], resourceMapper: { resourceMapperMethod: 'getMappingColumns', mode: 'upsert', fieldWords: { singular: 'column', plural: 'columns', }, addAllFields: true, multiKeyMatch: true, }, }, displayOptions: { show: { '@version': [2.2, 2.3], }, }, }, optionsCollection, ]; const displayOptions = { show: { resource: ['database'], operation: ['upsert'], }, hide: { table: [''], }, }; export const description = updateDisplayOptions(displayOptions, properties); export async function execute( this: IExecuteFunctions, runQueries: QueriesRunner, items: INodeExecutionData[], nodeOptions: IDataObject, db: PgpDatabase, ): Promise { items = replaceEmptyStringsByNulls(items, nodeOptions.replaceEmptyStrings as boolean); const nodeVersion = nodeOptions.nodeVersion as number; let schema = this.getNodeParameter('schema', 0, undefined, { extractValue: true, }) as string; let table = this.getNodeParameter('table', 0, undefined, { extractValue: true, }) as string; const updateTableSchema = configureTableSchemaUpdater(schema, table); let tableSchema = await getTableSchema(db, schema, table); const queries: QueryWithValues[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { schema = this.getNodeParameter('schema', i, undefined, { extractValue: true, }) as string; table = this.getNodeParameter('table', i, undefined, { extractValue: true, }) as string; const columnsToMatchOn: string[] = nodeVersion < 2.2 ? [this.getNodeParameter('columnToMatchOn', i) as string] : (this.getNodeParameter('columns.matchingColumns', i) as string[]); const dataMode = nodeVersion < 2.2 ? (this.getNodeParameter('dataMode', i) as string) : (this.getNodeParameter('columns.mappingMode', i) as string); let item: IDataObject = {}; if (dataMode === 'autoMapInputData') { item = items[i].json; } if (dataMode === 'defineBelow') { const valuesToSend = nodeVersion < 2.2 ? ((this.getNodeParameter('valuesToSend', i, []) as IDataObject).values as IDataObject[]) : ((this.getNodeParameter('columns.values', i, []) as IDataObject) .values as IDataObject[]); if (nodeVersion < 2.2) { item = prepareItem(valuesToSend); item[columnsToMatchOn[0]] = this.getNodeParameter('valueToMatchOn', i) as string; } else { item = this.getNodeParameter('columns.value', i) as IDataObject; } } if (!item[columnsToMatchOn[0]]) { throw new NodeOperationError( this.getNode(), "Column to match on not found in input item. Add a column to match on or set the 'Data Mode' to 'Define Below' to define the value to match on.", ); } if (item[columnsToMatchOn[0]] && Object.keys(item).length === 1) { throw new NodeOperationError( this.getNode(), "Add values to update or insert to the input item or set the 'Data Mode' to 'Define Below' to define the values to insert or update.", ); } tableSchema = await updateTableSchema(db, tableSchema, schema, table); item = checkItemAgainstSchema(this.getNode(), item, tableSchema, i); let values: QueryValues = [schema, table]; let valuesLength = values.length + 1; const conflictColumns: string[] = []; columnsToMatchOn.forEach((column) => { conflictColumns.push(`$${valuesLength}:name`); valuesLength = valuesLength + 1; values.push(column); }); const onConflict = ` ON CONFLICT (${conflictColumns.join(',')}) DO UPDATE `; const insertQuery = `INSERT INTO $1:name.$2:name($${valuesLength}:name) VALUES($${valuesLength}:csv)${onConflict}`; valuesLength = valuesLength + 1; values.push(item); const updateColumns = Object.keys(item).filter((column) => !columnsToMatchOn.includes(column)); const updates: string[] = []; for (const column of updateColumns) { updates.push(`$${valuesLength}:name = $${valuesLength + 1}`); valuesLength = valuesLength + 2; values.push(column, item[column] as string); } let query = `${insertQuery} SET ${updates.join(', ')}`; const outputColumns = this.getNodeParameter('options.outputColumns', i, ['*']) as string[]; [query, values] = addReturning(query, outputColumns, values); queries.push({ query, values }); } return runQueries(queries, items, nodeOptions); }