import type { IHookFunctions, IWebhookFunctions, ILoadOptionsFunctions, INodeListSearchItems, INodeListSearchResult, INodeType, INodeTypeDescription, IWebhookResponseData, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { jsonParse, NodeConnectionType, NodeOperationError } from 'n8n-workflow'; import get from 'lodash/get'; import { awsApiRequestSOAP } from './GenericFunctions'; export class AwsSnsTrigger implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'AWS SNS Trigger', subtitle: '={{$parameter["topic"].split(\':\')[5]}}', name: 'awsSnsTrigger', icon: 'file:sns.svg', group: ['trigger'], version: 1, description: 'Handle AWS SNS events via webhooks', defaults: { name: 'AWS SNS Trigger', }, inputs: [], outputs: [NodeConnectionType.Main], credentials: [ { name: 'aws', required: true, }, ], webhooks: [ { name: 'default', httpMethod: 'POST', responseMode: 'onReceived', path: 'webhook', }, ], properties: [ { displayName: 'Topic', name: 'topic', type: 'resourceLocator', default: { mode: 'list', value: '' }, required: true, modes: [ { displayName: 'From List', name: 'list', type: 'list', placeholder: 'Select a topic...', typeOptions: { searchListMethod: 'listTopics', searchable: true, }, }, { displayName: 'By URL', name: 'url', type: 'string', placeholder: '', validation: [ { type: 'regex', properties: { regex: 'https:\\/\\/[0-9a-zA-Z\\-_]+\\.console\\.aws\\.amazon\\.com\\/sns\\/v3\\/home\\?region\\=[0-9a-zA-Z\\-_]+\\#\\/topic\\/arn:aws:sns:[0-9a-zA-Z\\-_]+:[0-9]+:[0-9a-zA-Z\\-_]+(?:\\/.*|)', errorMessage: 'Not a valid AWS SNS Topic URL', }, }, ], extractValue: { type: 'regex', regex: 'https:\\/\\/[0-9a-zA-Z\\-_]+\\.console\\.aws\\.amazon\\.com\\/sns\\/v3\\/home\\?region\\=[0-9a-zA-Z\\-_]+\\#\\/topic\\/(arn:aws:sns:[0-9a-zA-Z\\-_]+:[0-9]+:[0-9a-zA-Z\\-_]+)(?:\\/.*|)', }, }, { displayName: 'ID', name: 'id', type: 'string', validation: [ { type: 'regex', properties: { regex: 'arn:aws:sns:[0-9a-zA-Z\\-_]+:[0-9]+:[0-9a-zA-Z\\-_]+', errorMessage: 'Not a valid AWS SNS Topic ARN', }, }, ], placeholder: 'arn:aws:sns:your-aws-region:777777777777:your_topic', }, ], }, ], }; methods = { listSearch: { async listTopics( this: ILoadOptionsFunctions, filter?: string, paginationToken?: string, ): Promise<INodeListSearchResult> { const returnData: INodeListSearchItems[] = []; const params = paginationToken ? `NextToken=${encodeURIComponent(paginationToken)}` : ''; const data = await this, 'sns', 'GET', '/?Action=ListTopics&' + params, ); let topics = data.ListTopicsResponse.ListTopicsResult.Topics.member; const nextToken = data.ListTopicsResponse.ListTopicsResult.NextToken; if (nextToken) { paginationToken = nextToken as string; } else { paginationToken = undefined; } if (!Array.isArray(topics)) { topics = [topics]; } for (const topic of topics) { const topicArn = topic.TopicArn as string; const arnParsed = topicArn.split(':'); const topicName = arnParsed[5]; const awsRegion = arnParsed[3]; if (filter && !topicName.includes(filter)) { continue; } returnData.push({ name: topicName, value: topicArn, url: `https://${awsRegion}${awsRegion}#/topic/${topicArn}`, }); } return { results: returnData, paginationToken }; }, }, }; webhookMethods = { default: { async checkExists(this: IHookFunctions): Promise<boolean> { const webhookData = this.getWorkflowStaticData('node'); const topic = this.getNodeParameter('topic', undefined, { extractValue: true, }) as string; if (webhookData.webhookId === undefined) { return false; } const params = [`TopicArn=${topic}`, 'Version=2010-03-31']; const data = await this, 'sns', 'GET', '/?Action=ListSubscriptionsByTopic&' + params.join('&'), ); const subscriptions = get( data, 'ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse.ListSubscriptionsByTopicResult.Subscriptions', ); if (!subscriptions?.member) { return false; } let subscriptionMembers = subscriptions.member; if (!Array.isArray(subscriptionMembers)) { subscriptionMembers = [subscriptionMembers]; } for (const subscription of subscriptionMembers) { if (webhookData.webhookId === subscription.SubscriptionArn) { return true; } } return false; }, async create(this: IHookFunctions): Promise<boolean> { const webhookData = this.getWorkflowStaticData('node'); const webhookUrl = this.getNodeWebhookUrl('default') as string; const topic = this.getNodeParameter('topic', undefined, { extractValue: true, }) as string; if (webhookUrl.includes('%20')) { throw new NodeOperationError( this.getNode(), 'The name of the SNS Trigger Node is not allowed to contain any spaces!', ); } const params = [ `TopicArn=${topic}`, `Endpoint=${webhookUrl}`, `Protocol=${webhookUrl?.split(':')[0]}`, 'ReturnSubscriptionArn=true', 'Version=2010-03-31', ]; const { SubscribeResponse } = await this, 'sns', 'GET', '/?Action=Subscribe&' + params.join('&'), ); webhookData.webhookId = SubscribeResponse.SubscribeResult.SubscriptionArn; return true; }, async delete(this: IHookFunctions): Promise<boolean> { const webhookData = this.getWorkflowStaticData('node'); const params = [`SubscriptionArn=${webhookData.webhookId}`, 'Version=2010-03-31']; try { await this, 'sns', 'GET', '/?Action=Unsubscribe&' + params.join('&'), ); } catch (error) { return false; } delete webhookData.webhookId; return true; }, }, }; async webhook(this: IWebhookFunctions): Promise<IWebhookResponseData> { const req = this.getRequestObject(); const topic = this.getNodeParameter('topic', undefined, { extractValue: true, }) as string; const body = jsonParse<{ Type: string; TopicArn: string; Token: string }>( req.rawBody.toString(), ); if (body.Type === 'SubscriptionConfirmation' && body.TopicArn === topic) { const { Token } = body; const params = [`TopicArn=${topic}`, `Token=${Token}`, 'Version=2010-03-31']; await this, 'sns', 'GET', '/?Action=ConfirmSubscription&' + params.join('&'), ); return { noWebhookResponse: true, }; } if (body.Type === 'UnsubscribeConfirmation') { return {}; } //TODO verify message signature return { workflowData: [this.helpers.returnJsonArray(body)], }; } }