import type { ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, ICredentialTestFunctions, IDataObject, IExecuteFunctions, IHookFunctions, ILoadOptionsFunctions, IWebhookFunctions, INodeProperties, IPairedItemData, JsonObject, IHttpRequestMethods, IRequestOptions, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { NodeApiError } from 'n8n-workflow'; export async function supabaseApiRequest( this: IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions | IHookFunctions | IWebhookFunctions, method: IHttpRequestMethods, resource: string, body: IDataObject | IDataObject[] = {}, qs: IDataObject = {}, uri?: string, headers: IDataObject = {}, ) { const credentials = await this.getCredentials<{ host: string; serviceRole: string; }>('supabaseApi'); const options: IRequestOptions = { headers: { Prefer: 'return=representation', }, method, qs, body, uri: uri || `${}/rest/v1${resource}`, json: true, }; try { if (Object.keys(headers).length !== 0) { options.headers = Object.assign({}, options.headers, headers); } if (Object.keys(body).length === 0) { delete options.body; } return await, 'supabaseApi', options); } catch (error) { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), error as JsonObject); } } const mapOperations: { [key: string]: string } = { create: 'created', update: 'updated', getAll: 'retrieved', delete: 'deleted', }; export function getFilters( resources: string[], operations: string[], { includeNoneOption = true, filterTypeDisplayName = 'Filter', filterFixedCollectionDisplayName = 'Filters', mustMatchOptions = [ { name: 'Any Filter', value: 'anyFilter', }, { name: 'All Filters', value: 'allFilters', }, ], }, ): INodeProperties[] { return [ { displayName: filterTypeDisplayName, name: 'filterType', type: 'options', options: [ ...(includeNoneOption ? [{ name: 'None', value: 'none' }] : []), { name: 'Build Manually', value: 'manual', }, { name: 'String', value: 'string', }, ], displayOptions: { show: { resource: resources, operation: operations, }, }, default: 'manual', }, { displayName: 'Must Match', name: 'matchType', type: 'options', options: mustMatchOptions, displayOptions: { show: { resource: resources, operation: operations, filterType: ['manual'], }, }, default: 'anyFilter', }, { displayName: filterFixedCollectionDisplayName, name: 'filters', type: 'fixedCollection', typeOptions: { multipleValues: true, }, displayOptions: { show: { resource: resources, operation: operations, filterType: ['manual'], }, }, default: {}, placeholder: 'Add Condition', options: [ { displayName: 'Conditions', name: 'conditions', values: [ { displayName: 'Field Name or ID', name: 'keyName', type: 'options', description: 'Choose from the list, or specify an ID using an <a href="">expression</a>', typeOptions: { loadOptionsDependsOn: ['tableId'], loadOptionsMethod: 'getTableColumns', }, default: '', }, { displayName: 'Condition', name: 'condition', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Equals', value: 'eq', }, { name: 'Full-Text', value: 'fullText', }, { name: 'Greater Than', value: 'gt', }, { name: 'Greater Than or Equal', value: 'gte', }, { name: 'ILIKE operator', value: 'ilike', description: 'Use * in place of %', }, { name: 'Is', value: 'is', description: 'Checking for exact equality (null,true,false,unknown)', }, { name: 'Less Than', value: 'lt', }, { name: 'Less Than or Equal', value: 'lte', }, { name: 'LIKE operator', value: 'like', description: 'Use * in place of %', }, { name: 'Not Equals', value: 'neq', }, ], default: '', }, { displayName: 'Search Function', name: 'searchFunction', type: 'options', displayOptions: { show: { condition: ['fullText'], }, }, options: [ { name: 'to_tsquery', value: 'fts', }, { name: 'plainto_tsquery', value: 'plfts', }, { name: 'phraseto_tsquery', value: 'phfts', }, { name: 'websearch_to_tsquery', value: 'wfts', }, ], default: '', }, { displayName: 'Field Value', name: 'keyValue', type: 'string', default: '', }, ], }, ], description: `Filter to decide which rows get ${mapOperations[operations[0]]}`, }, { displayName: 'See <a href="" target="_blank">PostgREST guide</a> to creating filters', name: 'jsonNotice', type: 'notice', displayOptions: { show: { resource: resources, operation: operations, filterType: ['string'], }, }, default: '', }, { displayName: 'Filters (String)', name: 'filterString', type: 'string', displayOptions: { show: { resource: resources, operation: operations, filterType: ['string'], }, }, default: '', placeholder: 'name=eq.jhon', }, ]; } export const buildQuery = (obj: IDataObject, value: IDataObject) => { if (value.condition === 'fullText') { return Object.assign(obj, { [`${value.keyName}`]: `${value.searchFunction}.${value.keyValue}`, }); } return Object.assign(obj, { [`${value.keyName}`]: `${value.condition}.${value.keyValue}` }); }; export const buildOrQuery = (key: IDataObject) => { if (key.condition === 'fullText') { return `${key.keyName}.${key.searchFunction}.${key.keyValue}`; } return `${key.keyName}.${key.condition}.${key.keyValue}`; }; export const buildGetQuery = (obj: IDataObject, value: IDataObject) => { return Object.assign(obj, { [`${value.keyName}`]: `eq.${value.keyValue}` }); }; export async function validateCredentials( this: ICredentialTestFunctions, decryptedCredentials: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, ): Promise<any> { const credentials = decryptedCredentials; const { serviceRole } = credentials as { serviceRole: string; }; const options: IRequestOptions = { headers: { apikey: serviceRole, Authorization: 'Bearer ' + serviceRole, }, method: 'GET', uri: `${}/rest/v1/`, json: true, }; return await this.helpers.request(options); } export function mapPairedItemsFrom<T>(iterable: Iterable<T> | ArrayLike<T>): IPairedItemData[] { return Array.from(iterable, (_, i) => i).map((index) => { return { item: index, }; }); }