import { exec as callbackExec } from 'child_process'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import config from '../config'; import { BOOTSTRAP_MYSQL_CONNECTION_NAME, DB_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT, } from './integration/shared/constants'; const exec = promisify(callbackExec); const dbType = config.getEnv('database.type'); if (dbType === 'mysqldb') { const username = config.getEnv('database.mysqldb.user'); const password = config.getEnv('database.mysqldb.password'); const host = config.getEnv(''); const passwordSegment = password ? `-p${password}` : ''; (async () => { try { jest.setTimeout(DB_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT); await exec( `echo "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ${BOOTSTRAP_MYSQL_CONNECTION_NAME}" | mysql -h ${host} -u ${username} ${passwordSegment}; USE ${BOOTSTRAP_MYSQL_CONNECTION_NAME};`, ); } catch (error) { if (error.stderr.includes('Access denied')) { console.error( `ERROR: Failed to log into MySQL to create bootstrap DB.\nPlease review your MySQL connection options:\n\thost: "${host}"\n\tusername: "${username}"\n\tpassword: "${password}"\nFix by setting correct values via environment variables.\n\texport DB_MYSQLDB_HOST=value\n\texport DB_MYSQLDB_USERNAME=value\n\texport DB_MYSQLDB_PASSWORD=value`, ); process.exit(1); } } })(); }