import type { IExecuteFunctions, INodeExecutionData } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { PyProxyDict } from 'pyodide'; import { LoadPyodide } from './Pyodide'; import type { SandboxContext } from './Sandbox'; import { Sandbox } from './Sandbox'; type PythonSandboxContext = { [K in keyof SandboxContext as K extends `$${infer I}` ? `_${I}` : K]: SandboxContext[K]; }; type PyodideError = Error & { type: string }; const envAccessBlocked = process.env.N8N_BLOCK_ENV_ACCESS_IN_NODE === 'true'; export class PythonSandbox extends Sandbox { private readonly context: PythonSandboxContext; constructor( context: SandboxContext, private pythonCode: string, private moduleImports: string[], itemIndex: number | undefined, helpers: IExecuteFunctions['helpers'], ) { super( { object: { singular: 'dictionary', plural: 'dictionaries', }, }, itemIndex, helpers, ); // Since python doesn't allow variable names starting with `$`, // rename them to all to start with `_` instead this.context = Object.keys(context).reduce((acc, key) => { acc[key.startsWith('$') ? key.replace(/^\$/, '_') : key] = context[key]; return acc; }, {} as PythonSandboxContext); } async runCodeAllItems() { const executionResult = await this.runCodeInPython(); return this.validateRunCodeAllItems(executionResult); } async runCodeEachItem() { const executionResult = await this.runCodeInPython(); return this.validateRunCodeEachItem(executionResult); } private async runCodeInPython() { // Below workaround from here: // const runCode = ` from _pyodide_core import jsproxy_typedict from js import Object jsproxy_typedict[0] = type( if printOverwrite: print = printOverwrite async def __main(): ${this.pythonCode .split('\n') .map((line) => ' ' + line) .join('\n')} await __main() `; const pyodide = await LoadPyodide(); const moduleImportsFiltered = this.moduleImports.filter( (importModule) => !['asyncio', 'pyodide', 'math'].includes(importModule), ); if (moduleImportsFiltered.length) { await pyodide.loadPackage('micropip'); const micropip = pyodide.pyimport('micropip'); await Promise.all( => micropip.install(importModule)), ); } let executionResult; try { const dict = pyodide.globals.get('dict'); const globalsDict: PyProxyDict = dict(); for (const key of Object.keys(this.context)) { if ((key === '_env' && envAccessBlocked) || key === '_node') continue; const value = this.context[key]; globalsDict.set(key, value); } executionResult = await pyodide.runPythonAsync(runCode, { globals: globalsDict }); globalsDict.destroy(); } catch (error) { throw this.getPrettyError(error as PyodideError); } if (executionResult?.toJs) { return executionResult.toJs({ dict_converter: Object.fromEntries, create_proxies: false, }) as T; } return executionResult as T; } private getPrettyError(error: PyodideError): Error { const errorTypeIndex = error.message.indexOf(error.type); if (errorTypeIndex !== -1) { return new Error(error.message.slice(errorTypeIndex)); } return error; } }