import type { IExecuteFunctions, ICredentialsDecrypted, ICredentialTestFunctions, IDataObject, INodeCredentialTestResult, INodeExecutionData, INodeType, INodeTypeDescription, JsonObject, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { NodeOperationError } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { nodeDescription } from './MongoDbDescription'; import { buildParameterizedConnString, prepareFields, prepareItems, validateAndResolveMongoCredentials, } from './GenericFunctions'; import type { FindOneAndReplaceOptions, FindOneAndUpdateOptions, UpdateOptions, Sort, } from 'mongodb'; import { MongoClient, ObjectId } from 'mongodb'; import type { IMongoParametricCredentials } from './mongoDb.types'; export class MongoDb implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription = nodeDescription; methods = { credentialTest: { async mongoDbCredentialTest( this: ICredentialTestFunctions, credential: ICredentialsDecrypted, ): Promise { const credentials = as IDataObject; try { const database = ((credentials.database as string) || '').trim(); let connectionString = ''; if (credentials.configurationType === 'connectionString') { connectionString = ((credentials.connectionString as string) || '').trim(); } else { connectionString = buildParameterizedConnString( credentials as unknown as IMongoParametricCredentials, ); } const client: MongoClient = await MongoClient.connect(connectionString); const { databases } = await client.db().admin().listDatabases(); if (!(databases as IDataObject[]).map((db) => { // eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-execute-block-wrong-error-thrown throw new Error(`Database "${database}" does not exist`); } await client.close(); } catch (error) { return { status: 'Error', message: error.message, }; } return { status: 'OK', message: 'Connection successful!', }; }, }, }; async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions): Promise { const { database, connectionString } = validateAndResolveMongoCredentials( this, await this.getCredentials('mongoDb'), ); const client: MongoClient = await MongoClient.connect(connectionString); const mdb = client.db(database); const returnItems: INodeExecutionData[] = []; let responseData: IDataObject | IDataObject[] = []; const items = this.getInputData(); const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation', 0); if (operation === 'aggregate') { // ---------------------------------- // aggregate // ---------------------------------- try { const queryParameter = JSON.parse(this.getNodeParameter('query', 0) as string); if (queryParameter._id && typeof queryParameter._id === 'string') { queryParameter._id = new ObjectId(queryParameter._id as string); } const query = mdb .collection(this.getNodeParameter('collection', 0) as string) .aggregate(queryParameter as Document[]); responseData = await query.toArray(); } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { responseData = [{ error: (error as JsonObject).message }]; } else { throw error; } } } else if (operation === 'delete') { // ---------------------------------- // delete // ---------------------------------- try { const { deletedCount } = await mdb .collection(this.getNodeParameter('collection', 0) as string) .deleteMany(JSON.parse(this.getNodeParameter('query', 0) as string) as Document); responseData = [{ deletedCount }]; } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { responseData = [{ error: (error as JsonObject).message }]; } else { throw error; } } } else if (operation === 'find') { // ---------------------------------- // find // ---------------------------------- try { const queryParameter = JSON.parse(this.getNodeParameter('query', 0) as string); if (queryParameter._id && typeof queryParameter._id === 'string') { queryParameter._id = new ObjectId(queryParameter._id as string); } let query = mdb .collection(this.getNodeParameter('collection', 0) as string) .find(queryParameter as Document); const options = this.getNodeParameter('options', 0); const limit = options.limit as number; const skip = options.skip as number; const sort: Sort = options.sort && JSON.parse(options.sort as string); if (skip > 0) { query = query.skip(skip); } if (limit > 0) { query = query.limit(limit); } if (sort && Object.keys(sort).length !== 0 && sort.constructor === Object) { query = query.sort(sort); } const queryResult = await query.toArray(); responseData = queryResult; } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { responseData = [{ error: (error as JsonObject).message }]; } else { throw error; } } } else if (operation === 'findOneAndReplace') { // ---------------------------------- // findOneAndReplace // ---------------------------------- const fields = prepareFields(this.getNodeParameter('fields', 0) as string); const useDotNotation = this.getNodeParameter('options.useDotNotation', 0, false) as boolean; const dateFields = prepareFields( this.getNodeParameter('options.dateFields', 0, '') as string, ); const updateKey = ((this.getNodeParameter('updateKey', 0) as string) || '').trim(); const updateOptions = (this.getNodeParameter('upsert', 0) as boolean) ? { upsert: true } : undefined; const updateItems = prepareItems(items, fields, updateKey, useDotNotation, dateFields); for (const item of updateItems) { try { const filter = { [updateKey]: item[updateKey] }; if (updateKey === '_id') { filter[updateKey] = new ObjectId(item[updateKey] as string); delete item._id; } await mdb .collection(this.getNodeParameter('collection', 0) as string) .findOneAndReplace(filter, item, updateOptions as FindOneAndReplaceOptions); } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { item.json = { error: (error as JsonObject).message }; continue; } throw error; } } responseData = updateItems; } else if (operation === 'findOneAndUpdate') { // ---------------------------------- // findOneAndUpdate // ---------------------------------- const fields = prepareFields(this.getNodeParameter('fields', 0) as string); const useDotNotation = this.getNodeParameter('options.useDotNotation', 0, false) as boolean; const dateFields = prepareFields( this.getNodeParameter('options.dateFields', 0, '') as string, ); const updateKey = ((this.getNodeParameter('updateKey', 0) as string) || '').trim(); const updateOptions = (this.getNodeParameter('upsert', 0) as boolean) ? { upsert: true } : undefined; const updateItems = prepareItems(items, fields, updateKey, useDotNotation, dateFields); for (const item of updateItems) { try { const filter = { [updateKey]: item[updateKey] }; if (updateKey === '_id') { filter[updateKey] = new ObjectId(item[updateKey] as string); delete item._id; } await mdb .collection(this.getNodeParameter('collection', 0) as string) .findOneAndUpdate(filter, { $set: item }, updateOptions as FindOneAndUpdateOptions); } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { item.json = { error: (error as JsonObject).message }; continue; } throw error; } } responseData = updateItems; } else if (operation === 'insert') { // ---------------------------------- // insert // ---------------------------------- try { // Prepare the data to insert and copy it to be returned const fields = prepareFields(this.getNodeParameter('fields', 0) as string); const useDotNotation = this.getNodeParameter('options.useDotNotation', 0, false) as boolean; const dateFields = prepareFields( this.getNodeParameter('options.dateFields', 0, '') as string, ); const insertItems = prepareItems(items, fields, '', useDotNotation, dateFields); const { insertedIds } = await mdb .collection(this.getNodeParameter('collection', 0) as string) .insertMany(insertItems); // Add the id to the data for (const i of Object.keys(insertedIds)) { responseData.push({ ...insertItems[parseInt(i, 10)], id: insertedIds[parseInt(i, 10)] as unknown as string, }); } } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { responseData = [{ error: (error as JsonObject).message }]; } else { throw error; } } } else if (operation === 'update') { // ---------------------------------- // update // ---------------------------------- const fields = prepareFields(this.getNodeParameter('fields', 0) as string); const useDotNotation = this.getNodeParameter('options.useDotNotation', 0, false) as boolean; const dateFields = prepareFields( this.getNodeParameter('options.dateFields', 0, '') as string, ); const updateKey = ((this.getNodeParameter('updateKey', 0) as string) || '').trim(); const updateOptions = (this.getNodeParameter('upsert', 0) as boolean) ? { upsert: true } : undefined; const updateItems = prepareItems(items, fields, updateKey, useDotNotation, dateFields); for (const item of updateItems) { try { const filter = { [updateKey]: item[updateKey] }; if (updateKey === '_id') { filter[updateKey] = new ObjectId(item[updateKey] as string); delete item._id; } await mdb .collection(this.getNodeParameter('collection', 0) as string) .updateOne(filter, { $set: item }, updateOptions as UpdateOptions); } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { item.json = { error: (error as JsonObject).message }; continue; } throw error; } } responseData = updateItems; } else { if (this.continueOnFail()) { responseData = [{ error: `The operation "${operation}" is not supported!` }]; } else { throw new NodeOperationError( this.getNode(), `The operation "${operation}" is not supported!`, { itemIndex: 0 }, ); } } await client.close(); const executionData = this.helpers.constructExecutionMetaData( this.helpers.returnJsonArray(responseData), { itemData: { item: 0 } }, ); returnItems.push(...executionData); return this.prepareOutputData(returnItems); } }