import express from 'express'; import * as Db from '@/Db'; import config from '@/config'; import { Role } from '@db/entities/Role'; import { TagEntity } from '@db/entities/TagEntity'; import { ActiveWorkflowRunner } from '@/ActiveWorkflowRunner'; import { randomApiKey } from '../shared/random'; import * as utils from '../shared/utils'; import * as testDb from '../shared/testDb'; let app: express.Application; let testDbName = ''; let globalOwnerRole: Role; let globalMemberRole: Role; let workflowOwnerRole: Role; let workflowRunner: ActiveWorkflowRunner; beforeAll(async () => { app = await utils.initTestServer({ endpointGroups: ['publicApi'], applyAuth: false }); const initResult = await testDb.init(); testDbName = initResult.testDbName; const [fetchedGlobalOwnerRole, fetchedGlobalMemberRole, fetchedWorkflowOwnerRole] = await testDb.getAllRoles(); globalOwnerRole = fetchedGlobalOwnerRole; globalMemberRole = fetchedGlobalMemberRole; workflowOwnerRole = fetchedWorkflowOwnerRole; utils.initTestTelemetry(); utils.initTestLogger(); utils.initConfigFile(); await utils.initNodeTypes(); workflowRunner = await utils.initActiveWorkflowRunner(); }); beforeEach(async () => { await testDb.truncate( ['SharedCredentials', 'SharedWorkflow', 'Tag', 'User', 'Workflow', 'Credentials'], testDbName, ); config.set('userManagement.disabled', false); config.set('userManagement.isInstanceOwnerSetUp', true); }); afterEach(async () => { await workflowRunner.removeAll(); }); afterAll(async () => { await testDb.terminate(testDbName); }); test('GET /workflows should fail due to missing API Key', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole }); const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await authOwnerAgent.get('/workflows'); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(401); }); test('GET /workflows should fail due to invalid API Key', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); owner.apiKey = 'abcXYZ'; const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await authOwnerAgent.get('/workflows'); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(401); }); test('GET /workflows should return all owned workflows', async () => { const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const authAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: member, version: 1, }); await Promise.all([ testDb.createWorkflow({}, member), testDb.createWorkflow({}, member), testDb.createWorkflow({}, member), ]); const response = await authAgent.get('/workflows'); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; expect(response.body.nextCursor).toBeNull(); for (const workflow of { const { id, connections, active, staticData, nodes, settings, name, createdAt, updatedAt, tags, } = workflow; expect(id).toBeDefined(); expect(name).toBeDefined(); expect(connections).toBeDefined(); expect(active).toBe(false); expect(staticData).toBeDefined(); expect(nodes).toBeDefined(); expect(tags).toBeDefined(); expect(settings).toBeDefined(); expect(createdAt).toBeDefined(); expect(updatedAt).toBeDefined(); } }); test('GET /workflows should return all owned workflows with pagination', async () => { const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const authAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: member, version: 1, }); await Promise.all([ testDb.createWorkflow({}, member), testDb.createWorkflow({}, member), testDb.createWorkflow({}, member), ]); const response = await authAgent.get('/workflows?limit=1'); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; expect(response.body.nextCursor).not.toBeNull(); const response2 = await authAgent.get(`/workflows?limit=1&cursor=${response.body.nextCursor}`); expect(response2.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; expect(response2.body.nextCursor).not.toBeNull(); expect(response2.body.nextCursor).not.toBe(response.body.nextCursor); const responses = [,]; for (const workflow of responses) { const { id, connections, active, staticData, nodes, settings, name, createdAt, updatedAt, tags, } = workflow; expect(id).toBeDefined(); expect(name).toBeDefined(); expect(connections).toBeDefined(); expect(active).toBe(false); expect(staticData).toBeDefined(); expect(nodes).toBeDefined(); expect(tags).toBeDefined(); expect(settings).toBeDefined(); expect(createdAt).toBeDefined(); expect(updatedAt).toBeDefined(); } // check that we really received a different result expect(Number([0].id)).toBeLessThan(Number([0].id)); }); test('GET /workflows should return all owned workflows filtered by tag', async () => { const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const authAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: member, version: 1, }); const tag = await testDb.createTag({}); const [workflow] = await Promise.all([ testDb.createWorkflow({ tags: [tag] }, member), testDb.createWorkflow({}, member), ]); const response = await authAgent.get(`/workflows?tags=${}`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; const { id, connections, active, staticData, nodes, settings, name, createdAt, updatedAt, tags: wfTags, } =[0]; expect(id).toBe(; expect(name).toBeDefined(); expect(connections).toBeDefined(); expect(active).toBe(false); expect(staticData).toBeDefined(); expect(nodes).toBeDefined(); expect(settings).toBeDefined(); expect(createdAt).toBeDefined(); expect(updatedAt).toBeDefined(); expect(wfTags.length).toBe(1); expect(wfTags[0].id).toBe(; }); test('GET /workflows should return all owned workflows filtered by tags', async () => { const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const authAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: member, version: 1, }); const tags = await Promise.all([await testDb.createTag({}), await testDb.createTag({})]); const tagNames = =>','); const [workflow1, workflow2] = await Promise.all([ testDb.createWorkflow({ tags }, member), testDb.createWorkflow({ tags }, member), testDb.createWorkflow({}, member), testDb.createWorkflow({ tags: [tags[0]] }, member), testDb.createWorkflow({ tags: [tags[1]] }, member), ]); const response = await authAgent.get(`/workflows?tags=${tagNames}`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; for (const workflow of { const { id, connections, active, staticData, nodes, settings, name, createdAt, updatedAt } = workflow; expect(id).toBeDefined(); expect([,].includes(id)).toBe(true); expect(name).toBeDefined(); expect(connections).toBeDefined(); expect(active).toBe(false); expect(staticData).toBeDefined(); expect(nodes).toBeDefined(); expect(settings).toBeDefined(); expect(createdAt).toBeDefined(); expect(updatedAt).toBeDefined(); expect(workflow.tags.length).toBe(2); workflow.tags.forEach((tag: TagEntity) => { expect(tags.some((savedTag) => ===; }); } }); test('GET /workflows should return all workflows for owner', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole }); const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); await Promise.all([ testDb.createWorkflow({}, owner), testDb.createWorkflow({}, member), testDb.createWorkflow({}, owner), testDb.createWorkflow({}, member), testDb.createWorkflow({}, owner), ]); const response = await authOwnerAgent.get('/workflows'); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; expect(response.body.nextCursor).toBeNull(); for (const workflow of { const { id, connections, active, staticData, nodes, settings, name, createdAt, updatedAt, tags, } = workflow; expect(id).toBeDefined(); expect(name).toBeDefined(); expect(connections).toBeDefined(); expect(active).toBe(false); expect(staticData).toBeDefined(); expect(nodes).toBeDefined(); expect(tags).toBeDefined(); expect(settings).toBeDefined(); expect(createdAt).toBeDefined(); expect(updatedAt).toBeDefined(); } }); test('GET /workflows/:id should fail due to missing API Key', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole }); owner.apiKey = null; const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await authOwnerAgent.get(`/workflows/2`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(401); }); test('GET /workflows/:id should fail due to invalid API Key', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); owner.apiKey = 'abcXYZ'; const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await authOwnerAgent.get(`/workflows/2`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(401); }); test('GET /workflows/:id should fail due to non-existing workflow', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await authOwnerAgent.get(`/workflows/2`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(404); }); test('GET /workflows/:id should retrieve workflow', async () => { const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const authAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: member, version: 1, }); // create and assign workflow to owner const workflow = await testDb.createWorkflow({}, member); const response = await authAgent.get(`/workflows/${}`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); const { id, connections, active, staticData, nodes, settings, name, createdAt, updatedAt, tags } = response.body; expect(id).toEqual(; expect(name).toEqual(; expect(connections).toEqual(workflow.connections); expect(active).toBe(false); expect(staticData).toEqual(workflow.staticData); expect(nodes).toEqual(workflow.nodes); expect(tags).toEqual([]); expect(settings).toEqual(workflow.settings); expect(createdAt).toEqual(workflow.createdAt.toISOString()); expect(updatedAt).toEqual(workflow.updatedAt.toISOString()); }); test('GET /workflows/:id should retrieve non-owned workflow for owner', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole }); const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); // create and assign workflow to owner const workflow = await testDb.createWorkflow({}, member); const response = await authOwnerAgent.get(`/workflows/${}`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); const { id, connections, active, staticData, nodes, settings, name, createdAt, updatedAt } = response.body; expect(id).toEqual(; expect(name).toEqual(; expect(connections).toEqual(workflow.connections); expect(active).toBe(false); expect(staticData).toEqual(workflow.staticData); expect(nodes).toEqual(workflow.nodes); expect(settings).toEqual(workflow.settings); expect(createdAt).toEqual(workflow.createdAt.toISOString()); expect(updatedAt).toEqual(workflow.updatedAt.toISOString()); }); test('DELETE /workflows/:id should fail due to missing API Key', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole }); const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await authOwnerAgent.delete(`/workflows/2`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(401); }); test('DELETE /workflows/:id should fail due to invalid API Key', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); owner.apiKey = 'abcXYZ'; const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await authOwnerAgent.delete(`/workflows/2`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(401); }); test('DELETE /workflows/:id should fail due to non-existing workflow', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await authOwnerAgent.delete(`/workflows/2`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(404); }); test('DELETE /workflows/:id should delete the workflow', async () => { const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const authAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: member, version: 1, }); // create and assign workflow to owner const workflow = await testDb.createWorkflow({}, member); const response = await authAgent.delete(`/workflows/${}`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); const { id, connections, active, staticData, nodes, settings, name, createdAt, updatedAt } = response.body; expect(id).toEqual(; expect(name).toEqual(; expect(connections).toEqual(workflow.connections); expect(active).toBe(false); expect(staticData).toEqual(workflow.staticData); expect(nodes).toEqual(workflow.nodes); expect(settings).toEqual(workflow.settings); expect(createdAt).toEqual(workflow.createdAt.toISOString()); expect(updatedAt).toEqual(workflow.updatedAt.toISOString()); // make sure the workflow actually deleted from the db const sharedWorkflow = await Db.collections.SharedWorkflow.findOne({ workflow, }); expect(sharedWorkflow).toBeUndefined(); }); test('DELETE /workflows/:id should delete non-owned workflow when owner', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole }); const authAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); // create and assign workflow to owner const workflow = await testDb.createWorkflow({}, member); const response = await authAgent.delete(`/workflows/${}`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); const { id, connections, active, staticData, nodes, settings, name, createdAt, updatedAt } = response.body; expect(id).toEqual(; expect(name).toEqual(; expect(connections).toEqual(workflow.connections); expect(active).toBe(false); expect(staticData).toEqual(workflow.staticData); expect(nodes).toEqual(workflow.nodes); expect(settings).toEqual(workflow.settings); expect(createdAt).toEqual(workflow.createdAt.toISOString()); expect(updatedAt).toEqual(workflow.updatedAt.toISOString()); // make sure the workflow actually deleted from the db const sharedWorkflow = await Db.collections.SharedWorkflow.findOne({ workflow, }); expect(sharedWorkflow).toBeUndefined(); }); test('POST /workflows/:id/activate should fail due to missing API Key', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole }); const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await`/workflows/2/activate`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(401); }); test('POST /workflows/:id/activate should fail due to invalid API Key', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); owner.apiKey = 'abcXYZ'; const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await`/workflows/2/activate`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(401); }); test('POST /workflows/:id/activate should fail due to non-existing workflow', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await`/workflows/2/activate`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(404); }); test('POST /workflows/:id/activate should fail due to trying to activate a workflow without a trigger', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const workflow = await testDb.createWorkflow({}, owner); const response = await`/workflows/${}/activate`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(400); }); test('POST /workflows/:id/activate should set workflow as active', async () => { const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const authAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: member, version: 1, }); const workflow = await testDb.createWorkflowWithTrigger({}, member); const response = await`/workflows/${}/activate`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); const { id, connections, active, staticData, nodes, settings, name, createdAt, updatedAt } = response.body; expect(id).toEqual(; expect(name).toEqual(; expect(connections).toEqual(workflow.connections); expect(active).toBe(true); expect(staticData).toEqual(workflow.staticData); expect(nodes).toEqual(workflow.nodes); expect(settings).toEqual(workflow.settings); expect(createdAt).toEqual(workflow.createdAt.toISOString()); expect(updatedAt).toEqual(workflow.updatedAt.toISOString()); // check whether the workflow is on the database const sharedWorkflow = await Db.collections.SharedWorkflow.findOne({ where: { user: member, workflow, }, relations: ['workflow'], }); expect(sharedWorkflow?; // check whether the workflow is on the active workflow runner expect(await workflowRunner.isActive(; }); test('POST /workflows/:id/activate should set non-owned workflow as active when owner', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole }); const authAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const workflow = await testDb.createWorkflowWithTrigger({}, member); const response = await`/workflows/${}/activate`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); const { id, connections, active, staticData, nodes, settings, name, createdAt, updatedAt } = response.body; expect(id).toEqual(; expect(name).toEqual(; expect(connections).toEqual(workflow.connections); expect(active).toBe(true); expect(staticData).toEqual(workflow.staticData); expect(nodes).toEqual(workflow.nodes); expect(settings).toEqual(workflow.settings); expect(createdAt).toEqual(workflow.createdAt.toISOString()); expect(updatedAt).toEqual(workflow.updatedAt.toISOString()); // check whether the workflow is on the database const sharedOwnerWorkflow = await Db.collections.SharedWorkflow.findOne({ where: { user: owner, workflow, }, }); expect(sharedOwnerWorkflow).toBeUndefined(); const sharedWorkflow = await Db.collections.SharedWorkflow.findOne({ where: { user: member, workflow, }, relations: ['workflow'], }); expect(sharedWorkflow?; // check whether the workflow is on the active workflow runner expect(await workflowRunner.isActive(; }); test('POST /workflows/:id/deactivate should fail due to missing API Key', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole }); const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await`/workflows/2/deactivate`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(401); }); test('POST /workflows/:id/deactivate should fail due to invalid API Key', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); owner.apiKey = 'abcXYZ'; const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await`/workflows/2/deactivate`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(401); }); test('POST /workflows/:id/deactivate should fail due to non-existing workflow', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await`/workflows/2/deactivate`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(404); }); test('POST /workflows/:id/deactivate should deactivate workflow', async () => { const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const authAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: member, version: 1, }); const workflow = await testDb.createWorkflowWithTrigger({}, member); await`/workflows/${}/activate`); const workflowDeactivationResponse = await`/workflows/${}/deactivate`); const { id, connections, active, staticData, nodes, settings, name, createdAt, updatedAt } = workflowDeactivationResponse.body; expect(id).toEqual(; expect(name).toEqual(; expect(connections).toEqual(workflow.connections); expect(active).toBe(false); expect(staticData).toEqual(workflow.staticData); expect(nodes).toEqual(workflow.nodes); expect(settings).toEqual(workflow.settings); expect(createdAt).toBeDefined(); expect(updatedAt).toBeDefined(); // get the workflow after it was deactivated const sharedWorkflow = await Db.collections.SharedWorkflow.findOne({ where: { user: member, workflow, }, relations: ['workflow'], }); // check whether the workflow is deactivated in the database expect(sharedWorkflow?; expect(await workflowRunner.isActive(; }); test('POST /workflows/:id/deactivate should deactivate non-owned workflow when owner', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole }); const authAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const workflow = await testDb.createWorkflowWithTrigger({}, member); await`/workflows/${}/activate`); const workflowDeactivationResponse = await`/workflows/${}/deactivate`); const { id, connections, active, staticData, nodes, settings, name, createdAt, updatedAt } = workflowDeactivationResponse.body; expect(id).toEqual(; expect(name).toEqual(; expect(connections).toEqual(workflow.connections); expect(active).toBe(false); expect(staticData).toEqual(workflow.staticData); expect(nodes).toEqual(workflow.nodes); expect(settings).toEqual(workflow.settings); expect(createdAt).toBeDefined(); expect(updatedAt).toBeDefined(); // check whether the workflow is deactivated in the database const sharedOwnerWorkflow = await Db.collections.SharedWorkflow.findOne({ where: { user: owner, workflow, }, }); expect(sharedOwnerWorkflow).toBeUndefined(); const sharedWorkflow = await Db.collections.SharedWorkflow.findOne({ where: { user: member, workflow, }, relations: ['workflow'], }); expect(sharedWorkflow?; expect(await workflowRunner.isActive(; }); test('POST /workflows should fail due to missing API Key', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole }); const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await'/workflows'); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(401); }); test('POST /workflows should fail due to invalid API Key', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); owner.apiKey = 'abcXYZ'; const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await'/workflows'); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(401); }); test('POST /workflows should fail due to invalid body', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await'/workflows').send({}); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(400); }); test('POST /workflows should create workflow', async () => { const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const authAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: member, version: 1, }); const payload = { name: 'testing', nodes: [ { id: 'uuid-1234', parameters: {}, name: 'Start', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.start', typeVersion: 1, position: [240, 300], }, ], connections: {}, staticData: null, settings: { saveExecutionProgress: true, saveManualExecutions: true, saveDataErrorExecution: 'all', saveDataSuccessExecution: 'all', executionTimeout: 3600, timezone: 'America/New_York', }, }; const response = await'/workflows').send(payload); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); const { id, name, nodes, connections, staticData, active, settings, createdAt, updatedAt } = response.body; expect(id).toBeDefined(); expect(name).toBe(; expect(connections).toEqual(payload.connections); expect(settings).toEqual(payload.settings); expect(staticData).toEqual(payload.staticData); expect(nodes).toEqual(payload.nodes); expect(active).toBe(false); expect(createdAt).toBeDefined(); expect(updatedAt).toEqual(createdAt); // check if created workflow in DB const sharedWorkflow = await Db.collections.SharedWorkflow.findOne({ where: { user: member, workflow: response.body, }, relations: ['workflow', 'role'], }); expect(sharedWorkflow?; expect(sharedWorkflow?.workflow.createdAt.toISOString()).toBe(createdAt); expect(sharedWorkflow?.role).toEqual(workflowOwnerRole); }); test('PUT /workflows/:id should fail due to missing API Key', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole }); const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await authOwnerAgent.put(`/workflows/1`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(401); }); test('PUT /workflows/:id should fail due to invalid API Key', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); owner.apiKey = 'abcXYZ'; const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await authOwnerAgent.put(`/workflows/1`).send({}); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(401); }); test('PUT /workflows/:id should fail due to non-existing workflow', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await authOwnerAgent.put(`/workflows/1`).send({ name: 'testing', nodes: [ { id: 'uuid-1234', parameters: {}, name: 'Start', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.start', typeVersion: 1, position: [240, 300], }, ], connections: {}, staticData: null, settings: { saveExecutionProgress: true, saveManualExecutions: true, saveDataErrorExecution: 'all', saveDataSuccessExecution: 'all', executionTimeout: 3600, timezone: 'America/New_York', }, }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(404); }); test('PUT /workflows/:id should fail due to invalid body', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const authOwnerAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const response = await authOwnerAgent.put(`/workflows/1`).send({ nodes: [ { id: 'uuid-1234', parameters: {}, name: 'Start', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.start', typeVersion: 1, position: [240, 300], }, ], connections: {}, staticData: null, settings: { saveExecutionProgress: true, saveManualExecutions: true, saveDataErrorExecution: 'all', saveDataSuccessExecution: 'all', executionTimeout: 3600, timezone: 'America/New_York', }, }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(400); }); test('PUT /workflows/:id should update workflow', async () => { const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const workflow = await testDb.createWorkflow({}, member); const authAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: member, version: 1, }); const payload = { name: 'name updated', nodes: [ { id: 'uuid-1234', parameters: {}, name: 'Start', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.start', typeVersion: 1, position: [240, 300], }, { id: 'uuid-1234', parameters: {}, name: 'Cron', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.cron', typeVersion: 1, position: [400, 300], }, ], connections: {}, staticData: '{"id":1}', settings: { saveExecutionProgress: false, saveManualExecutions: false, saveDataErrorExecution: 'all', saveDataSuccessExecution: 'all', executionTimeout: 3600, timezone: 'America/New_York', }, }; const response = await authAgent.put(`/workflows/${}`).send(payload); const { id, name, nodes, connections, staticData, active, settings, createdAt, updatedAt } = response.body; expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(id).toBe(; expect(name).toBe(; expect(connections).toEqual(payload.connections); expect(settings).toEqual(payload.settings); expect(staticData).toMatchObject(JSON.parse(payload.staticData)); expect(nodes).toEqual(payload.nodes); expect(active).toBe(false); expect(createdAt).toBe(workflow.createdAt.toISOString()); expect(updatedAt).not.toBe(workflow.updatedAt.toISOString()); // check updated workflow in DB const sharedWorkflow = await Db.collections.SharedWorkflow.findOne({ where: { user: member, workflow: response.body, }, relations: ['workflow'], }); expect(sharedWorkflow?; expect(sharedWorkflow?.workflow.updatedAt.getTime()).toBeGreaterThan( workflow.updatedAt.getTime(), ); }); test('PUT /workflows/:id should update non-owned workflow if owner', async () => { const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole, apiKey: randomApiKey() }); const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole }); const workflow = await testDb.createWorkflow({}, member); const authAgent = utils.createAgent(app, { apiPath: 'public', auth: true, user: owner, version: 1, }); const payload = { name: 'name owner updated', nodes: [ { id: 'uuid-1', parameters: {}, name: 'Start', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.start', typeVersion: 1, position: [240, 300], }, { id: 'uuid-2', parameters: {}, name: 'Cron', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.cron', typeVersion: 1, position: [400, 300], }, ], connections: {}, staticData: '{"id":1}', settings: { saveExecutionProgress: false, saveManualExecutions: false, saveDataErrorExecution: 'all', saveDataSuccessExecution: 'all', executionTimeout: 3600, timezone: 'America/New_York', }, }; const response = await authAgent.put(`/workflows/${}`).send(payload); const { id, name, nodes, connections, staticData, active, settings, createdAt, updatedAt } = response.body; expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(id).toBe(; expect(name).toBe(; expect(connections).toEqual(payload.connections); expect(settings).toEqual(payload.settings); expect(staticData).toMatchObject(JSON.parse(payload.staticData)); expect(nodes).toEqual(payload.nodes); expect(active).toBe(false); expect(createdAt).toBe(workflow.createdAt.toISOString()); expect(updatedAt).not.toBe(workflow.updatedAt.toISOString()); // check updated workflow in DB const sharedOwnerWorkflow = await Db.collections.SharedWorkflow.findOne({ where: { user: owner, workflow: response.body, }, }); expect(sharedOwnerWorkflow).toBeUndefined(); const sharedWorkflow = await Db.collections.SharedWorkflow.findOne({ where: { user: member, workflow: response.body, }, relations: ['workflow', 'role'], }); expect(sharedWorkflow?; expect(sharedWorkflow?.workflow.updatedAt.getTime()).toBeGreaterThan( workflow.updatedAt.getTime(), ); expect(sharedWorkflow?.role).toEqual(workflowOwnerRole); });