import 'cypress-real-events'; import type { FrontendSettings } from '@n8n/api-types'; import FakeTimers from '@sinonjs/fake-timers'; import { BACKEND_BASE_URL, INSTANCE_ADMIN, INSTANCE_MEMBERS, INSTANCE_OWNER, N8N_AUTH_COOKIE, } from '../constants'; import { WorkflowPage } from '../pages'; import { getUniqueWorkflowName, isCanvasV2 } from '../utils/workflowUtils'; Cypress.Commands.add('setAppDate', (targetDate: number | Date) => { cy.window().then((win) => { FakeTimers.withGlobal(win).install({ now: targetDate, toFake: ['Date'], shouldAdvanceTime: true, }); }); }); Cypress.Commands.add('getByTestId', (selector, ...args) => { return cy.get(`[data-test-id="${selector}"]`, ...args); }); Cypress.Commands.add('ifCanvasVersion', (getterV1, getterV2) => { return isCanvasV2() ? getterV2() : getterV1(); }); Cypress.Commands.add( 'createFixtureWorkflow', (fixtureKey: string, workflowName = getUniqueWorkflowName()) => { const workflowPage = new WorkflowPage(); // We need to force the click because the input is hidden workflowPage.getters .workflowImportInput() .selectFile(`fixtures/${fixtureKey}`, { force: true }); cy.waitForLoad(false); workflowPage.actions.setWorkflowName(workflowName); workflowPage.getters.saveButton().should('contain', 'Saved'); workflowPage.actions.zoomToFit(); }, ); Cypress.Commands.addQuery('findChildByTestId', function (testId: string) { return (subject: Cypress.Chainable) => subject.find(`[data-test-id="${testId}"]`); }); Cypress.Commands.add('waitForLoad', (waitForIntercepts = true) => { // These aliases are set-up before each test in cypress/support/e2e.ts // we can't set them up here because at this point it would be too late // and the requests would already have been made if (waitForIntercepts) { cy.wait(['@loadSettings', '@loadNodeTypes']); } cy.getByTestId('node-view-loader', { timeout: 20000 }).should('not.exist'); cy.get('.el-loading-mask', { timeout: 20000 }).should('not.exist'); }); Cypress.Commands.add('signin', ({ email, password }) => { void Cypress.session.clearAllSavedSessions(); cy.session([email, password], () => { return cy .request({ method: 'POST', url: `${BACKEND_BASE_URL}/rest/login`, body: { email, password }, failOnStatusCode: false, }) .then((response) => { Cypress.env('currentUserId',; // @TODO Remove this once the switcher is removed cy.window().then((win) => { win.localStorage.setItem('NodeView.migrated.release', 'true'); win.localStorage.setItem('NodeView.switcher.discovered.beta', 'true'); const nodeViewVersion = Cypress.env('NODE_VIEW_VERSION'); win.localStorage.setItem('NodeView.version', nodeViewVersion ?? '1'); }); }); }); }); Cypress.Commands.add('signinAsOwner', () => cy.signin(INSTANCE_OWNER)); Cypress.Commands.add('signinAsAdmin', () => cy.signin(INSTANCE_ADMIN)); Cypress.Commands.add('signinAsMember', (index = 0) => cy.signin(INSTANCE_MEMBERS[index])); Cypress.Commands.add('signout', () => { cy.request({ method: 'POST', url: `${BACKEND_BASE_URL}/rest/logout`, headers: { 'browser-id': localStorage.getItem('n8n-browserId') }, }); cy.getCookie(N8N_AUTH_COOKIE).should('not.exist'); }); export let settings: Partial; Cypress.Commands.add('overrideSettings', (value: Partial) => { settings = value; }); const setFeature = (feature: string, enabled: boolean) => cy.request('PATCH', `${BACKEND_BASE_URL}/rest/e2e/feature`, { feature: `feat:${feature}`, enabled, }); const setQuota = (feature: string, value: number) => cy.request('PATCH', `${BACKEND_BASE_URL}/rest/e2e/quota`, { feature: `quota:${feature}`, value, }); const setQueueMode = (enabled: boolean) => cy.request('PATCH', `${BACKEND_BASE_URL}/rest/e2e/queue-mode`, { enabled, }); Cypress.Commands.add('enableFeature', (feature: string) => setFeature(feature, true)); Cypress.Commands.add('changeQuota', (feature: string, value: number) => setQuota(feature, value)); Cypress.Commands.add('disableFeature', (feature: string) => setFeature(feature, false)); Cypress.Commands.add('enableQueueMode', () => setQueueMode(true)); Cypress.Commands.add('disableQueueMode', () => setQueueMode(false)); Cypress.Commands.add('grantBrowserPermissions', (...permissions: string[]) => { if (Cypress.isBrowser('chrome')) { cy.wrap( Cypress.automation('remote:debugger:protocol', { command: 'Browser.grantPermissions', params: { permissions, origin: window.location.origin, }, }), ); } }); Cypress.Commands.add('readClipboard', () => cy.window().then((win) => win.navigator.clipboard.readText()), ); Cypress.Commands.add('paste', { prevSubject: true }, (selector, pastePayload) => { // cy.wrap(selector).then(($destination) => { const pasteEvent = Object.assign(new Event('paste', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }), { clipboardData: { getData: () => pastePayload, }, }); $destination[0].dispatchEvent(pasteEvent); }); }); Cypress.Commands.add('drag', (selector, pos, options) => { const index = options?.index ?? 0; const [xDiff, yDiff] = pos; const element = typeof selector === 'string' ? cy.get(selector).eq(index) : selector; element.should('exist'); element.then(([$el]) => { const originalLocation = $el.getBoundingClientRect(); const newPosition = { x: options?.abs ? xDiff : originalLocation.right + xDiff, y: options?.abs ? yDiff : + yDiff, }; if (options?.realMouse) { element.realMouseDown(); element.realMouseMove(0, 0); element.realMouseMove(newPosition.x, newPosition.y); element.realMouseUp(); } else { element.trigger('mousedown', { force: true }); element.trigger('mousemove', { which: 1, pageX: newPosition.x, pageY: newPosition.y, force: true, }); if (options?.moveTwice) { // first move like hover to trigger object to be visible // like in main panel in ndv element.trigger('mousemove', { which: 1, pageX: newPosition.x, pageY: newPosition.y, force: true, }); } if (options?.clickToFinish) { // Click to finish the drag // For some reason, mouseup isn't working when moving nodes cy.get('body').click(newPosition.x, newPosition.y); } else { element.trigger('mouseup', { force: true }); } } }); }); Cypress.Commands.add('draganddrop', (draggableSelector, droppableSelector, options) => { if (draggableSelector) { cy.get(draggableSelector).should('exist'); } cy.get(droppableSelector).should('exist'); cy.get(droppableSelector) .first() .then(([$el]) => { const coords = $el.getBoundingClientRect(); const pageX = coords.left + coords.width / 2; const pageY = + coords.height / 2; if (draggableSelector) { cy.ifCanvasVersion( () => { // We can't use realMouseDown here because it hangs headless run cy.get(draggableSelector).trigger('mousedown'); }, () => { cy.get(draggableSelector).realMouseDown(); }, ); } // We don't chain these commands to make sure cy.get is re-trying correctly cy.get(droppableSelector).realMouseMove(0, 0); cy.get(droppableSelector).realMouseMove(pageX, pageY); cy.get(droppableSelector).realHover(); cy.get(droppableSelector).realMouseUp({ position: options?.position ?? 'top' }); if (draggableSelector) { cy.get(draggableSelector).realMouseUp(); } }); }); Cypress.Commands.add('push', (type, data) => { cy.request('POST', `${BACKEND_BASE_URL}/rest/e2e/push`, { type, data, }); }); Cypress.Commands.add('shouldNotHaveConsoleErrors', () => { cy.window().then((win) => { const spy = cy.spy(win.console, 'error'); cy.wrap(spy).should('not.have.been.called'); }); }); Cypress.Commands.add('resetDatabase', () => { cy.request('POST', `${BACKEND_BASE_URL}/rest/e2e/reset`, { owner: INSTANCE_OWNER, members: INSTANCE_MEMBERS, admin: INSTANCE_ADMIN, }); });