/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */ import type { Request, Response } from 'express'; import { parse, stringify } from 'flatted'; import picocolors from 'picocolors'; import { ErrorReporterProxy as ErrorReporter, FORM_TRIGGER_PATH_IDENTIFIER, NodeApiError, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { Readable } from 'node:stream'; import type { IExecutionDb, IExecutionFlatted, IExecutionFlattedDb, IExecutionResponse, IWorkflowDb, } from '@/Interfaces'; import { inDevelopment } from '@/constants'; import { ResponseError } from './errors/response-errors/abstract/response.error'; export function sendSuccessResponse( res: Response, data: any, raw?: boolean, responseCode?: number, responseHeader?: object, ) { if (responseCode !== undefined) { res.status(responseCode); } if (responseHeader) { res.header(responseHeader); } if (data instanceof Readable) { data.pipe(res); return; } if (raw === true) { if (typeof data === 'string') { res.send(data); } else { res.json(data); } } else { res.json({ data, }); } } interface ErrorResponse { code: number; message: string; hint?: string; stacktrace?: string; } export function sendErrorResponse(res: Response, error: Error) { let httpStatusCode = 500; const response: ErrorResponse = { code: 0, message: error.message ?? 'Unknown error', }; if (error instanceof ResponseError) { if (inDevelopment) { console.error(picocolors.red(error.httpStatusCode), error.message); } //render custom 404 page for form triggers const { originalUrl } = res.req; if (error.errorCode === 404 && originalUrl) { const basePath = originalUrl.split('/')[1]; const isLegacyFormTrigger = originalUrl.includes(FORM_TRIGGER_PATH_IDENTIFIER); const isFormTrigger = basePath.includes('form'); if (isFormTrigger || isLegacyFormTrigger) { const isTestWebhook = basePath.includes('test'); res.status(404); return res.render('form-trigger-404', { isTestWebhook }); } } httpStatusCode = error.httpStatusCode; if (error.errorCode) { response.code = error.errorCode; } if (error.hint) { response.hint = error.hint; } } if (error instanceof NodeApiError) { if (inDevelopment) { console.error(picocolors.red(error.name), error.message); } Object.assign(response, error); } if (error.stack && inDevelopment) { response.stacktrace = error.stack; } res.status(httpStatusCode).json(response); } export const isUniqueConstraintError = (error: Error) => ['unique', 'duplicate'].some((s) => error.message.toLowerCase().includes(s)); export function reportError(error: Error) { if (!(error instanceof ResponseError) || error.httpStatusCode > 404) { ErrorReporter.error(error); } } /** * A helper function which does not just allow to return Promises it also makes sure that * all the responses have the same format * * * @param {(req: Request, res: Response) => Promise} processFunction The actual function to process the request */ export function send( processFunction: (req: R, res: S) => Promise, raw = false, ) { return async (req: R, res: S) => { try { const data = await processFunction(req, res); if (!res.headersSent) sendSuccessResponse(res, data, raw); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { reportError(error); if (isUniqueConstraintError(error)) { error.message = 'There is already an entry with this name'; } } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument sendErrorResponse(res, error); } }; } /** * Flattens the Execution data. * As it contains a lot of references which normally would be saved as duplicate data * with regular JSON.stringify it gets flattened which keeps the references in place. * * @param {IExecutionDb} fullExecutionData The data to flatten */ // TODO: Remove this functions since it's purpose should be fulfilled by the execution repository export function flattenExecutionData(fullExecutionData: IExecutionDb): IExecutionFlatted { // Flatten the data const returnData: IExecutionFlatted = { data: stringify(fullExecutionData.data), mode: fullExecutionData.mode, // @ts-ignore waitTill: fullExecutionData.waitTill, startedAt: fullExecutionData.startedAt, stoppedAt: fullExecutionData.stoppedAt, finished: fullExecutionData.finished ? fullExecutionData.finished : false, workflowId: fullExecutionData.workflowId, workflowData: fullExecutionData.workflowData!, status: fullExecutionData.status, }; if (fullExecutionData.id !== undefined) { returnData.id = fullExecutionData.id; } if (fullExecutionData.retryOf !== undefined) { returnData.retryOf = fullExecutionData.retryOf.toString(); } if (fullExecutionData.retrySuccessId !== undefined) { returnData.retrySuccessId = fullExecutionData.retrySuccessId.toString(); } return returnData; } /** * Unflattens the Execution data. * * @param {IExecutionFlattedDb} fullExecutionData The data to unflatten */ // TODO: Remove this functions since it's purpose should be fulfilled by the execution repository export function unflattenExecutionData(fullExecutionData: IExecutionFlattedDb): IExecutionResponse { const returnData: IExecutionResponse = { id: fullExecutionData.id, workflowData: fullExecutionData.workflowData as IWorkflowDb, data: parse(fullExecutionData.data), mode: fullExecutionData.mode, waitTill: fullExecutionData.waitTill ? fullExecutionData.waitTill : undefined, startedAt: fullExecutionData.startedAt, stoppedAt: fullExecutionData.stoppedAt, finished: fullExecutionData.finished ? fullExecutionData.finished : false, workflowId: fullExecutionData.workflowId, status: fullExecutionData.status, }; return returnData; } export const flattenObject = (obj: { [x: string]: any }, prefix = '') => Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, k) => { const pre = prefix.length ? prefix + '.' : ''; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument if (typeof obj[k] === 'object') Object.assign(acc, flattenObject(obj[k], pre + k)); //@ts-ignore else acc[pre + k] = obj[k]; return acc; }, {});