import express from 'express'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import axios from 'axios'; import * as Db from '@/Db'; import * as GenericHelpers from '@/GenericHelpers'; import * as ResponseHelper from '@/ResponseHelper'; import * as WorkflowHelpers from '@/WorkflowHelpers'; import type { IWorkflowResponse, IExecutionPushResponse } from '@/Interfaces'; import config from '@/config'; import { SharedWorkflow } from '@db/entities/SharedWorkflow'; import { WorkflowEntity } from '@db/entities/WorkflowEntity'; import { validateEntity } from '@/GenericHelpers'; import { ExternalHooks } from '@/ExternalHooks'; import type { ListQuery, WorkflowRequest } from '@/requests'; import { isBelowOnboardingThreshold } from '@/WorkflowHelpers'; import { WorkflowService } from './workflow.service'; import { isSharingEnabled, rightDiff } from '@/UserManagement/UserManagementHelper'; import { Container } from 'typedi'; import { InternalHooks } from '@/InternalHooks'; import { RoleService } from '@/services/role.service'; import * as utils from '@/utils'; import { listQueryMiddleware } from '@/middlewares'; import { TagService } from '@/services/tag.service'; import { WorkflowHistoryService } from './workflowHistory/'; import { Logger } from '@/Logger'; import { SharedWorkflowRepository } from '@db/repositories/sharedWorkflow.repository'; import { BadRequestError } from '@/errors/response-errors/bad-request.error'; import { NotFoundError } from '@/errors/response-errors/not-found.error'; import { InternalServerError } from '@/errors/response-errors/internal-server.error'; import { NamingService } from '@/services/naming.service'; import { TagRepository } from '@/databases/repositories/tag.repository'; import { EnterpriseWorkflowService } from './'; import { WorkflowRepository } from '@/databases/repositories/workflow.repository'; import type { RoleNames } from '@/databases/entities/Role'; import { UnauthorizedError } from '@/errors/response-errors/unauthorized.error'; import { CredentialsService } from '../credentials/credentials.service'; export const workflowsController = express.Router(); /** * POST /workflows */ '/', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: WorkflowRequest.Create) => { delete; // delete if sent const newWorkflow = new WorkflowEntity(); Object.assign(newWorkflow, req.body); newWorkflow.versionId = uuid(); await validateEntity(newWorkflow); await Container.get(ExternalHooks).run('workflow.create', [newWorkflow]); const { tags: tagIds } = req.body; if (tagIds?.length && !config.getEnv('workflowTagsDisabled')) { newWorkflow.tags = await Container.get(TagRepository).findMany(tagIds); } await WorkflowHelpers.replaceInvalidCredentials(newWorkflow); WorkflowHelpers.addNodeIds(newWorkflow); if (isSharingEnabled()) { // This is a new workflow, so we simply check if the user has access to // all used workflows const allCredentials = await CredentialsService.getMany(req.user); try { Container.get(EnterpriseWorkflowService).validateCredentialPermissionsToUser( newWorkflow, allCredentials, ); } catch (error) { throw new BadRequestError( 'The workflow you are trying to save contains credentials that are not shared with you', ); } } let savedWorkflow: undefined | WorkflowEntity; await Db.transaction(async (transactionManager) => { savedWorkflow = await; const role = await Container.get(RoleService).findWorkflowOwnerRole(); const newSharedWorkflow = new SharedWorkflow(); Object.assign(newSharedWorkflow, { role, user: req.user, workflow: savedWorkflow, }); await; }); if (!savedWorkflow) { Container.get(Logger).error('Failed to create workflow', { userId: }); throw new InternalServerError('Failed to save workflow'); } await Container.get(WorkflowHistoryService).saveVersion( req.user, savedWorkflow,, ); if (tagIds && !config.getEnv('workflowTagsDisabled') && savedWorkflow.tags) { savedWorkflow.tags = Container.get(TagService).sortByRequestOrder(savedWorkflow.tags, { requestOrder: tagIds, }); } await Container.get(ExternalHooks).run('workflow.afterCreate', [savedWorkflow]); void Container.get(InternalHooks).onWorkflowCreated(req.user, newWorkflow, false); return savedWorkflow; }), ); /** * GET /workflows */ workflowsController.get( '/', listQueryMiddleware, async (req: ListQuery.Request, res: express.Response) => { try { const roles: RoleNames[] = isSharingEnabled() ? [] : ['owner']; const sharedWorkflowIds = await WorkflowHelpers.getSharedWorkflowIds(req.user, roles); const { workflows: data, count } = await Container.get(WorkflowService).getMany( sharedWorkflowIds, req.listQueryOptions, ); res.json({ count, data }); } catch (maybeError) { const error = utils.toError(maybeError); ResponseHelper.reportError(error); ResponseHelper.sendErrorResponse(res, error); } }, ); /** * GET /workflows/new */ workflowsController.get( '/new', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: WorkflowRequest.NewName) => { const requestedName = ?? config.getEnv('workflows.defaultName'); const name = await Container.get(NamingService).getUniqueWorkflowName(requestedName); const onboardingFlowEnabled = !config.getEnv('workflows.onboardingFlowDisabled') && !req.user.settings?.isOnboarded && (await isBelowOnboardingThreshold(req.user)); return { name, onboardingFlowEnabled }; }), ); // Reads and returns workflow data from an URL /** * GET /workflows/from-url */ workflowsController.get( '/from-url', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request): Promise => { if (req.query.url === undefined) { throw new BadRequestError('The parameter "url" is missing!'); } if (!/^http[s]?:\/\/.*\.json$/i.exec(req.query.url as string)) { throw new BadRequestError( 'The parameter "url" is not valid! It does not seem to be a URL pointing to a n8n workflow JSON file.', ); } let workflowData: IWorkflowResponse | undefined; try { const { data } = await axios.get(req.query.url as string); workflowData = data; } catch (error) { throw new BadRequestError('The URL does not point to valid JSON file!'); } // Do a very basic check if it is really a n8n-workflow-json if ( workflowData?.nodes === undefined || !Array.isArray(workflowData.nodes) || workflowData.connections === undefined || typeof workflowData.connections !== 'object' || Array.isArray(workflowData.connections) ) { throw new BadRequestError( 'The data in the file does not seem to be a n8n workflow JSON file!', ); } return workflowData; }), ); /** * GET /workflows/:id */ workflowsController.get( '/:id(\\w+)', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: WorkflowRequest.Get) => { const { id: workflowId } = req.params; if (isSharingEnabled()) { const relations = ['shared', 'shared.user', 'shared.role']; if (!config.getEnv('workflowTagsDisabled')) { relations.push('tags'); } const workflow = await Container.get(WorkflowRepository).get( { id: workflowId }, { relations }, ); if (!workflow) { throw new NotFoundError(`Workflow with ID "${workflowId}" does not exist`); } const userSharing = workflow.shared?.find((shared) => ===; if (!userSharing && !req.user.hasGlobalScope('workflow:read')) { throw new UnauthorizedError( 'You do not have permission to access this workflow. Ask the owner to share it with you', ); } const enterpriseWorkflowService = Container.get(EnterpriseWorkflowService); enterpriseWorkflowService.addOwnerAndSharings(workflow); await enterpriseWorkflowService.addCredentialsToWorkflow(workflow, req.user); return workflow; } // sharing disabled const extraRelations = config.getEnv('workflowTagsDisabled') ? [] : ['workflow.tags']; const shared = await Container.get(SharedWorkflowRepository).findSharing( workflowId, req.user, 'workflow:read', { extraRelations }, ); if (!shared) { Container.get(Logger).verbose('User attempted to access a workflow without permissions', { workflowId, userId:, }); throw new NotFoundError( 'Could not load the workflow - you can only access workflows owned by you', ); } return shared.workflow; }), ); // Updates an existing workflow /** * PATCH /workflows/:id */ workflowsController.patch( '/:id(\\w+)', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: WorkflowRequest.Update) => { const { id: workflowId } = req.params; const forceSave = req.query.forceSave === 'true'; let updateData = new WorkflowEntity(); const { tags, } = req.body; Object.assign(updateData, rest); if (isSharingEnabled()) { updateData = await Container.get(EnterpriseWorkflowService).preventTampering( updateData, workflowId, req.user, ); } const updatedWorkflow = await Container.get(WorkflowService).update( req.user, updateData, workflowId, tags, isSharingEnabled() ? forceSave : true, isSharingEnabled() ? undefined : ['owner'], ); return updatedWorkflow; }), ); // Deletes a specific workflow /** * DELETE /workflows/:id */ workflowsController.delete( '/:id(\\w+)', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: WorkflowRequest.Delete) => { const { id: workflowId } = req.params; const workflow = await Container.get(WorkflowService).delete(req.user, workflowId); if (!workflow) { Container.get(Logger).verbose('User attempted to delete a workflow without permissions', { workflowId, userId:, }); throw new BadRequestError( 'Could not delete the workflow - you can only remove workflows owned by you', ); } return true; }), ); /** * POST /workflows/run */ '/run', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: WorkflowRequest.ManualRun): Promise => { if (isSharingEnabled()) { const workflow = Container.get(WorkflowRepository).create(req.body.workflowData); if ( !== undefined) { const safeWorkflow = await Container.get(EnterpriseWorkflowService).preventTampering( workflow,, req.user, ); req.body.workflowData.nodes = safeWorkflow.nodes; } } return Container.get(WorkflowService).runManually( req.body, req.user, GenericHelpers.getSessionId(req), ); }), ); /** * (EE) PUT /workflows/:id/share * * Grant or remove users' access to a workflow. */ workflowsController.put( '/:workflowId/share', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: WorkflowRequest.Share) => { if (!isSharingEnabled()) throw new NotFoundError('Route not found'); const { workflowId } = req.params; const { shareWithIds } = req.body; if ( !Array.isArray(shareWithIds) || !shareWithIds.every((userId) => typeof userId === 'string') ) { throw new BadRequestError('Bad request'); } const isOwnedRes = await Container.get(EnterpriseWorkflowService).isOwned(req.user, workflowId); const { ownsWorkflow } = isOwnedRes; let { workflow } = isOwnedRes; if (!ownsWorkflow || !workflow) { workflow = undefined; // Allow owners/admins to share if (req.user.hasGlobalScope('workflow:share')) { const sharedRes = await Container.get(WorkflowService).getSharing(req.user, workflowId, { allowGlobalScope: true, globalScope: 'workflow:share', }); workflow = sharedRes?.workflow; } if (!workflow) { throw new UnauthorizedError('Forbidden'); } } const ownerIds = ( await Container.get(WorkflowRepository).getSharings( Db.getConnection().createEntityManager(), workflowId, ['shared', 'shared.role'], ) ) .filter((e) => === 'owner') .map((e) => e.userId); let newShareeIds: string[] = []; await Db.transaction(async (trx) => { // remove all sharings that are not supposed to exist anymore await Container.get(WorkflowRepository).pruneSharings(trx, workflowId, [ ...ownerIds, ...shareWithIds, ]); const sharings = await Container.get(WorkflowRepository).getSharings(trx, workflowId); // extract the new sharings that need to be added newShareeIds = rightDiff( [sharings, (sharing) => sharing.userId], [shareWithIds, (shareeId) => shareeId], ); if (newShareeIds.length) { await Container.get(EnterpriseWorkflowService).share(trx, workflow!, newShareeIds); } }); void Container.get(InternalHooks).onWorkflowSharingUpdate( workflowId,, shareWithIds, ); }), );