import { CSVLoader } from '@langchain/community/document_loaders/fs/csv'; import { DocxLoader } from '@langchain/community/document_loaders/fs/docx'; import { EPubLoader } from '@langchain/community/document_loaders/fs/epub'; import { PDFLoader } from '@langchain/community/document_loaders/fs/pdf'; import type { Document } from '@langchain/core/documents'; import type { TextSplitter } from '@langchain/textsplitters'; import { createWriteStream } from 'fs'; import { JSONLoader } from 'langchain/document_loaders/fs/json'; import { TextLoader } from 'langchain/document_loaders/fs/text'; import type { IBinaryData, IExecuteFunctions, INodeExecutionData, ISupplyDataFunctions, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { NodeOperationError, BINARY_ENCODING } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { pipeline } from 'stream/promises'; import { file as tmpFile, type DirectoryResult } from 'tmp-promise'; import { getMetadataFiltersValues } from './helpers'; const SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES = { auto: ['*/*'], pdfLoader: ['application/pdf'], csvLoader: ['text/csv'], epubLoader: ['application/epub+zip'], docxLoader: ['application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document'], textLoader: ['text/plain', 'text/mdx', 'text/md'], jsonLoader: ['application/json'], }; export class N8nBinaryLoader { constructor( private context: IExecuteFunctions | ISupplyDataFunctions, private optionsPrefix = '', private binaryDataKey = '', private textSplitter?: TextSplitter, ) {} async processAll(items?: INodeExecutionData[]): Promise { const docs: Document[] = []; if (!items) return []; for (let itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < items.length; itemIndex++) { const processedDocuments = await this.processItem(items[itemIndex], itemIndex); docs.push(...processedDocuments); } return docs; } private async validateMimeType( mimeType: string, selectedLoader: keyof typeof SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES, ): Promise { // Check if loader matches the mime-type of the data if (selectedLoader !== 'auto' && !SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES[selectedLoader].includes(mimeType)) { const neededLoader = Object.keys(SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES).find((loader) => SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES[loader as keyof typeof SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES].includes(mimeType), ); throw new NodeOperationError( this.context.getNode(), `Mime type doesn't match selected loader. Please select under "Loader Type": ${neededLoader}`, ); } if (!Object.values(SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES).flat().includes(mimeType)) { throw new NodeOperationError(this.context.getNode(), `Unsupported mime type: ${mimeType}`); } if ( !SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES[selectedLoader].includes(mimeType) && selectedLoader !== 'textLoader' && selectedLoader !== 'auto' ) { throw new NodeOperationError( this.context.getNode(), `Unsupported mime type: ${mimeType} for selected loader: ${selectedLoader}`, ); } } private async getFilePathOrBlob( binaryData: IBinaryData, mimeType: string, ): Promise { if ( { const binaryBuffer = await this.context.helpers.binaryToBuffer( await this.context.helpers.getBinaryStream(, ); return new Blob([binaryBuffer], { type: mimeType, }); } else { return new Blob([Buffer.from(, BINARY_ENCODING)], { type: mimeType, }); } } private async getLoader( mimeType: string, filePathOrBlob: string | Blob, itemIndex: number, ): Promise { switch (mimeType) { case 'application/pdf': const splitPages = this.context.getNodeParameter( `${this.optionsPrefix}splitPages`, itemIndex, false, ) as boolean; return new PDFLoader(filePathOrBlob, { splitPages }); case 'text/csv': const column = this.context.getNodeParameter( `${this.optionsPrefix}column`, itemIndex, null, ) as string; const separator = this.context.getNodeParameter( `${this.optionsPrefix}separator`, itemIndex, ',', ) as string; return new CSVLoader(filePathOrBlob, { column: column ?? undefined, separator }); case 'application/epub+zip': // EPubLoader currently does not accept Blobs let filePath: string; if (filePathOrBlob instanceof Blob) { const tmpFileData = await tmpFile({ prefix: 'epub-loader-' }); const bufferData = await filePathOrBlob.arrayBuffer(); await pipeline([new Uint8Array(bufferData)], createWriteStream(tmpFileData.path)); return new EPubLoader(tmpFileData.path); } else { filePath = filePathOrBlob; } return new EPubLoader(filePath); case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document': return new DocxLoader(filePathOrBlob); case 'text/plain': return new TextLoader(filePathOrBlob); case 'application/json': const pointers = this.context.getNodeParameter( `${this.optionsPrefix}pointers`, itemIndex, '', ) as string; const pointersArray = pointers.split(',').map((pointer) => pointer.trim()); return new JSONLoader(filePathOrBlob, pointersArray); default: return new TextLoader(filePathOrBlob); } } private async loadDocuments( loader: PDFLoader | CSVLoader | EPubLoader | DocxLoader | TextLoader | JSONLoader, ): Promise { return this.textSplitter ? await this.textSplitter.splitDocuments(await loader.load()) : await loader.load(); } private async cleanupTmpFileIfNeeded( cleanupTmpFile: DirectoryResult['cleanup'] | undefined, ): Promise { if (cleanupTmpFile) { await cleanupTmpFile(); } } async processItem(item: INodeExecutionData, itemIndex: number): Promise { const docs: Document[] = []; const binaryMode = this.context.getNodeParameter('binaryMode', itemIndex, 'allInputData'); if (binaryMode === 'allInputData') { const binaryData = this.context.getInputData(); for (const data of binaryData) { if (data.binary) { const binaryDataKeys = Object.keys(data.binary); for (const fileKey of binaryDataKeys) { const processedDocuments = await this.processItemByKey(item, itemIndex, fileKey); docs.push(...processedDocuments); } } } } else { const processedDocuments = await this.processItemByKey(item, itemIndex, this.binaryDataKey); docs.push(...processedDocuments); } return docs; } async processItemByKey( item: INodeExecutionData, itemIndex: number, binaryKey: string, ): Promise { const selectedLoader: keyof typeof SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES = this.context.getNodeParameter( 'loader', itemIndex, 'auto', ) as keyof typeof SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES; const docs: Document[] = []; const metadata = getMetadataFiltersValues(this.context, itemIndex); if (!item) return []; const binaryData = this.context.helpers.assertBinaryData(itemIndex, binaryKey); const { mimeType } = binaryData; await this.validateMimeType(mimeType, selectedLoader); const filePathOrBlob = await this.getFilePathOrBlob(binaryData, mimeType); const cleanupTmpFile: DirectoryResult['cleanup'] | undefined = undefined; const loader = await this.getLoader(mimeType, filePathOrBlob, itemIndex); const loadedDoc = await this.loadDocuments(loader); docs.push(...loadedDoc); if (metadata) { docs.forEach((document) => { document.metadata = { ...document.metadata, ...metadata, }; }); } await this.cleanupTmpFileIfNeeded(cleanupTmpFile); return docs; } }