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"functionCode": "const data = [\n {\n id: 1,\n text: 'foo',\n data: 'D',\n data3: 111,\n memo: 'test'\n },\n {\n id: 1,\n text: 'foo',\n data: 'DD',\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n text: 'bar bar',\n data: 'E',\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n text: 'spam',\n data: 'F',\n },\n {\n id: 5,\n text: 'spam',\n data: 'X',\n },\n];\n\nreturn data;" }, "id": "a91e7fe8-b9fb-417f-a434-c15623246c99", "name": "Function1", "type": "n8n-nodes-base.function", "typeVersion": 1, "position": [-100, 760] }, { "parameters": { "functionCode": "if (!(items.length === 2) && items.filter(({json}) => json.text === 'foo' || 'spam').length !== 2) {\n throw new Error('Incorrect data');\n}\n\nreturn {success: true};" }, "id": "bef942a0-21f4-469d-b019-e528140d9686", "name": "Function2", "type": "n8n-nodes-base.function", "typeVersion": 1, "position": [440, 900] }, { "parameters": { "functionCode": "if (!(items.length === 1) && items[0].json.data !== 'Y') {\n throw new Error('Incorrect data');\n}\n\nreturn {success: true};" }, "id": 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"parameters": { "mergeByFields": { "values": [ { "field1": "id", "field2": "id" } ] }, "resolve": "includeBoth", "options": { "multipleMatches": "all" } }, "id": "ecb9384d-79b2-4ea8-9a44-a1bb9064311d", "name": "Compare1", "type": "n8n-nodes-base.compareDatasets", "typeVersion": 1, "position": [160, 1340] }, { "parameters": { "functionCode": "const data = [\n {\n id: 1,\n data: 'A',\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n data: 'B',\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n data: 'C',\n },\n];\n\nreturn data;" }, "id": "d218a3b7-1f10-42d8-be27-155f15682855", "name": "Function6", "type": "n8n-nodes-base.function", "typeVersion": 1, "position": [-120, 1260] }, { "parameters": { "functionCode": "const data = [\n {\n id: 1,\n data: 'D',\n },\n {\n id: 1,\n data: 'DD',\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n data: 'E',\n },\n {\n id: 2,\n data: 'EE',\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n data: 'F',\n },\n {\n id: 3,\n data: 'FF',\n },\n {\n id: 5,\n data: 'X',\n },\n];\n\nreturn data;" }, "id": "7d8e9189-b8e7-4893-96ac-05533d846503", "name": "Function7", "type": 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{\n 'id.code': 'AAA',\n },\n];\n\nreturn data;" }, "id": "36651bfd-6835-429a-b6f6-eb2cf4ab0178", "name": "Function19", "type": "n8n-nodes-base.function", "typeVersion": 1, "position": [-100, 2560] }, { "parameters": { "functionCode": "if (items[0].json.data !== 'EE') {\n throw new Error('Incorrect data');\n}\n\nreturn {success: true};" }, "id": "b1929edc-cecb-4e0e-9698-e2210df4d839", "name": "Function14", "type": "n8n-nodes-base.function", "typeVersion": 1, "position": [420, 2240] }, { "parameters": { "functionCode": "if (items[0].json.data !== 'AA') {\n throw new Error('Incorrect data');\n}\n\nreturn {success: true};" }, "id": "ffa2e4be-a352-466d-90fd-6be7be8df2c4", "name": "Function15", "type": "n8n-nodes-base.function", "typeVersion": 1, "position": [420, 1780] }, { "parameters": { "functionCode": "if (items[0].json.data !== 'A') {\n throw new Error('Incorrect data');\n}\n\nreturn {success: true};" }, "id": "3f1d1ed6-06ac-43d8-85f8-e290fd3ffbca", "name": "Function16", "type": 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