/* eslint-disable import/no-cycle */ /* eslint-disable prefer-spread */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion */ /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ /* eslint-disable no-console */ /* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */ /* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-shadow */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */ import { ActiveWorkflows, NodeExecuteFunctions } from 'n8n-core'; import { ExecutionError, IDeferredPromise, IExecuteData, IExecuteResponsePromiseData, IGetExecutePollFunctions, IGetExecuteTriggerFunctions, INode, INodeExecutionData, IRun, IRunExecutionData, IWorkflowBase, IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData as IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalDataWorkflow, NodeHelpers, WebhookHttpMethod, Workflow, WorkflowActivateMode, WorkflowActivationError, WorkflowExecuteMode, LoggerProxy as Logger, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import express from 'express'; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-cycle import { Db, IActivationError, IResponseCallbackData, IWebhookDb, IWorkflowDb, IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess, NodeTypes, ResponseHelper, WebhookHelpers, WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, WorkflowHelpers, WorkflowRunner, ExternalHooks, } from '.'; import config from '../config'; import { User } from './databases/entities/User'; import { whereClause } from './WorkflowHelpers'; import { WorkflowEntity } from './databases/entities/WorkflowEntity'; import * as ActiveExecutions from './ActiveExecutions'; const activeExecutions = ActiveExecutions.getInstance(); const WEBHOOK_PROD_UNREGISTERED_HINT = `The workflow must be active for a production URL to run successfully. You can activate the workflow using the toggle in the top-right of the editor. Note that unlike test URL calls, production URL calls aren't shown on the canvas (only in the executions list)`; export class ActiveWorkflowRunner { private activeWorkflows: ActiveWorkflows | null = null; private activationErrors: { [key: string]: IActivationError; } = {}; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types async init() { // Get the active workflows from database // NOTE // Here I guess we can have a flag on the workflow table like hasTrigger // so intead of pulling all the active wehhooks just pull the actives that have a trigger const workflowsData: IWorkflowDb[] = (await Db.collections.Workflow.find({ where: { active: true }, relations: ['shared', 'shared.user', 'shared.user.globalRole'], })) as IWorkflowDb[]; if (!config.getEnv('endpoints.skipWebhoooksDeregistrationOnShutdown')) { // Do not clean up database when skip registration is done. // This flag is set when n8n is running in scaled mode. // Impact is minimal, but for a short while, n8n will stop accepting requests. // Also, users had issues when running multiple "main process" // instances if many of them start at the same time // This is not officially supported but there is no reason // it should not work. // Clear up active workflow table await Db.collections.Webhook.clear(); } this.activeWorkflows = new ActiveWorkflows(); if (workflowsData.length !== 0) { console.info(' ================================'); console.info(' Start Active Workflows:'); console.info(' ================================'); for (const workflowData of workflowsData) { console.log(` - ${workflowData.name}`); Logger.debug(`Initializing active workflow "${workflowData.name}" (startup)`, { workflowName: workflowData.name, workflowId: workflowData.id, }); try { await this.add(workflowData.id.toString(), 'init', workflowData); Logger.verbose(`Successfully started workflow "${workflowData.name}"`, { workflowName: workflowData.name, workflowId: workflowData.id, }); console.log(` => Started`); } catch (error) { console.log(` => ERROR: Workflow could not be activated`); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions console.log(` ${error.message}`); Logger.error(`Unable to initialize workflow "${workflowData.name}" (startup)`, { workflowName: workflowData.name, workflowId: workflowData.id, }); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument this.executeErrorWorkflow(error, workflowData, 'internal'); } } Logger.verbose('Finished initializing active workflows (startup)'); } const externalHooks = ExternalHooks(); await externalHooks.run('activeWorkflows.initialized', []); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types async initWebhooks() { this.activeWorkflows = new ActiveWorkflows(); } /** * Removes all the currently active workflows * * @returns {Promise} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ async removeAll(): Promise { let activeWorkflowIds: string[] = []; Logger.verbose('Call to remove all active workflows received (removeAll)'); if (this.activeWorkflows !== null) { activeWorkflowIds.push.apply(activeWorkflowIds, this.activeWorkflows.allActiveWorkflows()); } const activeWorkflows = await this.getActiveWorkflows(); activeWorkflowIds = [ ...activeWorkflowIds, ...activeWorkflows.map((workflow) => workflow.id.toString()), ]; // Make sure IDs are unique activeWorkflowIds = Array.from(new Set(activeWorkflowIds)); const removePromises = []; for (const workflowId of activeWorkflowIds) { removePromises.push(this.remove(workflowId)); } await Promise.all(removePromises); } /** * Checks if a webhook for the given method and path exists and executes the workflow. * * @param {WebhookHttpMethod} httpMethod * @param {string} path * @param {express.Request} req * @param {express.Response} res * @returns {Promise} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ async executeWebhook( httpMethod: WebhookHttpMethod, path: string, req: express.Request, res: express.Response, ): Promise { Logger.debug(`Received webhoook "${httpMethod}" for path "${path}"`); if (this.activeWorkflows === null) { throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError( 'The "activeWorkflows" instance did not get initialized yet.', 404, 404, ); } // Reset request parameters req.params = {}; // Remove trailing slash if (path.endsWith('/')) { path = path.slice(0, -1); } let webhook = (await Db.collections.Webhook.findOne({ webhookPath: path, method: httpMethod, })) as IWebhookDb; let webhookId: string | undefined; // check if path is dynamic if (webhook === undefined) { // check if a dynamic webhook path exists const pathElements = path.split('/'); webhookId = pathElements.shift(); const dynamicWebhooks = await Db.collections.Webhook.find({ webhookId, method: httpMethod, pathLength: pathElements.length, }); if (dynamicWebhooks === undefined || dynamicWebhooks.length === 0) { // The requested webhook is not registered throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError( `The requested webhook "${httpMethod} ${path}" is not registered.`, 404, 404, WEBHOOK_PROD_UNREGISTERED_HINT, ); } let maxMatches = 0; const pathElementsSet = new Set(pathElements); // check if static elements match in path // if more results have been returned choose the one with the most static-route matches dynamicWebhooks.forEach((dynamicWebhook) => { const staticElements = dynamicWebhook.webhookPath .split('/') .filter((ele) => !ele.startsWith(':')); const allStaticExist = staticElements.every((staticEle) => pathElementsSet.has(staticEle)); if (allStaticExist && staticElements.length > maxMatches) { maxMatches = staticElements.length; webhook = dynamicWebhook; } // handle routes with no static elements else if (staticElements.length === 0 && !webhook) { webhook = dynamicWebhook; } }); if (webhook === undefined) { throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError( `The requested webhook "${httpMethod} ${path}" is not registered.`, 404, 404, WEBHOOK_PROD_UNREGISTERED_HINT, ); } // @ts-ignore // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign path = webhook.webhookPath; // extracting params from path // @ts-ignore webhook.webhookPath.split('/').forEach((ele, index) => { if (ele.startsWith(':')) { // write params to req.params req.params[ele.slice(1)] = pathElements[index]; } }); } const workflowData = await Db.collections.Workflow.findOne(webhook.workflowId, { relations: ['shared', 'shared.user', 'shared.user.globalRole'], }); if (workflowData === undefined) { throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError( `Could not find workflow with id "${webhook.workflowId}"`, 404, 404, ); } const nodeTypes = NodeTypes(); const workflow = new Workflow({ id: webhook.workflowId.toString(), name: workflowData.name, nodes: workflowData.nodes, connections: workflowData.connections, active: workflowData.active, nodeTypes, staticData: workflowData.staticData, settings: workflowData.settings, }); const additionalData = await WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.getBase( workflowData.shared[0].user.id, ); const webhookData = NodeHelpers.getNodeWebhooks( workflow, workflow.getNode(webhook.node) as INode, additionalData, ).filter((webhook) => { return webhook.httpMethod === httpMethod && webhook.path === path; })[0]; // Get the node which has the webhook defined to know where to start from and to // get additional data const workflowStartNode = workflow.getNode(webhookData.node); if (workflowStartNode === null) { throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError('Could not find node to process webhook.', 404, 404); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const executionMode = 'webhook'; // @ts-ignore WebhookHelpers.executeWebhook( workflow, webhookData, workflowData, workflowStartNode, executionMode, undefined, undefined, undefined, req, res, // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return (error: Error | null, data: object) => { if (error !== null) { return reject(error); } resolve(data); }, ); }); } /** * Gets all request methods associated with a single webhook * * @param {string} path webhook path * @returns {Promise} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ async getWebhookMethods(path: string): Promise { const webhooks = await Db.collections.Webhook.find({ webhookPath: path }); // Gather all request methods in string array const webhookMethods: string[] = webhooks.map((webhook) => webhook.method); return webhookMethods; } /** * Returns the ids of the currently active workflows * * @returns {string[]} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ async getActiveWorkflows(user?: User): Promise { let activeWorkflows: WorkflowEntity[] = []; if (!user || user.globalRole.name === 'owner') { activeWorkflows = await Db.collections.Workflow.find({ select: ['id'], where: { active: true }, }); } else { const shared = await Db.collections.SharedWorkflow.find({ relations: ['workflow'], where: whereClause({ user, entityType: 'workflow', }), }); activeWorkflows = shared.reduce((acc, cur) => { if (cur.workflow.active) acc.push(cur.workflow); return acc; }, []); } return activeWorkflows.filter((workflow) => this.activationErrors[workflow.id] === undefined); } /** * Returns if the workflow is active * * @param {string} id The id of the workflow to check * @returns {boolean} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ async isActive(id: string): Promise { const workflow = await Db.collections.Workflow.findOne(id); return !!workflow?.active; } /** * Return error if there was a problem activating the workflow * * @param {string} id The id of the workflow to return the error of * @returns {(IActivationError | undefined)} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ getActivationError(id: string): IActivationError | undefined { if (this.activationErrors[id] === undefined) { return undefined; } return this.activationErrors[id]; } /** * Adds all the webhooks of the workflow * * @param {Workflow} workflow * @param {IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalDataWorkflow} additionalData * @param {WorkflowExecuteMode} mode * @returns {Promise} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ async addWorkflowWebhooks( workflow: Workflow, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalDataWorkflow, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, activation: WorkflowActivateMode, ): Promise { const webhooks = WebhookHelpers.getWorkflowWebhooks(workflow, additionalData, undefined, true); let path = '' as string | undefined; for (const webhookData of webhooks) { const node = workflow.getNode(webhookData.node) as INode; node.name = webhookData.node; path = webhookData.path; const webhook = { workflowId: webhookData.workflowId, webhookPath: path, node: node.name, method: webhookData.httpMethod, } as IWebhookDb; if (webhook.webhookPath.startsWith('/')) { webhook.webhookPath = webhook.webhookPath.slice(1); } if (webhook.webhookPath.endsWith('/')) { webhook.webhookPath = webhook.webhookPath.slice(0, -1); } if ((path.startsWith(':') || path.includes('/:')) && node.webhookId) { webhook.webhookId = node.webhookId; webhook.pathLength = webhook.webhookPath.split('/').length; } try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await Db.collections.Webhook.insert(webhook); const webhookExists = await workflow.runWebhookMethod( 'checkExists', webhookData, NodeExecuteFunctions, mode, activation, false, ); if (webhookExists !== true) { // If webhook does not exist yet create it await workflow.runWebhookMethod( 'create', webhookData, NodeExecuteFunctions, mode, activation, false, ); } } catch (error) { if ( activation === 'init' && config.getEnv('endpoints.skipWebhoooksDeregistrationOnShutdown') && error.name === 'QueryFailedError' ) { // When skipWebhoooksDeregistrationOnShutdown is enabled, // n8n does not remove the registered webhooks on exit. // This means that further initializations will always fail // when inserting to database. This is why we ignore this error // as it's expected to happen. // eslint-disable-next-line no-continue continue; } try { await this.removeWorkflowWebhooks(workflow.id as string); } catch (error) { console.error( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions `Could not remove webhooks of workflow "${workflow.id}" because of error: "${error.message}"`, ); } // if it's a workflow from the the insert // TODO check if there is standard error code for duplicate key violation that works // with all databases if (error.name === 'QueryFailedError') { error.message = `The URL path that the "${webhook.node}" node uses is already taken. Please change it to something else.`; } else if (error.detail) { // it's a error runnig the webhook methods (checkExists, create) error.message = error.detail; } throw error; } } // Save static data! await WorkflowHelpers.saveStaticData(workflow); } /** * Remove all the webhooks of the workflow * * @param {string} workflowId * @returns * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ async removeWorkflowWebhooks(workflowId: string): Promise { const workflowData = await Db.collections.Workflow.findOne(workflowId, { relations: ['shared', 'shared.user', 'shared.user.globalRole'], }); if (workflowData === undefined) { throw new Error(`Could not find workflow with id "${workflowId}"`); } const nodeTypes = NodeTypes(); const workflow = new Workflow({ id: workflowId, name: workflowData.name, nodes: workflowData.nodes, connections: workflowData.connections, active: workflowData.active, nodeTypes, staticData: workflowData.staticData, settings: workflowData.settings, }); const mode = 'internal'; const additionalData = await WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.getBase( workflowData.shared[0].user.id, ); const webhooks = WebhookHelpers.getWorkflowWebhooks(workflow, additionalData, undefined, true); for (const webhookData of webhooks) { await workflow.runWebhookMethod( 'delete', webhookData, NodeExecuteFunctions, mode, 'update', false, ); } await WorkflowHelpers.saveStaticData(workflow); const webhook = { workflowId: workflowData.id, } as IWebhookDb; await Db.collections.Webhook.delete(webhook); } /** * Runs the given workflow * * @param {IWorkflowDb} workflowData * @param {INode} node * @param {INodeExecutionData[][]} data * @param {IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalDataWorkflow} additionalData * @param {WorkflowExecuteMode} mode * @returns * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types async runWorkflow( workflowData: IWorkflowDb, node: INode, data: INodeExecutionData[][], additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalDataWorkflow, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, responsePromise?: IDeferredPromise, ) { const nodeExecutionStack: IExecuteData[] = [ { node, data: { main: data, }, source: null, }, ]; const executionData: IRunExecutionData = { startData: {}, resultData: { runData: {}, }, executionData: { contextData: {}, nodeExecutionStack, waitingExecution: {}, waitingExecutionSource: {}, }, }; // Start the workflow const runData: IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess = { userId: additionalData.userId, executionMode: mode, executionData, workflowData, }; const workflowRunner = new WorkflowRunner(); return workflowRunner.run(runData, true, undefined, undefined, responsePromise); } /** * Return poll function which gets the global functions from n8n-core * and overwrites the __emit to be able to start it in subprocess * * @param {IWorkflowDb} workflowData * @param {IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalDataWorkflow} additionalData * @param {WorkflowExecuteMode} mode * @returns {IGetExecutePollFunctions} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ getExecutePollFunctions( workflowData: IWorkflowDb, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalDataWorkflow, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, activation: WorkflowActivateMode, ): IGetExecutePollFunctions { return (workflow: Workflow, node: INode) => { const returnFunctions = NodeExecuteFunctions.getExecutePollFunctions( workflow, node, additionalData, mode, activation, ); // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle returnFunctions.__emit = (data: INodeExecutionData[][]): void => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions Logger.debug(`Received event to trigger execution for workflow "${workflow.name}"`); WorkflowHelpers.saveStaticData(workflow); this.runWorkflow(workflowData, node, data, additionalData, mode); }; return returnFunctions; }; } /** * Return trigger function which gets the global functions from n8n-core * and overwrites the emit to be able to start it in subprocess * * @param {IWorkflowDb} workflowData * @param {IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalDataWorkflow} additionalData * @param {WorkflowExecuteMode} mode * @returns {IGetExecuteTriggerFunctions} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ getExecuteTriggerFunctions( workflowData: IWorkflowDb, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalDataWorkflow, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, activation: WorkflowActivateMode, ): IGetExecuteTriggerFunctions { return (workflow: Workflow, node: INode) => { const returnFunctions = NodeExecuteFunctions.getExecuteTriggerFunctions( workflow, node, additionalData, mode, activation, ); returnFunctions.emit = ( data: INodeExecutionData[][], responsePromise?: IDeferredPromise, donePromise?: IDeferredPromise, ): void => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions Logger.debug(`Received trigger for workflow "${workflow.name}"`); WorkflowHelpers.saveStaticData(workflow); // eslint-disable-next-line id-denylist const executePromise = this.runWorkflow( workflowData, node, data, additionalData, mode, responsePromise, ); if (donePromise) { executePromise.then((executionId) => { activeExecutions .getPostExecutePromise(executionId) .then(donePromise.resolve) .catch(donePromise.reject); }); } else { executePromise.catch(console.error); } }; returnFunctions.emitError = async (error: Error): Promise => { await this.activeWorkflows?.remove(workflowData.id.toString()); this.activationErrors[workflowData.id.toString()] = { time: new Date().getTime(), error: { message: error.message, }, }; const activationError = new WorkflowActivationError( 'There was a problem with the trigger, for that reason did the workflow had to be deactivated', error, node, ); this.executeErrorWorkflow(activationError, workflowData, mode); }; return returnFunctions; }; } executeErrorWorkflow( error: ExecutionError, workflowData: IWorkflowBase, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, ): void { const fullRunData: IRun = { data: { resultData: { error, runData: {}, }, }, finished: false, mode, startedAt: new Date(), stoppedAt: new Date(), }; WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.executeErrorWorkflow(workflowData, fullRunData, mode); } /** * Makes a workflow active * * @param {string} workflowId The id of the workflow to activate * @param {IWorkflowDb} [workflowData] If workflowData is given it saves the DB query * @returns {Promise} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ async add( workflowId: string, activation: WorkflowActivateMode, workflowData?: IWorkflowDb, ): Promise { if (this.activeWorkflows === null) { throw new Error(`The "activeWorkflows" instance did not get initialized yet.`); } let workflowInstance: Workflow; try { if (workflowData === undefined) { workflowData = (await Db.collections.Workflow.findOne(workflowId, { relations: ['shared', 'shared.user', 'shared.user.globalRole'], })) as IWorkflowDb; } if (!workflowData) { throw new Error(`Could not find workflow with id "${workflowId}".`); } const nodeTypes = NodeTypes(); workflowInstance = new Workflow({ id: workflowId, name: workflowData.name, nodes: workflowData.nodes, connections: workflowData.connections, active: workflowData.active, nodeTypes, staticData: workflowData.staticData, settings: workflowData.settings, }); const canBeActivated = workflowInstance.checkIfWorkflowCanBeActivated([ 'n8n-nodes-base.start', ]); if (!canBeActivated) { Logger.error(`Unable to activate workflow "${workflowData.name}"`); throw new Error( `The workflow can not be activated because it does not contain any nodes which could start the workflow. Only workflows which have trigger or webhook nodes can be activated.`, ); } const mode = 'trigger'; const additionalData = await WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.getBase( (workflowData as WorkflowEntity).shared[0].user.id, ); const getTriggerFunctions = this.getExecuteTriggerFunctions( workflowData, additionalData, mode, activation, ); const getPollFunctions = this.getExecutePollFunctions( workflowData, additionalData, mode, activation, ); // Add the workflows which have webhooks defined await this.addWorkflowWebhooks(workflowInstance, additionalData, mode, activation); if ( workflowInstance.getTriggerNodes().length !== 0 || workflowInstance.getPollNodes().length !== 0 ) { await this.activeWorkflows.add( workflowId, workflowInstance, additionalData, mode, activation, getTriggerFunctions, getPollFunctions, ); Logger.verbose(`Successfully activated workflow "${workflowData.name}"`, { workflowId, workflowName: workflowData.name, }); } if (this.activationErrors[workflowId] !== undefined) { // If there were activation errors delete them delete this.activationErrors[workflowId]; } } catch (error) { // There was a problem activating the workflow // Save the error this.activationErrors[workflowId] = { time: new Date().getTime(), error: { message: error.message, }, }; throw error; } // If for example webhooks get created it sometimes has to save the // id of them in the static data. So make sure that data gets persisted. await WorkflowHelpers.saveStaticData(workflowInstance!); } /** * Makes a workflow inactive * * @param {string} workflowId The id of the workflow to deactivate * @returns {Promise} * @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner */ async remove(workflowId: string): Promise { if (this.activeWorkflows !== null) { // Remove all the webhooks of the workflow try { await this.removeWorkflowWebhooks(workflowId); } catch (error) { console.error( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions `Could not remove webhooks of workflow "${workflowId}" because of error: "${error.message}"`, ); } if (this.activationErrors[workflowId] !== undefined) { // If there were any activation errors delete them delete this.activationErrors[workflowId]; } // if it's active in memory then it's a trigger // so remove from list of actives workflows if (this.activeWorkflows.isActive(workflowId)) { await this.activeWorkflows.remove(workflowId); Logger.verbose(`Successfully deactivated workflow "${workflowId}"`, { workflowId }); } return; } throw new Error(`The "activeWorkflows" instance did not get initialized yet.`); } } let workflowRunnerInstance: ActiveWorkflowRunner | undefined; export function getInstance(): ActiveWorkflowRunner { if (workflowRunnerInstance === undefined) { workflowRunnerInstance = new ActiveWorkflowRunner(); } return workflowRunnerInstance; }