import { NodeOperationError, NodeConnectionType, type IExecuteFunctions, type INodeExecutionData, type INodeType, type INodeTypeDescription, AI_TRANSFORM_CODE_GENERATED_FOR_PROMPT, AI_TRANSFORM_JS_CODE, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import set from 'lodash/set'; import { JavaScriptSandbox } from '../Code/JavaScriptSandbox'; import { getSandboxContext } from '../Code/Sandbox'; import { standardizeOutput } from '../Code/utils'; const { CODE_ENABLE_STDOUT } = process.env; export class AiTransform implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'AI Transform', name: 'aiTransform', icon: 'file:aitransform.svg', group: ['transform'], version: 1, description: 'Modify data based on instructions written in plain english', defaults: { name: 'AI Transform', }, inputs: [NodeConnectionType.Main], outputs: [NodeConnectionType.Main], parameterPane: 'wide', hints: [ { message: "This node doesn't have access to the contents of binary files. To use those contents here, use the 'Extract from File' node first.", displayCondition: '={{ $input.all().some(i => i.binary) }}', location: 'outputPane', }, ], properties: [ { displayName: 'Instructions', name: 'instructions', type: 'button', default: '', description: "Provide instructions on how you want to transform the data, then click 'Generate code'. Use dot notation to refer to nested fields (e.g. address.street).", placeholder: "Example: Merge 'firstname' and 'lastname' into a field '' and sort by 'email'", typeOptions: { buttonConfig: { label: 'Generate code', hasInputField: true, inputFieldMaxLength: 500, action: { type: 'askAiCodeGeneration', target: AI_TRANSFORM_JS_CODE, }, }, }, }, { displayName: 'Code Generated For Prompt', name: AI_TRANSFORM_CODE_GENERATED_FOR_PROMPT, type: 'hidden', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Generated JavaScript', name: AI_TRANSFORM_JS_CODE, type: 'string', typeOptions: { editor: 'jsEditor', editorIsReadOnly: true, }, default: '', hint: 'Read-only. To edit this code, adjust the instructions or copy and paste it into a Code node.', noDataExpression: true, }, ], }; async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions) { const workflowMode = this.getMode(); const node = this.getNode(); const codeParameterName = 'jsCode'; const getSandbox = (index = 0) => { let code = ''; try { code = this.getNodeParameter(codeParameterName, index) as string; if (!code) { const instructions = this.getNodeParameter('instructions', index) as string; if (!instructions) { throw new NodeOperationError(node, 'Missing instructions to generate code', { description: "Enter your prompt in the 'Instructions' parameter and click 'Generate code'", }); } throw new NodeOperationError(node, 'Missing code for data transformation', { description: "Click the 'Generate code' button to create the code", }); } } catch (error) { if (error instanceof NodeOperationError) throw error; throw new NodeOperationError(node, error); } const context =, index); context.items = context.$input.all(); const Sandbox = JavaScriptSandbox; const sandbox = new Sandbox(context, code, this.helpers); sandbox.on( 'output', workflowMode === 'manual' ? this.sendMessageToUI.bind(this) : CODE_ENABLE_STDOUT === 'true' ? (...args) => console.log(`[Workflow "${this.getWorkflow().id}"][Node "${}"]`, ...args) : () => {}, ); return sandbox; }; const sandbox = getSandbox(); let items: INodeExecutionData[]; try { items = (await sandbox.runCodeAllItems()) as INodeExecutionData[]; } catch (error) { if (!this.continueOnFail()) { set(error, 'node', node); throw error; } items = [{ json: { error: error.message } }]; } for (const item of items) { standardizeOutput(item.json); } return [items]; } }