const PostgresFun = require('../../../nodes/Postgres/Postgres.node.functions'); const pgPromise = require('pg-promise'); describe('pgUpdate', () => { it('runs query to update db', async () => { const updateItem = { id: 1234, name: 'test' }; const nodeParams = { table: 'mytable', schema: 'myschema', updateKey: 'id', columns: 'id,name', additionalFields: {}, returnFields: '*', }; const getNodeParam = (key) => nodeParams[key]; const pgp = pgPromise(); const any = jest.fn(); const db = { any }; const items = [ { json: updateItem, }, ]; await PostgresFun.pgUpdate(getNodeParam, pgp, db, items); expect(db.any).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `update \"myschema\".\"mytable\" as t set \"id\"=v.\"id\",\"name\"=v.\"name\" from (values(1234,'test')) as v(\"id\",\"name\") WHERE v.\"id\" = t.\"id\" RETURNING *`, ); }); it('runs query to update db if updateKey is not in columns', async () => { const updateItem = { id: 1234, name: 'test' }; const nodeParams = { table: 'mytable', schema: 'myschema', updateKey: 'id', columns: 'name', additionalFields: {}, returnFields: '*', }; const getNodeParam = (key) => nodeParams[key]; const pgp = pgPromise(); const any = jest.fn(); const db = { any }; const items = [ { json: updateItem, }, ]; const results = await PostgresFun.pgUpdate(getNodeParam, pgp, db, items); expect(db.any).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `update \"myschema\".\"mytable\" as t set \"id\"=v.\"id\",\"name\"=v.\"name\" from (values(1234,'test')) as v(\"id\",\"name\") WHERE v.\"id\" = t.\"id\" RETURNING *`, ); }); it('runs query to update db with cast as updateKey', async () => { const updateItem = { id: '1234', name: 'test' }; const nodeParams = { table: 'mytable', schema: 'myschema', updateKey: 'id:uuid', columns: 'name', additionalFields: {}, returnFields: '*', }; const getNodeParam = (key) => nodeParams[key]; const pgp = pgPromise(); const any = jest.fn(); const db = { any }; const items = [ { json: updateItem, }, ]; await PostgresFun.pgUpdate(getNodeParam, pgp, db, items); expect(db.any).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `update \"myschema\".\"mytable\" as t set \"id\"=v.\"id\",\"name\"=v.\"name\" from (values('1234'::uuid,'test')) as v(\"id\",\"name\") WHERE v.\"id\" = t.\"id\" RETURNING *`, ); }); it('runs query to update db with cast in target columns', async () => { const updateItem = { id: '1234', name: 'test' }; const nodeParams = { table: 'mytable', schema: 'myschema', updateKey: 'id', columns: 'id:uuid,name', additionalFields: {}, returnFields: '*', }; const getNodeParam = (key) => nodeParams[key]; const pgp = pgPromise(); const any = jest.fn(); const db = { any }; const items = [ { json: updateItem, }, ]; await PostgresFun.pgUpdate(getNodeParam, pgp, db, items); expect(db.any).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `update \"myschema\".\"mytable\" as t set \"id\"=v.\"id\",\"name\"=v.\"name\" from (values('1234'::uuid,'test')) as v(\"id\",\"name\") WHERE v.\"id\" = t.\"id\" RETURNING *`, ); }); }); describe('pgInsert', () => { it('runs query to insert', async () => { const insertItem = { id: 1234, name: 'test', age: 34 }; const nodeParams = { table: 'mytable', schema: 'myschema', columns: 'id,name,age', returnFields: '*', additionalFields: {}, }; const getNodeParam = (key) => nodeParams[key]; const pgp = pgPromise(); const any = jest.fn(); const db = { any }; const items = [ { json: insertItem, }, ]; await PostgresFun.pgInsert(getNodeParam, pgp, db, items); expect(db.any).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `insert into \"myschema\".\"mytable\"(\"id\",\"name\",\"age\") values(1234,'test',34) RETURNING *`, ); }); it('runs query to insert with type casting', async () => { const insertItem = { id: 1234, name: 'test', age: 34 }; const nodeParams = { table: 'mytable', schema: 'myschema', columns: 'id:int,name:text,age', returnFields: '*', additionalFields: {}, }; const getNodeParam = (key) => nodeParams[key]; const pgp = pgPromise(); const any = jest.fn(); const db = { any }; const items = [ { json: insertItem, }, ]; await PostgresFun.pgInsert(getNodeParam, pgp, db, items); expect(db.any).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `insert into \"myschema\".\"mytable\"(\"id\",\"name\",\"age\") values(1234::int,'test'::text,34) RETURNING *`, ); }); });