/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument */ /* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/await-thenable */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing */ /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain */ /* eslint-disable id-denylist */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */ /* eslint-disable func-names */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */ import { BinaryDataManager, UserSettings, WorkflowExecute } from 'n8n-core'; import { IDataObject, IExecuteData, IExecuteWorkflowInfo, INodeExecutionData, INodeParameters, IRun, IRunExecutionData, ITaskData, IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, IWorkflowExecuteHooks, IWorkflowHooksOptionalParameters, IWorkflowSettings, ErrorReporterProxy as ErrorReporter, LoggerProxy as Logger, SubworkflowOperationError, Workflow, WorkflowExecuteMode, WorkflowHooks, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { LessThanOrEqual } from 'typeorm'; import { DateUtils } from 'typeorm/util/DateUtils'; import config from '@/config'; import * as Db from '@/Db'; import * as ActiveExecutions from '@/ActiveExecutions'; import { CredentialsHelper } from '@/CredentialsHelper'; import { ExternalHooks } from '@/ExternalHooks'; import { IExecutionDb, IExecutionFlattedDb, IExecutionResponse, IPushDataExecutionFinished, IWorkflowBase, IWorkflowExecuteProcess, IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess, IWorkflowErrorData, } from '@/Interfaces'; import { InternalHooksManager } from '@/InternalHooksManager'; import { NodeTypes } from '@/NodeTypes'; import * as Push from '@/Push'; import * as ResponseHelper from '@/ResponseHelper'; import * as WebhookHelpers from '@/WebhookHelpers'; import * as WorkflowHelpers from '@/WorkflowHelpers'; import { getUserById, getWorkflowOwner, whereClause } from '@/UserManagement/UserManagementHelper'; import { findSubworkflowStart } from '@/utils'; import { PermissionChecker } from './UserManagement/PermissionChecker'; const ERROR_TRIGGER_TYPE = config.getEnv('nodes.errorTriggerType'); /** * Checks if there was an error and if errorWorkflow or a trigger is defined. If so it collects * all the data and executes it * * @param {IWorkflowBase} workflowData The workflow which got executed * @param {IRun} fullRunData The run which produced the error * @param {WorkflowExecuteMode} mode The mode in which the workflow got started in * @param {string} [executionId] The id the execution got saved as */ export function executeErrorWorkflow( workflowData: IWorkflowBase, fullRunData: IRun, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, executionId?: string, retryOf?: string, ): void { // Check if there was an error and if so if an errorWorkflow or a trigger is set let pastExecutionUrl: string | undefined; if (executionId !== undefined) { pastExecutionUrl = `${WebhookHelpers.getWebhookBaseUrl()}execution/${executionId}`; } if (fullRunData.data.resultData.error !== undefined) { let workflowErrorData: IWorkflowErrorData; if (executionId) { // The error did happen in an execution workflowErrorData = { execution: { id: executionId, url: pastExecutionUrl, error: fullRunData.data.resultData.error, lastNodeExecuted: fullRunData.data.resultData.lastNodeExecuted!, mode, retryOf, }, workflow: { id: workflowData.id !== undefined ? workflowData.id.toString() : undefined, name: workflowData.name, }, }; } else { // The error did happen in a trigger workflowErrorData = { trigger: { error: fullRunData.data.resultData.error, mode, }, workflow: { id: workflowData.id !== undefined ? workflowData.id.toString() : undefined, name: workflowData.name, }, }; } // Run the error workflow // To avoid an infinite loop do not run the error workflow again if the error-workflow itself failed and it is its own error-workflow. if ( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain workflowData.settings !== undefined && workflowData.settings.errorWorkflow && !( mode === 'error' && workflowData.id && workflowData.settings.errorWorkflow.toString() === workflowData.id.toString() ) ) { Logger.verbose(`Start external error workflow`, { executionId, errorWorkflowId: workflowData.settings.errorWorkflow.toString(), workflowId: workflowData.id, }); // If a specific error workflow is set run only that one // First, do permission checks. if (!workflowData.id) { // Manual executions do not trigger error workflows // So this if should never happen. It was added to // make sure there are no possible security gaps return; } getWorkflowOwner(workflowData.id) .then((user) => { void WorkflowHelpers.executeErrorWorkflow( workflowData.settings!.errorWorkflow as string, workflowErrorData, user, ); }) .catch((error: Error) => { ErrorReporter.error(error); Logger.error( `Could not execute ErrorWorkflow for execution ID ${this.executionId} because of error querying the workflow owner`, { executionId, errorWorkflowId: workflowData.settings!.errorWorkflow!.toString(), workflowId: workflowData.id, error, workflowErrorData, }, ); }); } else if ( mode !== 'error' && workflowData.id !== undefined && workflowData.nodes.some((node) => node.type === ERROR_TRIGGER_TYPE) ) { Logger.verbose(`Start internal error workflow`, { executionId, workflowId: workflowData.id }); void getWorkflowOwner(workflowData.id).then((user) => { void WorkflowHelpers.executeErrorWorkflow( workflowData.id!.toString(), workflowErrorData, user, ); }); } } } /** * Prunes Saved Execution which are older than configured. * Throttled to be executed just once in configured timeframe. * */ let throttling = false; function pruneExecutionData(this: WorkflowHooks): void { if (!throttling) { Logger.verbose('Pruning execution data from database'); throttling = true; const timeout = config.getEnv('executions.pruneDataTimeout'); // in seconds const maxAge = config.getEnv('executions.pruneDataMaxAge'); // in h const date = new Date(); // today date.setHours(date.getHours() - maxAge); // date reformatting needed - see https://github.com/typeorm/typeorm/issues/2286 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment const utcDate = DateUtils.mixedDateToUtcDatetimeString(date); // throttle just on success to allow for self healing on failure Db.collections.Execution.delete({ stoppedAt: LessThanOrEqual(utcDate) }) .then((data) => setTimeout(() => { throttling = false; }, timeout * 1000), ) .catch((error) => { ErrorReporter.error(error); throttling = false; Logger.error( `Failed pruning execution data from database for execution ID ${this.executionId} (hookFunctionsSave)`, { ...error, executionId: this.executionId, sessionId: this.sessionId, workflowId: this.workflowData.id, }, ); }); } } /** * Returns hook functions to push data to Editor-UI * */ function hookFunctionsPush(): IWorkflowExecuteHooks { return { nodeExecuteBefore: [ async function (this: WorkflowHooks, nodeName: string): Promise { // Push data to session which started workflow before each // node which starts rendering if (this.sessionId === undefined) { return; } Logger.debug(`Executing hook on node "${nodeName}" (hookFunctionsPush)`, { executionId: this.executionId, sessionId: this.sessionId, workflowId: this.workflowData.id, }); const pushInstance = Push.getInstance(); pushInstance.send( 'nodeExecuteBefore', { executionId: this.executionId, nodeName, }, this.sessionId, ); }, ], nodeExecuteAfter: [ async function (this: WorkflowHooks, nodeName: string, data: ITaskData): Promise { // Push data to session which started workflow after each rendered node if (this.sessionId === undefined) { return; } Logger.debug(`Executing hook on node "${nodeName}" (hookFunctionsPush)`, { executionId: this.executionId, sessionId: this.sessionId, workflowId: this.workflowData.id, }); const pushInstance = Push.getInstance(); pushInstance.send( 'nodeExecuteAfter', { executionId: this.executionId, nodeName, data, }, this.sessionId, ); }, ], workflowExecuteBefore: [ async function (this: WorkflowHooks): Promise { Logger.debug(`Executing hook (hookFunctionsPush)`, { executionId: this.executionId, sessionId: this.sessionId, workflowId: this.workflowData.id, }); // Push data to session which started the workflow if (this.sessionId === undefined) { return; } const pushInstance = Push.getInstance(); pushInstance.send( 'executionStarted', { executionId: this.executionId, mode: this.mode, startedAt: new Date(), retryOf: this.retryOf, workflowId: this.workflowData.id, sessionId: this.sessionId, workflowName: this.workflowData.name, }, this.sessionId, ); }, ], workflowExecuteAfter: [ async function ( this: WorkflowHooks, fullRunData: IRun, newStaticData: IDataObject, ): Promise { Logger.debug(`Executing hook (hookFunctionsPush)`, { executionId: this.executionId, sessionId: this.sessionId, workflowId: this.workflowData.id, }); // Push data to session which started the workflow if (this.sessionId === undefined) { return; } // Clone the object except the runData. That one is not supposed // to be send. Because that data got send piece by piece after // each node which finished executing const pushRunData = { ...fullRunData, data: { ...fullRunData.data, resultData: { ...fullRunData.data.resultData, runData: {}, }, }, }; // Push data to editor-ui once workflow finished Logger.debug(`Save execution progress to database for execution ID ${this.executionId} `, { executionId: this.executionId, workflowId: this.workflowData.id, }); // TODO: Look at this again const sendData: IPushDataExecutionFinished = { executionId: this.executionId, data: pushRunData, retryOf: this.retryOf, }; const pushInstance = Push.getInstance(); pushInstance.send('executionFinished', sendData, this.sessionId); }, ], }; } export function hookFunctionsPreExecute(parentProcessMode?: string): IWorkflowExecuteHooks { const externalHooks = ExternalHooks(); return { workflowExecuteBefore: [ async function (this: WorkflowHooks, workflow: Workflow): Promise { await externalHooks.run('workflow.preExecute', [workflow, this.mode]); }, ], nodeExecuteAfter: [ async function ( nodeName: string, data: ITaskData, executionData: IRunExecutionData, ): Promise { if (this.workflowData.settings !== undefined) { if (this.workflowData.settings.saveExecutionProgress === false) { return; } if ( this.workflowData.settings.saveExecutionProgress !== true && !config.getEnv('executions.saveExecutionProgress') ) { return; } } else if (!config.getEnv('executions.saveExecutionProgress')) { return; } try { Logger.debug( `Save execution progress to database for execution ID ${this.executionId} `, { executionId: this.executionId, nodeName }, ); const execution = await Db.collections.Execution.findOne(this.executionId); if (execution === undefined) { // Something went badly wrong if this happens. // This check is here mostly to make typescript happy. return; } const fullExecutionData: IExecutionResponse = ResponseHelper.unflattenExecutionData(execution); if (fullExecutionData.finished) { // We already received ´workflowExecuteAfter´ webhook, so this is just an async call // that was left behind. We skip saving because the other call should have saved everything // so this one is safe to ignore return; } if (fullExecutionData.data === undefined) { fullExecutionData.data = { startData: {}, resultData: { runData: {}, }, executionData: { contextData: {}, nodeExecutionStack: [], waitingExecution: {}, waitingExecutionSource: {}, }, }; } if (Array.isArray(fullExecutionData.data.resultData.runData[nodeName])) { // Append data if array exists fullExecutionData.data.resultData.runData[nodeName].push(data); } else { // Initialize array and save data fullExecutionData.data.resultData.runData[nodeName] = [data]; } fullExecutionData.data.executionData = executionData.executionData; // Set last executed node so that it may resume on failure fullExecutionData.data.resultData.lastNodeExecuted = nodeName; const flattenedExecutionData = ResponseHelper.flattenExecutionData(fullExecutionData); await Db.collections.Execution.update( this.executionId, flattenedExecutionData as IExecutionFlattedDb, ); } catch (err) { ErrorReporter.error(err); // TODO: Improve in the future! // Errors here might happen because of database access // For busy machines, we may get "Database is locked" errors. // We do this to prevent crashes and executions ending in `unknown` state. Logger.error( `Failed saving execution progress to database for execution ID ${this.executionId} (hookFunctionsPreExecute, nodeExecuteAfter)`, { ...err, executionId: this.executionId, sessionId: this.sessionId, workflowId: this.workflowData.id, }, ); } }, ], }; } /** * Returns hook functions to save workflow execution and call error workflow * */ function hookFunctionsSave(parentProcessMode?: string): IWorkflowExecuteHooks { return { nodeExecuteBefore: [], nodeExecuteAfter: [], workflowExecuteBefore: [], workflowExecuteAfter: [ async function ( this: WorkflowHooks, fullRunData: IRun, newStaticData: IDataObject, ): Promise { Logger.debug(`Executing hook (hookFunctionsSave)`, { executionId: this.executionId, workflowId: this.workflowData.id, }); // Prune old execution data if (config.getEnv('executions.pruneData')) { pruneExecutionData.call(this); } const isManualMode = [this.mode, parentProcessMode].includes('manual'); try { if ( !isManualMode && WorkflowHelpers.isWorkflowIdValid(this.workflowData.id as string) && newStaticData ) { // Workflow is saved so update in database try { await WorkflowHelpers.saveStaticDataById( this.workflowData.id as string, newStaticData, ); } catch (e) { ErrorReporter.error(e); Logger.error( `There was a problem saving the workflow with id "${this.workflowData.id}" to save changed staticData: "${e.message}" (hookFunctionsSave)`, { executionId: this.executionId, workflowId: this.workflowData.id }, ); } } let saveManualExecutions = config.getEnv('executions.saveDataManualExecutions'); if ( this.workflowData.settings !== undefined && this.workflowData.settings.saveManualExecutions !== undefined ) { // Apply to workflow override saveManualExecutions = this.workflowData.settings.saveManualExecutions as boolean; } if (isManualMode && !saveManualExecutions && !fullRunData.waitTill) { // Data is always saved, so we remove from database await Db.collections.Execution.delete(this.executionId); await BinaryDataManager.getInstance().markDataForDeletionByExecutionId( this.executionId, ); return; } // Check config to know if execution should be saved or not let saveDataErrorExecution = config.getEnv('executions.saveDataOnError') as string; let saveDataSuccessExecution = config.getEnv('executions.saveDataOnSuccess') as string; if (this.workflowData.settings !== undefined) { saveDataErrorExecution = (this.workflowData.settings.saveDataErrorExecution as string) || saveDataErrorExecution; saveDataSuccessExecution = (this.workflowData.settings.saveDataSuccessExecution as string) || saveDataSuccessExecution; } const workflowDidSucceed = !fullRunData.data.resultData.error; if ( (workflowDidSucceed && saveDataSuccessExecution === 'none') || (!workflowDidSucceed && saveDataErrorExecution === 'none') ) { if (!fullRunData.waitTill) { if (!isManualMode) { executeErrorWorkflow( this.workflowData, fullRunData, this.mode, this.executionId, this.retryOf, ); } // Data is always saved, so we remove from database await Db.collections.Execution.delete(this.executionId); await BinaryDataManager.getInstance().markDataForDeletionByExecutionId( this.executionId, ); return; } } const fullExecutionData: IExecutionDb = { data: fullRunData.data, mode: fullRunData.mode, finished: fullRunData.finished ? fullRunData.finished : false, startedAt: fullRunData.startedAt, stoppedAt: fullRunData.stoppedAt, workflowData: this.workflowData, waitTill: fullRunData.waitTill, }; if (this.retryOf !== undefined) { fullExecutionData.retryOf = this.retryOf.toString(); } if ( this.workflowData.id !== undefined && WorkflowHelpers.isWorkflowIdValid(this.workflowData.id.toString()) ) { fullExecutionData.workflowId = this.workflowData.id.toString(); } // Leave log message before flatten as that operation increased memory usage a lot and the chance of a crash is highest here Logger.debug(`Save execution data to database for execution ID ${this.executionId}`, { executionId: this.executionId, workflowId: this.workflowData.id, finished: fullExecutionData.finished, stoppedAt: fullExecutionData.stoppedAt, }); const executionData = ResponseHelper.flattenExecutionData(fullExecutionData); // Save the Execution in DB await Db.collections.Execution.update( this.executionId, executionData as IExecutionFlattedDb, ); if (fullRunData.finished === true && this.retryOf !== undefined) { // If the retry was successful save the reference it on the original execution // await Db.collections.Execution.save(executionData as IExecutionFlattedDb); await Db.collections.Execution.update(this.retryOf, { retrySuccessId: this.executionId, }); } if (!isManualMode) { executeErrorWorkflow( this.workflowData, fullRunData, this.mode, this.executionId, this.retryOf, ); } } catch (error) { ErrorReporter.error(error); Logger.error(`Failed saving execution data to DB on execution ID ${this.executionId}`, { executionId: this.executionId, workflowId: this.workflowData.id, error, }); if (!isManualMode) { executeErrorWorkflow( this.workflowData, fullRunData, this.mode, this.executionId, this.retryOf, ); } } }, ], }; } /** * Returns hook functions to save workflow execution and call error workflow * for running with queues. Manual executions should never run on queues as * they are always executed in the main process. * */ function hookFunctionsSaveWorker(): IWorkflowExecuteHooks { return { nodeExecuteBefore: [], nodeExecuteAfter: [], workflowExecuteBefore: [], workflowExecuteAfter: [ async function ( this: WorkflowHooks, fullRunData: IRun, newStaticData: IDataObject, ): Promise { try { if (WorkflowHelpers.isWorkflowIdValid(this.workflowData.id as string) && newStaticData) { // Workflow is saved so update in database try { await WorkflowHelpers.saveStaticDataById( this.workflowData.id as string, newStaticData, ); } catch (e) { ErrorReporter.error(e); Logger.error( `There was a problem saving the workflow with id "${this.workflowData.id}" to save changed staticData: "${e.message}" (workflowExecuteAfter)`, { sessionId: this.sessionId, workflowId: this.workflowData.id }, ); } } const workflowDidSucceed = !fullRunData.data.resultData.error; if (!workflowDidSucceed) { executeErrorWorkflow( this.workflowData, fullRunData, this.mode, this.executionId, this.retryOf, ); } const fullExecutionData: IExecutionDb = { data: fullRunData.data, mode: fullRunData.mode, finished: fullRunData.finished ? fullRunData.finished : false, startedAt: fullRunData.startedAt, stoppedAt: fullRunData.stoppedAt, workflowData: this.workflowData, waitTill: fullRunData.data.waitTill, }; if (this.retryOf !== undefined) { fullExecutionData.retryOf = this.retryOf.toString(); } if ( this.workflowData.id !== undefined && WorkflowHelpers.isWorkflowIdValid(this.workflowData.id.toString()) ) { fullExecutionData.workflowId = this.workflowData.id.toString(); } const executionData = ResponseHelper.flattenExecutionData(fullExecutionData); // Save the Execution in DB await Db.collections.Execution.update( this.executionId, executionData as IExecutionFlattedDb, ); if (fullRunData.finished === true && this.retryOf !== undefined) { // If the retry was successful save the reference it on the original execution await Db.collections.Execution.update(this.retryOf, { retrySuccessId: this.executionId, }); } } catch (error) { executeErrorWorkflow( this.workflowData, fullRunData, this.mode, this.executionId, this.retryOf, ); } }, ], }; } export async function getRunData( workflowData: IWorkflowBase, userId: string, inputData?: INodeExecutionData[], parentWorkflowId?: string, ): Promise { const mode = 'integrated'; const policy = workflowData.settings?.callerPolicy ?? config.getEnv('workflows.callerPolicyDefaultOption'); if (policy === 'none') { throw new SubworkflowOperationError( `Target workflow ID ${workflowData.id} may not be called by other workflows.`, 'Please update the settings of the target workflow or ask its owner to do so.', ); } if ( policy === 'workflowsFromAList' && typeof workflowData.settings?.callerIds === 'string' && parentWorkflowId !== undefined ) { const allowedCallerIds = workflowData.settings.callerIds .split(',') .map((id) => id.trim()) .filter((id) => id !== ''); if (!allowedCallerIds.includes(parentWorkflowId)) { throw new SubworkflowOperationError( `Target workflow ID ${workflowData.id} may only be called by a list of workflows, which does not include current workflow ID ${parentWorkflowId}.`, 'Please update the settings of the target workflow or ask its owner to do so.', ); } } const startingNode = findSubworkflowStart(workflowData.nodes); // Always start with empty data if no inputData got supplied inputData = inputData || [ { json: {}, }, ]; // Initialize the incoming data const nodeExecutionStack: IExecuteData[] = []; nodeExecutionStack.push({ node: startingNode, data: { main: [inputData], }, source: null, }); const runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData = { startData: {}, resultData: { runData: {}, }, executionData: { contextData: {}, nodeExecutionStack, waitingExecution: {}, waitingExecutionSource: {}, }, }; const runData: IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess = { executionMode: mode, executionData: runExecutionData, // @ts-ignore workflowData, userId, }; return runData; } export async function getWorkflowData( workflowInfo: IExecuteWorkflowInfo, userId: string, parentWorkflowId?: string, parentWorkflowSettings?: IWorkflowSettings, ): Promise { if (workflowInfo.id === undefined && workflowInfo.code === undefined) { throw new Error( `No information about the workflow to execute found. Please provide either the "id" or "code"!`, ); } let workflowData: IWorkflowBase | undefined; if (workflowInfo.id !== undefined) { if (!Db.isInitialized) { // The first time executeWorkflow gets called the Database has // to get initialized first await Db.init(); } const user = await getUserById(userId); let relations = ['workflow', 'workflow.tags']; if (config.getEnv('workflowTagsDisabled')) { relations = relations.filter((relation) => relation !== 'workflow.tags'); } const shared = await Db.collections.SharedWorkflow.findOne({ relations, where: whereClause({ user, entityType: 'workflow', entityId: workflowInfo.id, }), }); workflowData = shared?.workflow; if (workflowData === undefined) { throw new Error(`The workflow with the id "${workflowInfo.id}" does not exist.`); } } else { workflowData = workflowInfo.code; if (workflowData) { if (!workflowData.id) { workflowData.id = parentWorkflowId; } if (!workflowData.settings) { workflowData.settings = parentWorkflowSettings; } } } return workflowData!; } /** * Executes the workflow with the given ID * * @param {string} workflowId The id of the workflow to execute */ export async function executeWorkflow( workflowInfo: IExecuteWorkflowInfo, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, options?: { parentWorkflowId?: string; inputData?: INodeExecutionData[]; parentExecutionId?: string; loadedWorkflowData?: IWorkflowBase; loadedRunData?: IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess; parentWorkflowSettings?: IWorkflowSettings; }, ): Promise | IWorkflowExecuteProcess> { const externalHooks = ExternalHooks(); await externalHooks.init(); const nodeTypes = NodeTypes(); const workflowData = options?.loadedWorkflowData ?? (await getWorkflowData( workflowInfo, additionalData.userId, options?.parentWorkflowId, options?.parentWorkflowSettings, )); const workflowName = workflowData ? workflowData.name : undefined; const workflow = new Workflow({ id: workflowData.id?.toString(), name: workflowName, nodes: workflowData.nodes, connections: workflowData.connections, active: workflowData.active, nodeTypes, staticData: workflowData.staticData, settings: workflowData.settings, }); const runData = options?.loadedRunData ?? (await getRunData(workflowData, additionalData.userId, options?.inputData)); let executionId; if (options?.parentExecutionId !== undefined) { executionId = options?.parentExecutionId; } else { executionId = options?.parentExecutionId !== undefined ? options?.parentExecutionId : await ActiveExecutions.getInstance().add(runData); } let data; try { await PermissionChecker.check(workflow, additionalData.userId); // Create new additionalData to have different workflow loaded and to call // different webhooks const additionalDataIntegrated = await getBase(additionalData.userId); additionalDataIntegrated.hooks = getWorkflowHooksIntegrated( runData.executionMode, executionId, workflowData, { parentProcessMode: additionalData.hooks!.mode }, ); additionalDataIntegrated.executionId = executionId; // Make sure we pass on the original executeWorkflow function we received // This one already contains changes to talk to parent process // and get executionID from `activeExecutions` running on main process additionalDataIntegrated.executeWorkflow = additionalData.executeWorkflow; let subworkflowTimeout = additionalData.executionTimeoutTimestamp; if ( workflowData.settings?.executionTimeout !== undefined && workflowData.settings.executionTimeout > 0 ) { // We might have received a max timeout timestamp from the parent workflow // If we did, then we get the minimum time between the two timeouts // If no timeout was given from the parent, then we use our timeout. subworkflowTimeout = Math.min( additionalData.executionTimeoutTimestamp || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, Date.now() + (workflowData.settings.executionTimeout as number) * 1000, ); } additionalDataIntegrated.executionTimeoutTimestamp = subworkflowTimeout; const runExecutionData = runData.executionData as IRunExecutionData; // Execute the workflow const workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute( additionalDataIntegrated, runData.executionMode, runExecutionData, ); if (options?.parentExecutionId !== undefined) { // Must be changed to become typed return { startedAt: new Date(), workflow, workflowExecute, }; } data = await workflowExecute.processRunExecutionData(workflow); } catch (error) { const fullRunData: IRun = { data: { resultData: { error, runData: {}, }, }, finished: false, mode: 'integrated', startedAt: new Date(), stoppedAt: new Date(), }; // When failing, we might not have finished the execution // Therefore, database might not contain finished errors. // Force an update to db as there should be no harm doing this const fullExecutionData: IExecutionDb = { data: fullRunData.data, mode: fullRunData.mode, finished: fullRunData.finished ? fullRunData.finished : false, startedAt: fullRunData.startedAt, stoppedAt: fullRunData.stoppedAt, workflowData, }; if (workflowData.id) { fullExecutionData.workflowId = workflowData.id as string; } const executionData = ResponseHelper.flattenExecutionData(fullExecutionData); await Db.collections.Execution.update(executionId, executionData as IExecutionFlattedDb); throw { ...error, stack: error.stack, }; } await externalHooks.run('workflow.postExecute', [data, workflowData, executionId]); void InternalHooksManager.getInstance().onWorkflowPostExecute( executionId, workflowData, data, additionalData.userId, ); if (data.finished === true) { // Workflow did finish successfully await ActiveExecutions.getInstance().remove(executionId, data); const returnData = WorkflowHelpers.getDataLastExecutedNodeData(data); return returnData!.data!.main; } await ActiveExecutions.getInstance().remove(executionId, data); // Workflow did fail const { error } = data.data.resultData; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-throw-literal throw { ...error, stack: error!.stack, }; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any export function sendMessageToUI(source: string, messages: any[]) { if (this.sessionId === undefined) { return; } // Push data to session which started workflow try { const pushInstance = Push.getInstance(); pushInstance.send( 'sendConsoleMessage', { source: `[Node: "${source}"]`, messages, }, this.sessionId, ); } catch (error) { Logger.warn(`There was a problem sending message to UI: ${error.message}`); } } /** * Returns the base additional data without webhooks * */ export async function getBase( userId: string, currentNodeParameters?: INodeParameters, executionTimeoutTimestamp?: number, ): Promise { const urlBaseWebhook = WebhookHelpers.getWebhookBaseUrl(); const timezone = config.getEnv('generic.timezone'); const webhookBaseUrl = urlBaseWebhook + config.getEnv('endpoints.webhook'); const webhookWaitingBaseUrl = urlBaseWebhook + config.getEnv('endpoints.webhookWaiting'); const webhookTestBaseUrl = urlBaseWebhook + config.getEnv('endpoints.webhookTest'); const encryptionKey = await UserSettings.getEncryptionKey(); return { credentialsHelper: new CredentialsHelper(encryptionKey), encryptionKey, executeWorkflow, restApiUrl: urlBaseWebhook + config.getEnv('endpoints.rest'), timezone, webhookBaseUrl, webhookWaitingBaseUrl, webhookTestBaseUrl, currentNodeParameters, executionTimeoutTimestamp, userId, }; } /** * Returns WorkflowHooks instance for running integrated workflows * (Workflows which get started inside of another workflow) */ export function getWorkflowHooksIntegrated( mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, executionId: string, workflowData: IWorkflowBase, optionalParameters?: IWorkflowHooksOptionalParameters, ): WorkflowHooks { optionalParameters = optionalParameters || {}; const hookFunctions = hookFunctionsSave(optionalParameters.parentProcessMode); const preExecuteFunctions = hookFunctionsPreExecute(optionalParameters.parentProcessMode); for (const key of Object.keys(preExecuteFunctions)) { if (hookFunctions[key] === undefined) { hookFunctions[key] = []; } hookFunctions[key]!.push.apply(hookFunctions[key], preExecuteFunctions[key]); } return new WorkflowHooks(hookFunctions, mode, executionId, workflowData, optionalParameters); } /** * Returns WorkflowHooks instance for running integrated workflows * (Workflows which get started inside of another workflow) */ export function getWorkflowHooksWorkerExecuter( mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, executionId: string, workflowData: IWorkflowBase, optionalParameters?: IWorkflowHooksOptionalParameters, ): WorkflowHooks { optionalParameters = optionalParameters || {}; const hookFunctions = hookFunctionsSaveWorker(); const preExecuteFunctions = hookFunctionsPreExecute(optionalParameters.parentProcessMode); for (const key of Object.keys(preExecuteFunctions)) { if (hookFunctions[key] === undefined) { hookFunctions[key] = []; } hookFunctions[key]!.push.apply(hookFunctions[key], preExecuteFunctions[key]); } return new WorkflowHooks(hookFunctions, mode, executionId, workflowData, optionalParameters); } /** * Returns WorkflowHooks instance for main process if workflow runs via worker */ export function getWorkflowHooksWorkerMain( mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, executionId: string, workflowData: IWorkflowBase, optionalParameters?: IWorkflowHooksOptionalParameters, ): WorkflowHooks { optionalParameters = optionalParameters || {}; const hookFunctions = hookFunctionsPush(); const preExecuteFunctions = hookFunctionsPreExecute(optionalParameters.parentProcessMode); for (const key of Object.keys(preExecuteFunctions)) { if (hookFunctions[key] === undefined) { hookFunctions[key] = []; } hookFunctions[key]!.push.apply(hookFunctions[key], preExecuteFunctions[key]); } // When running with worker mode, main process executes // Only workflowExecuteBefore + workflowExecuteAfter // So to avoid confusion, we are removing other hooks. hookFunctions.nodeExecuteBefore = []; hookFunctions.nodeExecuteAfter = []; return new WorkflowHooks(hookFunctions, mode, executionId, workflowData, optionalParameters); } /** * Returns WorkflowHooks instance for running the main workflow * */ export function getWorkflowHooksMain( data: IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess, executionId: string, isMainProcess = false, ): WorkflowHooks { const hookFunctions = hookFunctionsSave(); const pushFunctions = hookFunctionsPush(); for (const key of Object.keys(pushFunctions)) { if (hookFunctions[key] === undefined) { hookFunctions[key] = []; } hookFunctions[key]!.push.apply(hookFunctions[key], pushFunctions[key]); } if (isMainProcess) { const preExecuteFunctions = hookFunctionsPreExecute(); for (const key of Object.keys(preExecuteFunctions)) { if (hookFunctions[key] === undefined) { hookFunctions[key] = []; } hookFunctions[key]!.push.apply(hookFunctions[key], preExecuteFunctions[key]); } } return new WorkflowHooks(hookFunctions, data.executionMode, executionId, data.workflowData, { sessionId: data.sessionId, retryOf: data.retryOf as string, }); }