import { IExecuteFunctions } from 'n8n-core'; import { IBinaryKeyData, IDataObject, ILoadOptionsFunctions, INodeExecutionData, INodePropertyOptions, INodeType, INodeTypeDescription, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { encodeEmail, extractEmail, googleApiRequest, googleApiRequestAllItems, parseRawEmail, } from './GenericFunctions'; import { messageFields, messageOperations } from './MessageDescription'; import { messageLabelFields, messageLabelOperations } from './MessageLabelDescription'; import { labelFields, labelOperations } from './LabelDescription'; import { draftFields, draftOperations } from './DraftDescription'; import { isEmpty } from 'lodash'; export interface IEmail { from?: string; to?: string; cc?: string; bcc?: string; inReplyTo?: string; reference?: string; subject: string; body: string; htmlBody?: string; attachments?: IDataObject[]; } interface IAttachments { type: string; name: string; content: string; } export class Gmail implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'Gmail', name: 'gmail', icon: 'file:gmail.svg', group: ['transform'], version: 1, subtitle: '={{$parameter["operation"] + ": " + $parameter["resource"]}}', description: 'Consume the Gmail API', defaults: { name: 'Gmail', }, inputs: ['main'], outputs: ['main'], credentials: [ { name: 'googleApi', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { authentication: ['serviceAccount'], }, }, }, { name: 'gmailOAuth2', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { authentication: ['oAuth2'], }, }, }, ], properties: [ { displayName: 'Authentication', name: 'authentication', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'OAuth2 (Recommended)', value: 'oAuth2', }, { name: 'Service Account', value: 'serviceAccount', }, ], default: 'oAuth2', }, { displayName: 'Resource', name: 'resource', type: 'options', noDataExpression: true, options: [ { name: 'Draft', value: 'draft', }, { name: 'Label', value: 'label', }, { name: 'Message', value: 'message', }, { name: 'Message Label', value: 'messageLabel', }, ], default: 'draft', }, //------------------------------- // Draft Operations //------------------------------- ...draftOperations, ...draftFields, //------------------------------- // Label Operations //------------------------------- ...labelOperations, ...labelFields, //------------------------------- // Message Operations //------------------------------- ...messageOperations, ...messageFields, //------------------------------- // MessageLabel Operations //------------------------------- ...messageLabelOperations, ...messageLabelFields, ], }; methods = { loadOptions: { // Get all the labels to display them to user so that he can // select them easily async getLabels(this: ILoadOptionsFunctions): Promise { const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; const labels = await this, 'labels', 'GET', '/gmail/v1/users/me/labels', ); for (const label of labels) { const labelName =; const labelId =; returnData.push({ name: labelName, value: labelId, }); } return returnData; }, }, }; async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions): Promise { const items = this.getInputData(); const returnData: INodeExecutionData[] = []; const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource', 0) as string; const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation', 0) as string; let method = ''; let body: IDataObject = {}; let qs: IDataObject = {}; let endpoint = ''; let responseData; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { try { if (resource === 'label') { if (operation === 'create') { // const labelName = this.getNodeParameter('name', i) as string; const labelListVisibility = this.getNodeParameter('labelListVisibility', i) as string; const messageListVisibility = this.getNodeParameter( 'messageListVisibility', i, ) as string; method = 'POST'; endpoint = '/gmail/v1/users/me/labels'; body = { labelListVisibility, messageListVisibility, name: labelName, }; responseData = await, method, endpoint, body, qs); } if (operation === 'delete') { // const labelId = this.getNodeParameter('labelId', i) as string[]; method = 'DELETE'; endpoint = `/gmail/v1/users/me/labels/${labelId}`; responseData = await, method, endpoint, body, qs); responseData = { success: true }; } if (operation === 'get') { // const labelId = this.getNodeParameter('labelId', i); method = 'GET'; endpoint = `/gmail/v1/users/me/labels/${labelId}`; responseData = await, method, endpoint, body, qs); } if (operation === 'getAll') { const returnAll = this.getNodeParameter('returnAll', i) as boolean; responseData = await this, 'GET', `/gmail/v1/users/me/labels`, {}, qs, ); responseData = responseData.labels; if (!returnAll) { const limit = this.getNodeParameter('limit', i) as number; responseData = responseData.splice(0, limit); } } } if (resource === 'messageLabel') { if (operation === 'remove') { // const messageID = this.getNodeParameter('messageId', i); const labelIds = this.getNodeParameter('labelIds', i) as string[]; method = 'POST'; endpoint = `/gmail/v1/users/me/messages/${messageID}/modify`; body = { removeLabelIds: labelIds, }; responseData = await, method, endpoint, body, qs); } if (operation === 'add') { // const messageID = this.getNodeParameter('messageId', i); const labelIds = this.getNodeParameter('labelIds', i) as string[]; method = 'POST'; endpoint = `/gmail/v1/users/me/messages/${messageID}/modify`; body = { addLabelIds: labelIds, }; responseData = await, method, endpoint, body, qs); } } if (resource === 'message') { if (operation === 'send') { // const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', i) as IDataObject; let toStr = ''; let ccStr = ''; let bccStr = ''; let attachmentsList: IDataObject[] = []; const toList = this.getNodeParameter('toList', i) as IDataObject[]; toList.forEach((email) => { toStr += `<${email}>, `; }); if (additionalFields.ccList) { const ccList = additionalFields.ccList as IDataObject[]; ccList.forEach((email) => { ccStr += `<${email}>, `; }); } if (additionalFields.bccList) { const bccList = additionalFields.bccList as IDataObject[]; bccList.forEach((email) => { bccStr += `<${email}>, `; }); } if (additionalFields.attachmentsUi) { const attachmentsUi = additionalFields.attachmentsUi as IDataObject; const attachmentsBinary = []; if (!isEmpty(attachmentsUi)) { if ( attachmentsUi.hasOwnProperty('attachmentsBinary') && !isEmpty(attachmentsUi.attachmentsBinary) && items[i].binary ) { // @ts-ignore for (const { property } of attachmentsUi.attachmentsBinary as IDataObject[]) { for (const binaryProperty of (property as string).split(',')) { if (items[i].binary![binaryProperty] !== undefined) { const binaryData = items[i].binary![binaryProperty]; const binaryDataBuffer = await this.helpers.getBinaryDataBuffer( i, binaryProperty, ); attachmentsBinary.push({ name: binaryData.fileName || 'unknown', content: binaryDataBuffer, type: binaryData.mimeType, }); } } } } qs = { userId: 'me', uploadType: 'media', }; attachmentsList = attachmentsBinary; } } const email: IEmail = { from: (additionalFields.senderName as string) || '', to: toStr, cc: ccStr, bcc: bccStr, subject: this.getNodeParameter('subject', i) as string, body: this.getNodeParameter('message', i) as string, attachments: attachmentsList, }; if ((this.getNodeParameter('includeHtml', i, false) as boolean) === true) { email.htmlBody = this.getNodeParameter('htmlMessage', i) as string; } endpoint = '/gmail/v1/users/me/messages/send'; method = 'POST'; body = { raw: await encodeEmail(email), }; responseData = await, method, endpoint, body, qs); } if (operation === 'reply') { const id = this.getNodeParameter('messageId', i) as string; const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', i) as IDataObject; let toStr = ''; let ccStr = ''; let bccStr = ''; let attachmentsList: IDataObject[] = []; const toList = this.getNodeParameter('toList', i) as IDataObject[]; toList.forEach((email) => { toStr += `<${email}>, `; }); if (additionalFields.ccList) { const ccList = additionalFields.ccList as IDataObject[]; ccList.forEach((email) => { ccStr += `<${email}>, `; }); } if (additionalFields.bccList) { const bccList = additionalFields.bccList as IDataObject[]; bccList.forEach((email) => { bccStr += `<${email}>, `; }); } if (additionalFields.attachmentsUi) { const attachmentsUi = additionalFields.attachmentsUi as IDataObject; const attachmentsBinary = []; if (!isEmpty(attachmentsUi)) { if ( attachmentsUi.hasOwnProperty('attachmentsBinary') && !isEmpty(attachmentsUi.attachmentsBinary) && items[i].binary ) { // @ts-ignore for (const { property } of attachmentsUi.attachmentsBinary as IDataObject[]) { for (const binaryProperty of (property as string).split(',')) { if (items[i].binary![binaryProperty] !== undefined) { const binaryData = items[i].binary![binaryProperty]; const binaryDataBuffer = await this.helpers.getBinaryDataBuffer( i, binaryProperty, ); attachmentsBinary.push({ name: binaryData.fileName || 'unknown', content: binaryDataBuffer, type: binaryData.mimeType, }); } } } } qs = { userId: 'me', uploadType: 'media', }; attachmentsList = attachmentsBinary; } } // if no recipient is defined then grab the one who sent the email if (toStr === '') { endpoint = `/gmail/v1/users/me/messages/${id}`; qs.format = 'metadata'; const { payload } = await, method, endpoint, body, qs); for (const header of payload.headers as IDataObject[]) { if ( === 'From') { toStr = `<${extractEmail(header.value as string)}>,`; break; } } } const email: IEmail = { from: (additionalFields.senderName as string) || '', to: toStr, cc: ccStr, bcc: bccStr, subject: this.getNodeParameter('subject', i) as string, body: this.getNodeParameter('message', i) as string, attachments: attachmentsList, }; if ((this.getNodeParameter('includeHtml', i, false) as boolean) === true) { email.htmlBody = this.getNodeParameter('htmlMessage', i) as string; } endpoint = '/gmail/v1/users/me/messages/send'; method = 'POST'; email.inReplyTo = id; email.reference = id; body = { raw: await encodeEmail(email), threadId: this.getNodeParameter('threadId', i) as string, }; responseData = await, method, endpoint, body, qs); } if (operation === 'get') { // method = 'GET'; const id = this.getNodeParameter('messageId', i); const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', i) as IDataObject; const format = additionalFields.format || 'resolved'; if (format === 'resolved') { qs.format = 'raw'; } else { qs.format = format; } endpoint = `/gmail/v1/users/me/messages/${id}`; responseData = await, method, endpoint, body, qs); let nodeExecutionData: INodeExecutionData; if (format === 'resolved') { const dataPropertyNameDownload = (additionalFields.dataPropertyAttachmentsPrefixName as string) || 'attachment_'; nodeExecutionData = await this, responseData, dataPropertyNameDownload, ); } else { nodeExecutionData = { json: responseData, }; } responseData = nodeExecutionData; } if (operation === 'getAll') { const returnAll = this.getNodeParameter('returnAll', i) as boolean; const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', i) as IDataObject; Object.assign(qs, additionalFields); if (qs.labelIds) { // tslint:disable-next-line: triple-equals if (qs.labelIds == '') { delete qs.labelIds; } else { qs.labelIds = qs.labelIds as string[]; } } if (returnAll) { responseData = await this, 'messages', 'GET', `/gmail/v1/users/me/messages`, {}, qs, ); } else { qs.maxResults = this.getNodeParameter('limit', i) as number; responseData = await this, 'GET', `/gmail/v1/users/me/messages`, {}, qs, ); responseData = responseData.messages; } if (responseData === undefined) { responseData = []; } const format = additionalFields.format || 'resolved'; if (format !== 'ids') { if (format === 'resolved') { qs.format = 'raw'; } else { qs.format = format; } for (let i = 0; i < responseData.length; i++) { responseData[i] = await this, 'GET', `/gmail/v1/users/me/messages/${responseData[i].id}`, body, qs, ); if (format === 'resolved') { const dataPropertyNameDownload = (additionalFields.dataPropertyAttachmentsPrefixName as string) || 'attachment_'; responseData[i] = await this, responseData[i], dataPropertyNameDownload, ); } } } if (format !== 'resolved') { responseData = this.helpers.returnJsonArray(responseData); } } if (operation === 'delete') { // method = 'DELETE'; const id = this.getNodeParameter('messageId', i); endpoint = `/gmail/v1/users/me/messages/${id}`; responseData = await, method, endpoint, body, qs); responseData = { success: true }; } } if (resource === 'draft') { if (operation === 'create') { // const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', i) as IDataObject; let toStr = ''; let ccStr = ''; let bccStr = ''; let attachmentsList: IDataObject[] = []; if (additionalFields.toList) { const toList = additionalFields.toList as IDataObject[]; toList.forEach((email) => { toStr += `<${email}>, `; }); } if (additionalFields.ccList) { const ccList = additionalFields.ccList as IDataObject[]; ccList.forEach((email) => { ccStr += `<${email}>, `; }); } if (additionalFields.bccList) { const bccList = additionalFields.bccList as IDataObject[]; bccList.forEach((email) => { bccStr += `<${email}>, `; }); } if (additionalFields.attachmentsUi) { const attachmentsUi = additionalFields.attachmentsUi as IDataObject; const attachmentsBinary = []; if (!isEmpty(attachmentsUi)) { if (!isEmpty(attachmentsUi)) { if ( attachmentsUi.hasOwnProperty('attachmentsBinary') && !isEmpty(attachmentsUi.attachmentsBinary) && items[i].binary ) { for (const { property } of attachmentsUi.attachmentsBinary as IDataObject[]) { for (const binaryProperty of (property as string).split(',')) { if (items[i].binary![binaryProperty] !== undefined) { const binaryData = items[i].binary![binaryProperty]; const binaryDataBuffer = await this.helpers.getBinaryDataBuffer( i, binaryProperty, ); attachmentsBinary.push({ name: binaryData.fileName || 'unknown', content: binaryDataBuffer, type: binaryData.mimeType, }); } } } } } qs = { userId: 'me', uploadType: 'media', }; attachmentsList = attachmentsBinary; } } const email: IEmail = { to: toStr, cc: ccStr, bcc: bccStr, subject: this.getNodeParameter('subject', i) as string, body: this.getNodeParameter('message', i) as string, attachments: attachmentsList, }; if ((this.getNodeParameter('includeHtml', i, false) as boolean) === true) { email.htmlBody = this.getNodeParameter('htmlMessage', i) as string; } endpoint = '/gmail/v1/users/me/drafts'; method = 'POST'; body = { message: { raw: await encodeEmail(email), }, }; responseData = await, method, endpoint, body, qs); } if (operation === 'get') { // method = 'GET'; const id = this.getNodeParameter('messageId', i); const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', i) as IDataObject; const format = additionalFields.format || 'resolved'; if (format === 'resolved') { qs.format = 'raw'; } else { qs.format = format; } endpoint = `/gmail/v1/users/me/drafts/${id}`; responseData = await, method, endpoint, body, qs); const binaryData: IBinaryKeyData = {}; let nodeExecutionData: INodeExecutionData; if (format === 'resolved') { const dataPropertyNameDownload = (additionalFields.dataPropertyAttachmentsPrefixName as string) || 'attachment_'; nodeExecutionData = await this, responseData.message, dataPropertyNameDownload, ); // Add the draft-id nodeExecutionData.json.messageId =; =; } else { nodeExecutionData = { json: responseData, binary: Object.keys(binaryData).length ? binaryData : undefined, }; } responseData = nodeExecutionData; } if (operation === 'delete') { // method = 'DELETE'; const id = this.getNodeParameter('messageId', i); endpoint = `/gmail/v1/users/me/drafts/${id}`; responseData = await, method, endpoint, body, qs); responseData = { success: true }; } if (operation === 'getAll') { const returnAll = this.getNodeParameter('returnAll', i) as boolean; const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', i) as IDataObject; Object.assign(qs, additionalFields); if (returnAll) { responseData = await this, 'drafts', 'GET', `/gmail/v1/users/me/drafts`, {}, qs, ); } else { qs.maxResults = this.getNodeParameter('limit', i) as number; responseData = await this, 'GET', `/gmail/v1/users/me/drafts`, {}, qs, ); responseData = responseData.drafts; } if (responseData === undefined) { responseData = []; } const format = additionalFields.format || 'resolved'; if (format !== 'ids') { if (format === 'resolved') { qs.format = 'raw'; } else { qs.format = format; } for (let i = 0; i < responseData.length; i++) { responseData[i] = await this, 'GET', `/gmail/v1/users/me/drafts/${responseData[i].id}`, body, qs, ); if (format === 'resolved') { const dataPropertyNameDownload = (additionalFields.dataPropertyAttachmentsPrefixName as string) || 'attachment_'; const id = responseData[i].id; responseData[i] = await this, responseData[i].message, dataPropertyNameDownload, ); // Add the draft-id responseData[i].json.messageId = responseData[i]; responseData[i] = id; } } } if (format !== 'resolved') { responseData = this.helpers.returnJsonArray(responseData); } } } const executionData = this.helpers.constructExecutionMetaData( this.helpers.returnJsonArray(responseData), { itemData: { item: i } }, ); returnData.push(...executionData); } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { returnData.push({ json: { error: error.message } }); continue; } throw error; } } return this.prepareOutputData(returnData); } }