{ "node": "n8n-nodes-base.start", "nodeVersion": "1.0", "codexVersion": "1.0", "categories": [ "Core Nodes" ], "resources": { "primaryDocumentation": [ { "url": "https://docs.n8n.io/nodes/n8n-nodes-base.start/" } ], "generic": [ { "label": "Why business process automation with n8n can change your daily life", "icon": "🧬", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/why-business-process-automation-with-n8n-can-change-your-daily-life/" }, { "label": "Why I chose n8n over Zapier in 2020", "icon": "😍", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/why-i-chose-n8n-over-zapier-in-2020/" }, { "label": "Automatically pulling and visualizing data with n8n", "icon": "📈", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/automatically-pulling-and-visualizing-data-with-n8n/" }, { "label": "How to use the HTTP Request Node - The Swiss Army Knife for Workflow Automation", "icon": "🧰", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/how-to-use-the-http-request-node-the-swiss-army-knife-for-workflow-automation/" }, { "label": "Sending SMS the Low-Code Way with Airtable, Twilio Programmable SMS, and n8n", "icon": "📱", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/sending-sms-the-low-code-way-with-airtable-twilio-programmable-sms-and-n8n/" }, { "label": "Automating Conference Organization Processes with n8n", "icon": "🙋♀️", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/automating-conference-organization-processes-with-n8n/" } ] } }