/* eslint-disable n8n-nodes-base/node-filename-against-convention */ import { IExecuteFunctions, } from 'n8n-core'; import { IDataObject, ILoadOptionsFunctions, INodeExecutionData, INodeType, INodeTypeDescription, NodeParameterValue, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { awsApiRequest, awsApiRequestAllItems, } from './GenericFunctions'; import { itemFields, itemOperations, } from './ItemDescription'; import { FieldsUiValues, IAttributeNameUi, IAttributeValueUi, IRequestBody, PutItemUi, } from './types'; import { adjustExpressionAttributeName, adjustExpressionAttributeValues, adjustPutItem, decodeItem, simplify, } from './utils'; export class AwsDynamoDB implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'AWS DynamoDB', name: 'awsDynamoDb', icon: 'file:dynamodb.svg', group: ['transform'], version: 1, subtitle: '={{$parameter["operation"] + ": " + $parameter["resource"]}}', description: 'Consume the AWS DynamoDB API', defaults: { name: 'AWS DynamoDB', }, inputs: ['main'], outputs: ['main'], credentials: [ { name: 'aws', required: true, }, ], properties: [ { displayName: 'Resource', name: 'resource', type: 'options', noDataExpression: true, options: [ { name: 'Item', value: 'item', }, ], default: 'item', }, ...itemOperations, ...itemFields, ], }; methods = { loadOptions: { async getTables(this: ILoadOptionsFunctions) { const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.0', 'X-Amz-Target': 'DynamoDB_20120810.ListTables', }; const responseData = await awsApiRequest.call(this, 'dynamodb', 'POST', '/', {}, headers); return responseData.TableNames.map((table: string) => ({ name: table, value: table })); }, }, }; async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions): Promise { const items = this.getInputData(); const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource', 0); const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation', 0); let responseData; const returnData: IDataObject[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { try { if (resource === 'item') { if (operation === 'upsert') { // ---------------------------------- // upsert // ---------------------------------- // https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference/API_PutItem.html const eavUi = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields.eavUi.eavValues', i, []) as IAttributeValueUi[]; const conditionExpession = this.getNodeParameter('conditionExpression', i, '') as string; const eanUi = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields.eanUi.eanValues', i, []) as IAttributeNameUi[]; const body: IRequestBody = { TableName: this.getNodeParameter('tableName', i) as string, }; const expressionAttributeValues = adjustExpressionAttributeValues(eavUi); if (Object.keys(expressionAttributeValues).length) { body.ExpressionAttributeValues = expressionAttributeValues; } const expressionAttributeName = adjustExpressionAttributeName(eanUi); if (Object.keys(expressionAttributeName).length) { body.expressionAttributeNames = expressionAttributeName; } if (conditionExpession) { body.ConditionExpression = conditionExpession; } const dataToSend = this.getNodeParameter('dataToSend', 0) as 'defineBelow' | 'autoMapInputData'; const item: { [key: string]: string } = {}; if (dataToSend === 'autoMapInputData') { const incomingKeys = Object.keys(items[i].json); const rawInputsToIgnore = this.getNodeParameter('inputsToIgnore', i) as string; const inputsToIgnore = rawInputsToIgnore.split(',').map(c => c.trim()); for (const key of incomingKeys) { if (inputsToIgnore.includes(key)) continue; item[key] = items[i].json[key] as string; } body.Item = adjustPutItem(item as PutItemUi); } else { const fields = this.getNodeParameter('fieldsUi.fieldValues', i, []) as FieldsUiValues; fields.forEach(({ fieldId, fieldValue }) => item[fieldId] = fieldValue); body.Item = adjustPutItem(item as PutItemUi); } const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.0', 'X-Amz-Target': 'DynamoDB_20120810.PutItem', }; responseData = await awsApiRequest.call(this, 'dynamodb', 'POST', '/', body, headers); responseData = item; } else if (operation === 'delete') { // ---------------------------------- // delete // ---------------------------------- // https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference/API_DeleteItem.html // tslint:disable-next-line: no-any const body: { [key: string]: any } = { TableName: this.getNodeParameter('tableName', i) as string, Key: {}, ReturnValues: this.getNodeParameter('returnValues', 0) as string, }; const eavUi = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields.eavUi.eavValues', i, []) as IAttributeValueUi[]; const eanUi = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields.eanUi.eanValues', i, []) as IAttributeNameUi[]; const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', i) as IDataObject; const simple = this.getNodeParameter('simple', 0, false) as boolean; const items = this.getNodeParameter('keysUi.keyValues', i, []) as [{ key: string, type: string, value: string }]; for (const item of items) { let value = item.value as NodeParameterValue; // All data has to get send as string even numbers // @ts-ignore value = ![null, undefined].includes(value) ? value?.toString() : ''; body.Key[item.key as string] = { [item.type as string]: value }; } const expressionAttributeValues = adjustExpressionAttributeValues(eavUi); if (Object.keys(expressionAttributeValues).length) { body.ExpressionAttributeValues = expressionAttributeValues; } const expressionAttributeName = adjustExpressionAttributeName(eanUi); if (Object.keys(expressionAttributeName).length) { body.expressionAttributeNames = expressionAttributeName; } const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.0', 'X-Amz-Target': 'DynamoDB_20120810.DeleteItem', }; if (additionalFields.conditionExpression) { body.ConditionExpression = additionalFields.conditionExpression as string; } responseData = await awsApiRequest.call(this, 'dynamodb', 'POST', '/', body, headers); if (!Object.keys(responseData).length) { responseData = { success: true }; } else if (simple === true) { responseData = decodeItem(responseData.Attributes); } } else if (operation === 'get') { // ---------------------------------- // get // ---------------------------------- // https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference/API_GetItem.html const tableName = this.getNodeParameter('tableName', 0) as string; const simple = this.getNodeParameter('simple', 0, false) as boolean; const select = this.getNodeParameter('select', 0) as string; const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', i) as IDataObject; const eanUi = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields.eanUi.eanValues', i, []) as IAttributeNameUi[]; // tslint:disable-next-line: no-any const body: { [key: string]: any } = { TableName: tableName, Key: {}, Select: select, }; Object.assign(body, additionalFields); const expressionAttributeName = adjustExpressionAttributeName(eanUi); if (Object.keys(expressionAttributeName).length) { body.expressionAttributeNames = expressionAttributeName; } if (additionalFields.readType) { body.ConsistentRead = additionalFields.readType === 'stronglyConsistentRead'; } if (additionalFields.projectionExpression) { body.ProjectionExpression = additionalFields.projectionExpression as string; } const items = this.getNodeParameter('keysUi.keyValues', i, []) as IDataObject[]; for (const item of items) { let value = item.value as NodeParameterValue; // All data has to get send as string even numbers // @ts-ignore value = ![null, undefined].includes(value) ? value?.toString() : ''; body.Key[item.key as string] = { [item.type as string]: value }; } const headers = { 'X-Amz-Target': 'DynamoDB_20120810.GetItem', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.0', }; responseData = await awsApiRequest.call(this, 'dynamodb', 'POST', '/', body, headers); responseData = responseData.Item; if (simple && responseData) { responseData = decodeItem(responseData); } } else if (operation === 'getAll') { // ---------------------------------- // getAll // ---------------------------------- // https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/APIReference/API_Query.html const eavUi = this.getNodeParameter('eavUi.eavValues', i, []) as IAttributeValueUi[]; const simple = this.getNodeParameter('simple', 0, false) as boolean; const select = this.getNodeParameter('select', 0) as string; const returnAll = this.getNodeParameter('returnAll', 0) as boolean; const scan = this.getNodeParameter('scan', 0) as boolean; const eanUi = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields.eanUi.eanValues', i, []) as IAttributeNameUi[]; const body: IRequestBody = { TableName: this.getNodeParameter('tableName', i) as string, }; if (scan === true) { const filterExpression = this.getNodeParameter('filterExpression', i) as string; if (filterExpression) { body['FilterExpression'] = filterExpression; } } else { body['KeyConditionExpression'] = this.getNodeParameter('keyConditionExpression', i) as string; } const { indexName, projectionExpression, filterExpression, } = this.getNodeParameter('options', i) as { indexName: string; projectionExpression: string; filterExpression: string; }; const expressionAttributeName = adjustExpressionAttributeName(eanUi); if (Object.keys(expressionAttributeName).length) { body.ExpressionAttributeNames = expressionAttributeName; } const expressionAttributeValues = adjustExpressionAttributeValues(eavUi); if (Object.keys(expressionAttributeValues).length) { body.ExpressionAttributeValues = expressionAttributeValues; } if (indexName) { body.IndexName = indexName; } if (projectionExpression && select !== 'COUNT') { body.ProjectionExpression = projectionExpression; } if (filterExpression) { body.FilterExpression = filterExpression; } if (select) { body.Select = select; } const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Amz-Target': (scan) ? 'DynamoDB_20120810.Scan' : 'DynamoDB_20120810.Query', }; if (returnAll === true && select !== 'COUNT') { responseData = await awsApiRequestAllItems.call(this, 'dynamodb', 'POST', '/', body, headers); } else { body.Limit = this.getNodeParameter('limit', 0, 1) as number; responseData = await awsApiRequest.call(this, 'dynamodb', 'POST', '/', body, headers); if (select !== 'COUNT') { responseData = responseData.Items; } } if (simple === true) { responseData = responseData.map(simplify); } } Array.isArray(responseData) ? returnData.push(...responseData) : returnData.push(responseData); } } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { returnData.push({ error: error.message }); continue; } throw error; } } return [this.helpers.returnJsonArray(returnData)]; } }