import Container from 'typedi'; import { Not, LessThanOrEqual } from '@n8n/typeorm'; import config from '@/config'; import { ExecutionEntity } from '@db/entities/ExecutionEntity'; import { ExecutionRepository } from '@db/repositories/execution.repository'; import { mockEntityManager } from '../../shared/mocking'; describe('ExecutionRepository', () => { const entityManager = mockEntityManager(ExecutionEntity); const executionRepository = Container.get(ExecutionRepository); const mockDate = new Date('2023-12-28 12:34:56.789Z'); beforeAll(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); jest.useFakeTimers().setSystemTime(mockDate); }); afterAll(() => jest.useRealTimers()); describe('getWaitingExecutions()', () => { test.each(['sqlite', 'postgres'])( 'on %s, should be called with expected args', async (dbType) => { jest.spyOn(config, 'getEnv').mockReturnValueOnce(dbType); entityManager.find.mockResolvedValueOnce([]); await executionRepository.getWaitingExecutions(); expect(entityManager.find).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ExecutionEntity, { order: { waitTill: 'ASC' }, select: ['id', 'waitTill'], where: { status: Not('crashed'), waitTill: LessThanOrEqual( dbType === 'sqlite' ? '2023-12-28 12:36:06.789' : new Date('2023-12-28T12:36:06.789Z'), ), }, }); }, ); }); });