OlegIvaniv 0004dc7ee8
ci(editor): Run e2e tests in parallel and improve build caching (#5445)
* WIP: Cypress parallel CI run test

* Trigger action on branch push

* Change build artifacts path

* Make sure to checkout the repo for testing job

* Use Cypress action for installing

* Lock cypress action userd version

* Skip node install step since we're using cypress node16 container

* Let Cypress handle pnpm install

* Use setup-node action for caching pnpm



* Manually cache pnpm store

* Dont fix pnpm version

* Use caching action also in testing job

* Zip packages dist before uploading the artifacts and change caching key

* Use absolute build paths for zipping job

* Use zip command in action

* Use tar for zipping packages

* Debuggin directory ls

* Debugging caching of modules

* Attempt to fix permissions issue

* Porivde Cypress executable via `CYPRESS_RUN_BINARY`

* Cache /github/home

* Adjust caching keys

* Debug: search for cypress exec

* Debugging: List dirs

* Use pnpm install action to install node_modules

* Do not log /home/runner

* Use node_modules/.bin Cypress binary

* Use absolute path to nodue modules

* Run Cypress via custom command

* Try with patched cypress action

* Revert logging

* Manually specify cypress config file

* Use absolute paths

* Fix cypress config name

* Debug print cypress config

* Remove debugging, increase to 4 containers

* Increase amount of containers

* Add env-version matrix

* Replace node14 with node18 in testing matrix

* Remove debugging and add node 14

* Use just node14

* Use cypress:base and remove browser req

* Give more general timeouts

* Try with node16

* Change cache directive position

* Replace zip artifact upload with cache

* Cache full packages not just dist

* Test with variable inputs

* Add commit info message

* Remove wrongly commited code

* Allow WF API dispatch

* Try Chrome browser again for comparison

* Include Monaco in the build

* Make e2e workflow re-usable

* Comment out invalid reusable workflow args

* Use electron and add node 14 run

* Fix env arg

* Provide custom ci-build-id

* Refactor remaining e2e workflow to use reusable action

* Remove single matrix directive

* Refactor ci-pull-req

* Make lint job dependant on test jobs

* Disable debugging job

* Make containers dynamic

* Cleanup & install git for linting action

* Use regular buntu image for PR linting

* Debugging failing tests

* Remove fixed spec name

* Debug e2e env var

* Do not use realkeypress which crashes electron runner

* Debugging

* chore: remove console

* chore: remove console

* test: remove node 14 tests

* test: replace test branch with master

* test: use tests in current branch

* test: use relative path

* chore: clean up

* test: only trigger on approval

* ci: update test PR

* ci: use curr branch

* ci: only run 14 on schedule, not for slack command

* ci: only run test on approval

* ci: clean up branch, rename step

* ci: rename steps

* ci: clean up cancel

* ci: clean up env var

* ci: set var

* ci: use chromef

* ci: use electron

* chore: add console log

* chore: add console log

* ci: update to string

* ci: set all env options

* test: build

* ci: fix step issue

* Fix failing tests & upgrade to Cypress 12

* Allow WF dispatch of e2e reusable

* Fix wrong naming in e2e-tests workflow

* Redeploy

* Fix tests

* Fix NDV tests and remove skipping of webhooks execution tests

* Fix clipboard read command

* Fix execution failing tests

* Reset before each 15 and 3

* Fix flaky tests

* Cleanup and log envs

* Test fixes

* Default owner spec fixes

* Get rid of CYPRESS_RUN_ENV

* Increase amount of containers, cleanup and add mock for credentials test call

* Cleanup & fix PR tests unit tests

* Wait for WF to loade in sharing spec

* Do linting and unit tests first

* Use frozen lockfile

* Revert back ci pull request jobs order

* Refine credential input selector and move cy.waitForLoad to correct position in 15-scheduler spec

* test: build

* Wait for WF execution instead of arbitraty timeout in WF execution spec, change order of jobs for ci pull request

* Fix flaky 3-default owner spec and wait for execution list to load in 20-workflow-executions

* Use setup node action

* Remove caching for lint/unit tests

* Experiment with parallel test & lint on ci

* Provide cache key dynamically

* Run e2e in parallel on pr

* Only run node14 e2e on daily schedule

* Make sure to generate generate new ci-build-id on re-runs

* Remove debugging prints

* Address PR comments

* Rename custom onBeforeUnload handler

* Make sure 19-execution spec waits for wf to load properly before import fixtures


Co-authored-by: Mutasem <mutdmour@gmail.com>
2023-03-02 16:50:21 +01:00

268 lines
7.6 KiB

// ***********************************************
// This example commands.js shows you how to
// create various custom commands and overwrite
// existing commands.
// For more comprehensive examples of custom
// commands please read more here:
// https://on.cypress.io/custom-commands
// ***********************************************
// -- This is a parent command --
// Cypress.Commands.add('login', (email, password) => { ... })
// -- This is a child command --
// Cypress.Commands.add('drag', { prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, options) => { ... })
// -- This is a dual command --
// Cypress.Commands.add('dismiss', { prevSubject: 'optional'}, (subject, options) => { ... })
// -- This will overwrite an existing command --
// Cypress.Commands.overwrite('visit', (originalFn, url, options) => { ... })
import 'cypress-real-events';
import { WorkflowsPage, SigninPage, SignupPage, SettingsUsersPage } from '../pages';
import { N8N_AUTH_COOKIE } from '../constants';
import { WorkflowPage as WorkflowPageClass } from '../pages/workflow';
import { MessageBox } from '../pages/modals/message-box';
Cypress.Commands.add('getByTestId', (selector, ...args) => {
return cy.get(`[data-test-id="${selector}"]`, ...args);
Cypress.Commands.add('createFixtureWorkflow', (fixtureKey, workflowName) => {
const WorkflowPage = new WorkflowPageClass();
// We need to force the click because the input is hidden
.selectFile(`cypress/fixtures/${fixtureKey}`, { force: true });
WorkflowPage.getters.saveButton().should('contain', 'Saved');
{ prevSubject: true },
(subject: Cypress.Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElement>>, childTestId) => {
return subject.find(`[data-test-id="${childTestId}"]`);
Cypress.Commands.add('waitForLoad', () => {
cy.getByTestId('node-view-loader', { timeout: 10000 }).should('not.exist');
cy.get('.el-loading-mask', { timeout: 10000 }).should('not.exist');
Cypress.Commands.add('signin', ({ email, password }) => {
const signinPage = new SigninPage();
const workflowsPage = new WorkflowsPage();
[email, password],
() => {
signinPage.getters.form().within(() => {
// we should be redirected to /workflows
cy.url().should('include', workflowsPage.url);
validate() {
Cypress.Commands.add('signout', () => {
cy.url().should('include', '/signin');
Cypress.Commands.add('signup', ({ firstName, lastName, password, url }) => {
const signupPage = new SignupPage();
signupPage.getters.form().within(() => {
cy.url().then((url) => {
Cypress.Commands.add('setup', ({ email, firstName, lastName, password }) => {
const signupPage = new SignupPage();
signupPage.getters.form().within(() => {
cy.url().then((url) => {
if (url.includes(signupPage.url)) {
} else {
cy.log('User already signed up');
Cypress.Commands.add('interceptREST', (method, url) => {
cy.intercept(method, `http://localhost:5678/rest${url}`);
Cypress.Commands.add('inviteUsers', ({ instanceOwner, users }) => {
const settingsUsersPage = new SettingsUsersPage();
users.forEach((user) => {
cy.interceptREST('POST', '/users').as('inviteUser');
settingsUsersPage.getters.inviteUsersModal().within((modal) => {
cy.wait('@inviteUser').then((interception) => {
const inviteLink = interception.response!.body.data[0].user.inviteAcceptUrl;
cy.signup({ ...user, url: inviteLink });
Cypress.Commands.add('skipSetup', () => {
const signupPage = new SignupPage();
const workflowsPage = new WorkflowsPage();
const Confirmation = new MessageBox();
signupPage.getters.form().within(() => {
cy.url().then((url) => {
if (url.endsWith(signupPage.url)) {
Confirmation.getters.header().should('contain.text', 'Skip owner account setup?');
// we should be redirected to /workflows
cy.url().should('include', workflowsPage.url);
} else {
cy.log('User already signed up');
Cypress.Commands.add('resetAll', () => {
Cypress.Commands.add('setupOwner', (payload) => {
cy.task('setup-owner', payload);
Cypress.Commands.add('enableFeature', (feature) => {
cy.task('enable-feature', feature);
Cypress.Commands.add('grantBrowserPermissions', (...permissions: string[]) => {
if (Cypress.isBrowser('chrome')) {
Cypress.automation('remote:debugger:protocol', {
command: 'Browser.grantPermissions',
params: {
origin: window.location.origin,
Cypress.Commands.add('readClipboard', () => cy.window().then(win => win.navigator.clipboard.readText()))
Cypress.Commands.add('paste', { prevSubject: true }, (selector, pastePayload) => {
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/paste_event
cy.wrap(selector).then(($destination) => {
const pasteEvent = Object.assign(new Event('paste', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }), {
clipboardData: {
getData: () => pastePayload,
Cypress.Commands.add('drag', (selector, pos) => {
const [xDiff, yDiff] = pos;
const element = cy.get(selector);
const originalLocation = Cypress.$(selector)[0].getBoundingClientRect();
element.trigger('mousemove', {
which: 1,
pageX: originalLocation.right + xDiff,
pageY: originalLocation.top + yDiff,
force: true,
element.trigger('mouseup', { force: true });
Cypress.Commands.add('draganddrop', (draggableSelector, droppableSelector) => {
if (draggableSelector) {
.then(([$el]) => {
const coords = $el.getBoundingClientRect();
const pageX = coords.left + coords.width / 2;
const pageY = coords.top + coords.height / 2;
if (draggableSelector) {
// We can't use realMouseDown here because it hangs headless run
// We don't chain these commands to make sure cy.get is re-trying correctly
cy.get(droppableSelector).realMouseMove(pageX, pageY);
if (draggableSelector) {