mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 20:50:17 -08:00
This also gets rid of `Db.collection`, which was another source of circular dependencies.
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import type { DataSourceOptions as ConnectionOptions, Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { DataSource as Connection } from 'typeorm';
import { Container } from 'typedi';
import config from '@/config';
import * as Db from '@/Db';
import { entities } from '@db/entities';
import { mysqlMigrations } from '@db/migrations/mysqldb';
import { postgresMigrations } from '@db/migrations/postgresdb';
import { sqliteMigrations } from '@db/migrations/sqlite';
import { DB_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT } from './constants';
import { randomString } from './random';
import type { PostgresSchemaSection } from './types';
export type TestDBType = 'postgres' | 'mysql';
export const testDbPrefix = 'n8n_test_';
export function getPostgresSchemaSection(
schema = config.getSchema(),
): PostgresSchemaSection | null {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(schema)) {
if (key === 'postgresdb') {
return value._cvtProperties;
return null;
* Initialize one test DB per suite run, with bootstrap connection if needed.
export async function init() {
const dbType = config.getEnv('database.type');
const testDbName = `${testDbPrefix}${randomString(6, 10)}_${Date.now()}`;
if (dbType === 'sqlite') {
// no bootstrap connection required
await Db.init(getSqliteOptions({ name: testDbName }));
} else if (dbType === 'postgresdb') {
let bootstrapPostgres;
const pgOptions = getBootstrapDBOptions('postgres');
try {
bootstrapPostgres = await new Connection(pgOptions).initialize();
} catch (error) {
const pgConfig = getPostgresSchemaSection();
if (!pgConfig) throw new Error("Failed to find config schema section for 'postgresdb'");
const message = [
"ERROR: Failed to connect to Postgres default DB 'postgres'",
'Please review your Postgres connection options:',
`host: ${pgOptions.host} | port: ${pgOptions.port} | schema: ${pgOptions.schema} | username: ${pgOptions.username} | password: ${pgOptions.password}`,
'Fix by setting correct values via environment variables:',
`${pgConfig.host.env} | ${pgConfig.port.env} | ${pgConfig.schema.env} | ${pgConfig.user.env} | ${pgConfig.password.env}`,
'Otherwise, make sure your Postgres server is running.',
await bootstrapPostgres.query(`CREATE DATABASE ${testDbName}`);
await bootstrapPostgres.destroy();
await Db.init(getDBOptions('postgres', testDbName));
} else if (dbType === 'mysqldb' || dbType === 'mariadb') {
const bootstrapMysql = await new Connection(getBootstrapDBOptions('mysql')).initialize();
await bootstrapMysql.query(`CREATE DATABASE ${testDbName} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4`);
await bootstrapMysql.destroy();
await Db.init(getDBOptions('mysql', testDbName));
await Db.migrate();
* Drop test DB, closing bootstrap connection if existing.
export async function terminate() {
await Db.close();
// Can't use `Object.keys(entities)` here because some entities have a `Entity` suffix, while the repositories don't
const repositories = [
] as const;
* Truncate specific DB tables in a test DB.
export async function truncate(names: Array<(typeof repositories)[number]>) {
for (const name of names) {
const RepositoryClass: { new (): Repository<any> } = (
await import(`@db/repositories/${name.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + name.slice(1)}.repository`)
await Container.get(RepositoryClass).delete({});
// ----------------------------------
// connection options
// ----------------------------------
* Generate options for an in-memory sqlite database connection,
* one per test suite run.
const getSqliteOptions = ({ name }: { name: string }): ConnectionOptions => {
return {
type: 'sqlite',
database: ':memory:',
entityPrefix: config.getEnv('database.tablePrefix'),
dropSchema: true,
migrations: sqliteMigrations,
migrationsTableName: 'migrations',
migrationsRun: false,
enableWAL: config.getEnv('database.sqlite.enableWAL'),
const baseOptions = (type: TestDBType) => ({
host: config.getEnv(`database.${type}db.host`),
port: config.getEnv(`database.${type}db.port`),
username: config.getEnv(`database.${type}db.user`),
password: config.getEnv(`database.${type}db.password`),
entityPrefix: config.getEnv('database.tablePrefix'),
schema: type === 'postgres' ? config.getEnv('database.postgresdb.schema') : undefined,
* Generate options for a bootstrap DB connection, to create and drop test databases.
export const getBootstrapDBOptions = (type: TestDBType) => ({
name: type,
database: type,
const getDBOptions = (type: TestDBType, name: string) => ({
database: name,
dropSchema: true,
migrations: type === 'postgres' ? postgresMigrations : mysqlMigrations,
migrationsRun: false,
migrationsTableName: 'migrations',
entities: Object.values(entities),
synchronize: false,
logging: false,