Ricardo Espinoza 725393dae6
feat(editor): Add user activation survey (#5677)
*  Add user activation survey

* Fix typo

* Avoid showing the modal when there is a modal view

* Allow to redirect to specific execution

* Improve structure

* Handle errors when sharing feedback

* update withFeatureFlag function

* Fix linting issue

* Set user activation flag on workflowExecutionCompleted event

* Revert update user settings functionality

* Remove unnecessary changes

* fix linting issue

* account for new functionality in tests

* Small improvements

* keep once instace of the model open between tabs

* Add sorting to GET /executions

* type parameters for GET /executions


* Add constant for local store key

* Add execution mode filtering

* fix linting issue

* Do not override settings when setting isOnboarded true

* Add update user settings endpoint

* improvements

* revert changes to /GET executions

* Fix typo

* Add userActivated flag to user store

* Add E2E test

* Fix linting issue

* Update pnpm-lock

* Revert unnecessary change

* Centralize user's settings update

* Remove unused ref in userActivationSurvey modal

* Use aliased imports

* Use createEventBus function in component

* Fix tests
2023-04-11 12:43:47 -04:00

120 lines
3.9 KiB

"name": "n8n-editor-ui",
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