Omar Ajoue 0c779de704
Implement timeout for workers and corrected timeout for subworkflows (#1634)
* Implemented timeout for workers and corrected timeout for subworkflows

* Fixed issue with timeouts when running on separate processes

* Standardized timeouts across all n8n

Now the maxTimeout setting takes effect whenever a timeout is set
to any workflows.

This causes local timeouts (either set on a per-workflow basis or
via global settings) to be capped by the maximum timeout. This
behavior already existed but was not applied to all places.

Also changed the way n8n enforces timeouts for subworkflows, making
it work always.

In effect, with this change, if you have one workflow that calls others
only the main workflow's timeout is taken into consideration, limiting
the maximum time that other workflows combined can run.

*  Fix timeout problem in "own" mode

Co-authored-by: Jan Oberhauser <jan.oberhauser@gmail.com>
2021-04-17 16:44:07 +02:00

420 lines
9.6 KiB

import {
IWorkflowBase as IWorkflowBaseWorkflow,
} from 'n8n-workflow';
import {
IDeferredPromise, WorkflowExecute,
} from 'n8n-core';
import * as PCancelable from 'p-cancelable';
import { ObjectID, Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { ChildProcess } from 'child_process';
import { Url } from 'url';
import { Request } from 'express';
export interface IActivationError {
time: number;
error: {
message: string;
export interface IBullJobData {
executionId: string;
loadStaticData: boolean;
export interface IBullJobResponse {
success: boolean;
export interface ICustomRequest extends Request {
parsedUrl: Url | undefined;
export interface ICredentialsTypeData {
[key: string]: ICredentialType;
export interface ICredentialsOverwrite {
[key: string]: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject;
export interface IDatabaseCollections {
Credentials: Repository<ICredentialsDb> | null;
Execution: Repository<IExecutionFlattedDb> | null;
Workflow: Repository<IWorkflowDb> | null;
Webhook: Repository<IWebhookDb> | null;
export interface IWebhookDb {
workflowId: number | string | ObjectID;
webhookPath: string;
method: string;
node: string;
webhookId?: string;
pathLength?: number;
export interface IWorkflowBase extends IWorkflowBaseWorkflow {
id?: number | string | ObjectID;
// Almost identical to editor-ui.Interfaces.ts
export interface IWorkflowDb extends IWorkflowBase {
id: number | string | ObjectID;
export interface IWorkflowResponse extends IWorkflowBase {
id: string;
export interface IWorkflowShortResponse {
id: string;
name: string;
active: boolean;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
export interface ICredentialsBase {
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;
export interface ICredentialsDb extends ICredentialsBase, ICredentialsEncrypted {
id: number | string | ObjectID;
export interface ICredentialsResponse extends ICredentialsDb {
id: string;
export interface ICredentialsDecryptedDb extends ICredentialsBase, ICredentialsDecrypted {
id: number | string | ObjectID;
export interface ICredentialsDecryptedResponse extends ICredentialsDecryptedDb {
id: string;
export type DatabaseType = 'mariadb' | 'postgresdb' | 'mysqldb' | 'sqlite';
export type SaveExecutionDataType = 'all' | 'none';
export interface IExecutionBase {
id?: number | string | ObjectID;
mode: WorkflowExecuteMode;
startedAt: Date;
stoppedAt?: Date; // empty value means execution is still running
workflowId?: string; // To be able to filter executions easily //
finished: boolean;
retryOf?: number | string | ObjectID; // If it is a retry, the id of the execution it is a retry of.
retrySuccessId?: number | string | ObjectID; // If it failed and a retry did succeed. The id of the successful retry.
// Data in regular format with references
export interface IExecutionDb extends IExecutionBase {
data: IRunExecutionData;
workflowData?: IWorkflowBase;
export interface IExecutionPushResponse {
executionId?: string;
waitingForWebhook?: boolean;
export interface IExecutionResponse extends IExecutionBase {
id: string;
data: IRunExecutionData;
retryOf?: string;
retrySuccessId?: string;
workflowData: IWorkflowBase;
// Flatted data to save memory when saving in database or transfering
// via REST API
export interface IExecutionFlatted extends IExecutionBase {
data: string;
workflowData: IWorkflowBase;
export interface IExecutionFlattedDb extends IExecutionBase {
id: number | string | ObjectID;
data: string;
workflowData: IWorkflowBase;
export interface IExecutionFlattedResponse extends IExecutionFlatted {
id: string;
retryOf?: string;
export interface IExecutionsListResponse {
count: number;
// results: IExecutionShortResponse[];
results: IExecutionsSummary[];
export interface IExecutionsStopData {
finished?: boolean;
mode: WorkflowExecuteMode;
startedAt: Date;
stoppedAt?: Date;
export interface IExecutionsSummary {
id: string;
finished?: boolean;
mode: WorkflowExecuteMode;
retryOf?: string;
retrySuccessId?: string;
startedAt: Date;
stoppedAt?: Date;
workflowId: string;
workflowName?: string;
export interface IExecutionsCurrentSummary {
id: string;
retryOf?: string;
startedAt: Date;
mode: WorkflowExecuteMode;
workflowId: string;
export interface IExecutionDeleteFilter {
deleteBefore?: Date;
filters?: IDataObject;
ids?: string[];
export interface IExecutingWorkflowData {
executionData: IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess;
process?: ChildProcess;
startedAt: Date;
postExecutePromises: Array<IDeferredPromise<IRun | undefined>>;
workflowExecution?: PCancelable<IRun>;
export interface IExternalHooks {
credentials?: {
create?: Array<{ (this: IExternalHooksFunctions, credentialsData: ICredentialsEncrypted): Promise<void>; }>
delete?: Array<{ (this: IExternalHooksFunctions, credentialId: string): Promise<void>; }>
update?: Array<{ (this: IExternalHooksFunctions, credentialsData: ICredentialsDb): Promise<void>; }>
workflow?: {
activate?: Array<{ (this: IExternalHooksFunctions, workflowData: IWorkflowDb): Promise<void>; }>
create?: Array<{ (this: IExternalHooksFunctions, workflowData: IWorkflowBase): Promise<void>; }>
delete?: Array<{ (this: IExternalHooksFunctions, workflowId: string): Promise<void>; }>
execute?: Array<{ (this: IExternalHooksFunctions, workflowData: IWorkflowDb, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode): Promise<void>; }>
update?: Array<{ (this: IExternalHooksFunctions, workflowData: IWorkflowDb): Promise<void>; }>
export interface IExternalHooksFileData {
[key: string]: {
[key: string]: Array<(...args: any[]) => Promise<void>>; //tslint:disable-line:no-any
export interface IExternalHooksFunctions {
dbCollections: IDatabaseCollections;
export interface IExternalHooksClass {
init(): Promise<void>;
run(hookName: string, hookParameters?: any[]): Promise<void>; // tslint:disable-line:no-any
export interface IN8nConfig {
database: IN8nConfigDatabase;
endpoints: IN8nConfigEndpoints;
executions: IN8nConfigExecutions;
generic: IN8nConfigGeneric;
host: string;
nodes: IN8nConfigNodes;
port: number;
protocol: 'http' | 'https';
export interface IN8nConfigDatabase {
type: DatabaseType;
postgresdb: {
host: string;
password: string;
port: number;
user: string;
export interface IN8nConfigEndpoints {
rest: string;
webhook: string;
webhookTest: string;
export interface IN8nConfigExecutions {
saveDataOnError: SaveExecutionDataType;
saveDataOnSuccess: SaveExecutionDataType;
saveDataManualExecutions: boolean;
export interface IN8nConfigExecutions {
saveDataOnError: SaveExecutionDataType;
saveDataOnSuccess: SaveExecutionDataType;
saveDataManualExecutions: boolean;
export interface IN8nConfigGeneric {
timezone: string;
export interface IN8nConfigNodes {
errorTriggerType: string;
exclude: string[];
export interface IN8nUISettings {
endpointWebhook: string;
endpointWebhookTest: string;
saveDataErrorExecution: string;
saveDataSuccessExecution: string;
saveManualExecutions: boolean;
executionTimeout: number;
maxExecutionTimeout: number;
oauthCallbackUrls: {
oauth1: string;
oauth2: string;
timezone: string;
urlBaseWebhook: string;
versionCli: string;
n8nMetadata?: {
[key: string]: string | number | undefined;
export interface IPackageVersions {
cli: string;
export interface IPushData {
data: IPushDataExecutionFinished | IPushDataNodeExecuteAfter | IPushDataNodeExecuteBefore | IPushDataTestWebhook;
type: IPushDataType;
export type IPushDataType = 'executionFinished' | 'executionStarted' | 'nodeExecuteAfter' | 'nodeExecuteBefore' | 'testWebhookDeleted' | 'testWebhookReceived';
export interface IPushDataExecutionFinished {
data: IRun;
executionId: string;
retryOf?: string;
export interface IPushDataExecutionStarted {
executionId: string;
mode: WorkflowExecuteMode;
startedAt: Date;
retryOf?: string;
workflowId: string;
workflowName?: string;
export interface IPushDataNodeExecuteAfter {
data: ITaskData;
executionId: string;
nodeName: string;
export interface IPushDataNodeExecuteBefore {
executionId: string;
nodeName: string;
export interface IPushDataTestWebhook {
executionId: string;
workflowId: string;
export interface IResponseCallbackData {
data?: IDataObject | IDataObject[];
noWebhookResponse?: boolean;
responseCode?: number;
export interface ITransferNodeTypes {
[key: string]: {
className: string;
sourcePath: string;
export interface IWorkflowErrorData {
[key: string]: IDataObject | string | number | ExecutionError;
execution: {
id?: string;
error: ExecutionError;
lastNodeExecuted: string;
mode: WorkflowExecuteMode;
workflow: {
id?: string;
name: string;
export interface IProcessMessageDataHook {
hook: string;
parameters: any[]; // tslint:disable-line:no-any
export interface IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess {
credentials: IWorkflowCredentials;
destinationNode?: string;
executionMode: WorkflowExecuteMode;
executionData?: IRunExecutionData;
runData?: IRunData;
retryOf?: number | string | ObjectID;
sessionId?: string;
startNodes?: string[];
workflowData: IWorkflowBase;
export interface IWorkflowExecutionDataProcessWithExecution extends IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess {
credentialsOverwrite: ICredentialsOverwrite;
credentialsTypeData: ICredentialsTypeData;
executionId: string;
nodeTypeData: ITransferNodeTypes;
export interface IWorkflowExecuteProcess {
startedAt: Date,
workflow: Workflow;
workflowExecute: WorkflowExecute;