Val 1cb92ffe16
feat: Replace owner checks with scope checks (no-changelog) (#7846)
Github issue / Community forum post (link here to close automatically):
2023-11-29 14:48:36 +00:00

571 lines
17 KiB

import { Container } from 'typedi';
import type { IDataObject, INode, IPinData } from 'n8n-workflow';
import { NodeApiError, ErrorReporterProxy as ErrorReporter, Workflow } from 'n8n-workflow';
import type { FindManyOptions, FindOptionsSelect, FindOptionsWhere, UpdateResult } from 'typeorm';
import { In, Like } from 'typeorm';
import pick from 'lodash/pick';
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
import { ActiveWorkflowRunner } from '@/ActiveWorkflowRunner';
import * as WorkflowHelpers from '@/WorkflowHelpers';
import config from '@/config';
import type { SharedWorkflow } from '@db/entities/SharedWorkflow';
import type { User } from '@db/entities/User';
import type { WorkflowEntity } from '@db/entities/WorkflowEntity';
import { validateEntity } from '@/GenericHelpers';
import { ExternalHooks } from '@/ExternalHooks';
import { type WorkflowRequest, type ListQuery, hasSharing } from '@/requests';
import { TagService } from '@/services/tag.service';
import type { IWorkflowDb, IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess } from '@/Interfaces';
import { NodeTypes } from '@/NodeTypes';
import { WorkflowRunner } from '@/WorkflowRunner';
import * as WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData from '@/WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData';
import { TestWebhooks } from '@/TestWebhooks';
import { whereClause } from '@/UserManagement/UserManagementHelper';
import { InternalHooks } from '@/InternalHooks';
import { WorkflowRepository } from '@db/repositories/workflow.repository';
import { RoleService } from '@/services/role.service';
import { OwnershipService } from '@/services/ownership.service';
import { isStringArray, isWorkflowIdValid } from '@/utils';
import { WorkflowHistoryService } from './workflowHistory/workflowHistory.service.ee';
import { BinaryDataService } from 'n8n-core';
import type { Scope } from '@n8n/permissions';
import { Logger } from '@/Logger';
import { MultiMainSetup } from '@/services/orchestration/main/MultiMainSetup.ee';
import { SharedWorkflowRepository } from '@db/repositories/sharedWorkflow.repository';
import { WorkflowTagMappingRepository } from '@db/repositories/workflowTagMapping.repository';
import { ExecutionRepository } from '@db/repositories/execution.repository';
import { BadRequestError } from '@/errors/response-errors/bad-request.error';
import { NotFoundError } from '@/errors/response-errors/not-found.error';
export type WorkflowsGetSharedOptions =
| { allowGlobalScope: true; globalScope: Scope }
| { allowGlobalScope: false };
export class WorkflowsService {
static async getSharing(
user: User,
workflowId: string,
options: WorkflowsGetSharedOptions,
relations: string[] = ['workflow'],
): Promise<SharedWorkflow | null> {
const where: FindOptionsWhere<SharedWorkflow> = { workflowId };
// Omit user from where if the requesting user has relevant
// global workflow permissions. This allows the user to
// access workflows they don't own.
if (!options.allowGlobalScope || !(await user.hasGlobalScope(options.globalScope))) {
where.userId = user.id;
return Container.get(SharedWorkflowRepository).findOne({ where, relations });
* Find the pinned trigger to execute the workflow from, if any.
* - In a full execution, select the _first_ pinned trigger.
* - In a partial execution,
* - select the _first_ pinned trigger that leads to the executed node,
* - else select the executed pinned trigger.
static findPinnedTrigger(workflow: IWorkflowDb, startNodes?: string[], pinData?: IPinData) {
if (!pinData || !startNodes) return null;
const isTrigger = (nodeTypeName: string) =>
['trigger', 'webhook'].some((suffix) => nodeTypeName.toLowerCase().includes(suffix));
const pinnedTriggers = workflow.nodes.filter(
(node) => !node.disabled && pinData[node.name] && isTrigger(node.type),
if (pinnedTriggers.length === 0) return null;
if (startNodes?.length === 0) return pinnedTriggers[0]; // full execution
const [startNodeName] = startNodes;
const parentNames = new Workflow({
nodes: workflow.nodes,
connections: workflow.connections,
active: workflow.active,
nodeTypes: Container.get(NodeTypes),
let checkNodeName = '';
if (parentNames.length === 0) {
checkNodeName = startNodeName;
} else {
checkNodeName = parentNames.find((pn) => pn === pinnedTriggers[0].name) as string;
return pinnedTriggers.find((pt) => pt.name === checkNodeName) ?? null; // partial execution
static async get(workflow: FindOptionsWhere<WorkflowEntity>, options?: { relations: string[] }) {
return Container.get(WorkflowRepository).findOne({
where: workflow,
relations: options?.relations,
static async getMany(sharedWorkflowIds: string[], options?: ListQuery.Options) {
if (sharedWorkflowIds.length === 0) return { workflows: [], count: 0 };
const where: FindOptionsWhere<WorkflowEntity> = {
id: In(sharedWorkflowIds),
const reqTags = options?.filter?.tags;
if (isStringArray(reqTags)) {
where.tags = reqTags.map((tag) => ({ name: tag }));
type Select = FindOptionsSelect<WorkflowEntity> & { ownedBy?: true };
const select: Select = options?.select
? { ...options.select } // copy to enable field removal without affecting original
: {
name: true,
active: true,
createdAt: true,
updatedAt: true,
versionId: true,
shared: { userId: true, roleId: true },
delete select?.ownedBy; // remove non-entity field, handled after query
const relations: string[] = [];
const areTagsEnabled = !config.getEnv('workflowTagsDisabled');
const isDefaultSelect = options?.select === undefined;
const areTagsRequested = isDefaultSelect || options?.select?.tags === true;
const isOwnedByIncluded = isDefaultSelect || options?.select?.ownedBy === true;
if (areTagsEnabled && areTagsRequested) {
select.tags = { id: true, name: true };
if (isOwnedByIncluded) relations.push('shared');
if (typeof where.name === 'string' && where.name !== '') {
where.name = Like(`%${where.name}%`);
const findManyOptions: FindManyOptions<WorkflowEntity> = {
select: { ...select, id: true },
if (isDefaultSelect || options?.select?.updatedAt === true) {
findManyOptions.order = { updatedAt: 'ASC' };
if (relations.length > 0) {
findManyOptions.relations = relations;
if (options?.take) {
findManyOptions.skip = options.skip;
findManyOptions.take = options.take;
const [workflows, count] = (await Container.get(WorkflowRepository).findAndCount(
)) as [ListQuery.Workflow.Plain[] | ListQuery.Workflow.WithSharing[], number];
if (!hasSharing(workflows)) return { workflows, count };
const workflowOwnerRole = await Container.get(RoleService).findWorkflowOwnerRole();
return {
workflows: workflows.map((w) =>
Container.get(OwnershipService).addOwnedBy(w, workflowOwnerRole),
static async update(
user: User,
workflow: WorkflowEntity,
workflowId: string,
tagIds?: string[],
forceSave?: boolean,
roles?: string[],
): Promise<WorkflowEntity> {
const shared = await Container.get(SharedWorkflowRepository).findOne({
relations: ['workflow', 'role'],
where: await whereClause({
globalScope: 'workflow:update',
entityType: 'workflow',
entityId: workflowId,
const logger = Container.get(Logger);
if (!shared) {
logger.verbose('User attempted to update a workflow without permissions', {
userId: user.id,
throw new NotFoundError(
'You do not have permission to update this workflow. Ask the owner to share it with you.',
const oldState = shared.workflow.active;
if (
!forceSave &&
workflow.versionId !== '' &&
workflow.versionId !== shared.workflow.versionId
) {
throw new BadRequestError(
'Your most recent changes may be lost, because someone else just updated this workflow. Open this workflow in a new tab to see those new updates.',
let onlyActiveUpdate = false;
if (
(Object.keys(workflow).length === 3 &&
workflow.id !== undefined &&
workflow.versionId !== undefined &&
workflow.active !== undefined) ||
(Object.keys(workflow).length === 2 &&
workflow.versionId !== undefined &&
workflow.active !== undefined)
) {
// we're just updating the active status of the workflow, don't update the versionId
onlyActiveUpdate = true;
} else {
// Update the workflow's version
workflow.versionId = uuid();
`Updating versionId for workflow ${workflowId} for user ${user.id} after saving`,
previousVersionId: shared.workflow.versionId,
newVersionId: workflow.versionId,
// check credentials for old format
await WorkflowHelpers.replaceInvalidCredentials(workflow);
await Container.get(ExternalHooks).run('workflow.update', [workflow]);
* If the workflow being updated is stored as `active`, remove it from
* active workflows in memory, and re-add it after the update.
* If a trigger or poller in the workflow was updated, the new value
* will take effect only on removing and re-adding.
if (shared.workflow.active) {
await Container.get(ActiveWorkflowRunner).remove(workflowId);
const workflowSettings = workflow.settings ?? {};
const keysAllowingDefault = [
] as const;
for (const key of keysAllowingDefault) {
// Do not save the default value
if (workflowSettings[key] === 'DEFAULT') {
delete workflowSettings[key];
if (workflowSettings.executionTimeout === config.get('executions.timeout')) {
// Do not save when default got set
delete workflowSettings.executionTimeout;
if (workflow.name) {
workflow.updatedAt = new Date(); // required due to atomic update
await validateEntity(workflow);
await Container.get(WorkflowRepository).update(
pick(workflow, [
if (tagIds && !config.getEnv('workflowTagsDisabled')) {
await Container.get(WorkflowTagMappingRepository).delete({ workflowId });
await Container.get(WorkflowTagMappingRepository).insert(
tagIds.map((tagId) => ({ tagId, workflowId })),
if (!onlyActiveUpdate && workflow.versionId !== shared.workflow.versionId) {
await Container.get(WorkflowHistoryService).saveVersion(user, workflow, workflowId);
const relations = config.getEnv('workflowTagsDisabled') ? [] : ['tags'];
// We sadly get nothing back from "update". Neither if it updated a record
// nor the new value. So query now the hopefully updated entry.
const updatedWorkflow = await Container.get(WorkflowRepository).findOne({
where: { id: workflowId },
if (updatedWorkflow === null) {
throw new BadRequestError(
`Workflow with ID "${workflowId}" could not be found to be updated.`,
if (updatedWorkflow.tags?.length && tagIds?.length) {
updatedWorkflow.tags = Container.get(TagService).sortByRequestOrder(updatedWorkflow.tags, {
requestOrder: tagIds,
await Container.get(ExternalHooks).run('workflow.afterUpdate', [updatedWorkflow]);
void Container.get(InternalHooks).onWorkflowSaved(user, updatedWorkflow, false);
if (updatedWorkflow.active) {
// When the workflow is supposed to be active add it again
try {
await Container.get(ExternalHooks).run('workflow.activate', [updatedWorkflow]);
await Container.get(ActiveWorkflowRunner).add(
shared.workflow.active ? 'update' : 'activate',
} catch (error) {
// If workflow could not be activated set it again to inactive
// and revert the versionId change so UI remains consistent
await Container.get(WorkflowRepository).update(workflowId, {
active: false,
versionId: shared.workflow.versionId,
// Also set it in the returned data
updatedWorkflow.active = false;
let message;
if (error instanceof NodeApiError) message = error.description;
message = message ?? (error as Error).message;
// Now return the original error for UI to display
throw new BadRequestError(message);
const multiMainSetup = Container.get(MultiMainSetup);
await multiMainSetup.init();
if (multiMainSetup.isEnabled) {
await Container.get(MultiMainSetup).broadcastWorkflowActiveStateChanged({
newState: updatedWorkflow.active,
versionId: shared.workflow.versionId,
return updatedWorkflow;
static async runManually(
}: WorkflowRequest.ManualRunPayload,
user: User,
sessionId?: string,
) {
const EXECUTION_MODE = 'manual';
const ACTIVATION_MODE = 'manual';
const pinnedTrigger = WorkflowsService.findPinnedTrigger(workflowData, startNodes, pinData);
// If webhooks nodes exist and are active we have to wait for till we receive a call
if (
pinnedTrigger === null &&
(runData === undefined ||
startNodes === undefined ||
startNodes.length === 0 ||
destinationNode === undefined)
) {
const workflow = new Workflow({
id: workflowData.id?.toString(),
name: workflowData.name,
nodes: workflowData.nodes,
connections: workflowData.connections,
active: false,
nodeTypes: Container.get(NodeTypes),
staticData: undefined,
settings: workflowData.settings,
const additionalData = await WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.getBase(user.id);
const needsWebhook = await Container.get(TestWebhooks).needsWebhookData(
if (needsWebhook) {
return {
waitingForWebhook: true,
// For manual testing always set to not active
workflowData.active = false;
// Start the workflow
const data: IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess = {
executionMode: EXECUTION_MODE,
userId: user.id,
const hasRunData = (node: INode) => runData !== undefined && !!runData[node.name];
if (pinnedTrigger && !hasRunData(pinnedTrigger)) {
data.startNodes = [pinnedTrigger.name];
const workflowRunner = new WorkflowRunner();
const executionId = await workflowRunner.run(data);
return {
static async delete(user: User, workflowId: string): Promise<WorkflowEntity | undefined> {
await Container.get(ExternalHooks).run('workflow.delete', [workflowId]);
const sharedWorkflow = await Container.get(SharedWorkflowRepository).findOne({
relations: ['workflow', 'role'],
where: await whereClause({
globalScope: 'workflow:delete',
entityType: 'workflow',
entityId: workflowId,
roles: ['owner'],
if (!sharedWorkflow) {
if (sharedWorkflow.workflow.active) {
// deactivate before deleting
await Container.get(ActiveWorkflowRunner).remove(workflowId);
const idsForDeletion = await Container.get(ExecutionRepository)
select: ['id'],
where: { workflowId },
.then((rows) => rows.map(({ id: executionId }) => ({ workflowId, executionId })));
await Container.get(WorkflowRepository).delete(workflowId);
await Container.get(BinaryDataService).deleteMany(idsForDeletion);
void Container.get(InternalHooks).onWorkflowDeleted(user, workflowId, false);
await Container.get(ExternalHooks).run('workflow.afterDelete', [workflowId]);
return sharedWorkflow.workflow;
static async updateWorkflowTriggerCount(id: string, triggerCount: number): Promise<UpdateResult> {
const qb = Container.get(WorkflowRepository).createQueryBuilder('workflow');
return qb
updatedAt: () => {
if (['mysqldb', 'mariadb'].includes(config.getEnv('database.type'))) {
return 'updatedAt';
return '"updatedAt"';
.where('id = :id', { id })
* Saves the static data if it changed
static async saveStaticData(workflow: Workflow): Promise<void> {
if (workflow.staticData.__dataChanged === true) {
// Static data of workflow changed and so has to be saved
if (isWorkflowIdValid(workflow.id)) {
// Workflow is saved so update in database
try {
await WorkflowsService.saveStaticDataById(workflow.id, workflow.staticData);
workflow.staticData.__dataChanged = false;
} catch (error) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
`There was a problem saving the workflow with id "${workflow.id}" to save changed staticData: "${error.message}"`,
{ workflowId: workflow.id },
* Saves the given static data on workflow
* @param {(string)} workflowId The id of the workflow to save data on
* @param {IDataObject} newStaticData The static data to save
static async saveStaticDataById(workflowId: string, newStaticData: IDataObject): Promise<void> {
await Container.get(WorkflowRepository).update(workflowId, {
staticData: newStaticData,