Mutasem Aldmour 1d5ba3d437
Allow to load workflow templates (#1887)
* implement import

* set name, remove console log

* add validation and such

* remove monday.com package for testing

* clean up code

* await new name

* refactor api requests

* remove unnessary import

* build

* add zoom button

* update positions on loading template

* update error handling

* build

* update zoom to center

* set state to dirty upon leaving

* clean up pr

* refactor func

* refactor redir

* fix lint issue

* refactor func out

* use new endpoint

* revert error changes

* revert error changes

* update logic to find top left node

* zoom to fit when opening workflow

* revert testing change

* update case

* address comments

* reset zoom when opening new workflow

* update endpoint to plural form

* update endpoint

*  Minor improvements

Co-authored-by: Jan Oberhauser <jan.oberhauser@gmail.com>
2021-06-22 19:33:07 +02:00

614 lines
14 KiB

import {
IWorkflowSettings as IWorkflowSettingsWorkflow,
} from 'n8n-workflow';
import {
} from 'jsplumb';
declare module 'jsplumb' {
interface Anchor {
lastReturnValue: number[];
interface Connection {
// bind(event: string, (connection: Connection): void;): void; // tslint:disable-line:no-any
bind(event: string, callback: Function): void; // tslint:disable-line:no-any
removeOverlay(name: string): void;
removeOverlays(): void;
setParameter(name: string, value: any): void; // tslint:disable-line:no-any
setPaintStyle(arg0: PaintStyle): void;
addOverlay(arg0: any[]): void; // tslint:disable-line:no-any
setConnector(arg0: any[]): void; // tslint:disable-line:no-any
interface Endpoint {
getOverlay(name: string): any; // tslint:disable-line:no-any
interface Overlay {
setVisible(visible: boolean): void;
interface OnConnectionBindInfo {
originalSourceEndpoint: Endpoint;
originalTargetEndpoint: Endpoint;
getParameters(): { index: number };
// EndpointOptions from jsplumb seems incomplete and wrong so we define an own one
export interface IEndpointOptions {
anchor?: any; // tslint:disable-line:no-any
createEndpoint?: boolean;
dragAllowedWhenFull?: boolean;
dropOptions?: any; // tslint:disable-line:no-any
dragProxy?: any; // tslint:disable-line:no-any
endpoint?: string;
endpointStyle?: object;
isSource?: boolean;
isTarget?: boolean;
maxConnections?: number;
overlays?: any; // tslint:disable-line:no-any
parameters?: any; // tslint:disable-line:no-any
uuid?: string;
export interface IConnectionsUi {
[key: string]: {
[key: string]: IEndpointOptions;
export interface IUpdateInformation {
name: string;
key: string;
value: string | number; // with null makes problems in NodeSettings.vue
node?: string;
oldValue?: string | number;
export interface INodeUpdatePropertiesInformation {
name: string; // Node-Name
properties: {
[key: string]: IDataObject;
export type XYPositon = [number, number];
export type MessageType = 'success' | 'warning' | 'info' | 'error';
export interface INodeUi extends INode {
position: XYPositon;
color?: string;
notes?: string;
issues?: INodeIssues;
_jsPlumb?: {
endpoints?: {
[key: string]: IEndpointOptions[];
export interface INodeTypesMaxCount {
[key: string]: {
exist: number;
max: number;
nodeNames: string[];
export interface IExternalHooks {
run(eventName: string, metadata?: IDataObject): Promise<void>;
export interface IRestApi {
getActiveWorkflows(): Promise<string[]>;
getActivationError(id: string): Promise<IActivationError | undefined >;
getCurrentExecutions(filter: object): Promise<IExecutionsCurrentSummaryExtended[]>;
getPastExecutions(filter: object, limit: number, lastId?: string | number, firstId?: string | number): Promise<IExecutionsListResponse>;
stopCurrentExecution(executionId: string): Promise<IExecutionsStopData>;
makeRestApiRequest(method: string, endpoint: string, data?: any): Promise<any>; // tslint:disable-line:no-any
getSettings(): Promise<IN8nUISettings>;
getNodeTypes(): Promise<INodeTypeDescription[]>;
getNodesInformation(nodeList: string[]): Promise<INodeTypeDescription[]>;
getNodeParameterOptions(nodeType: string, path: string, methodName: string, currentNodeParameters: INodeParameters, credentials?: INodeCredentials): Promise<INodePropertyOptions[]>;
removeTestWebhook(workflowId: string): Promise<boolean>;
runWorkflow(runData: IStartRunData): Promise<IExecutionPushResponse>;
createNewWorkflow(sendData: IWorkflowDataUpdate): Promise<IWorkflowDb>;
updateWorkflow(id: string, data: IWorkflowDataUpdate): Promise<IWorkflowDb>;
deleteWorkflow(name: string): Promise<void>;
getWorkflow(id: string): Promise<IWorkflowDb>;
getWorkflows(filter?: object): Promise<IWorkflowShortResponse[]>;
getWorkflowFromUrl(url: string): Promise<IWorkflowDb>;
createNewCredentials(sendData: ICredentialsDecrypted): Promise<ICredentialsResponse>;
deleteCredentials(id: string): Promise<void>;
updateCredentials(id: string, data: ICredentialsDecrypted): Promise<ICredentialsResponse>;
getAllCredentials(filter?: object): Promise<ICredentialsResponse[]>;
getCredentials(id: string, includeData?: boolean): Promise<ICredentialsDecryptedResponse | ICredentialsResponse | undefined>;
getCredentialTypes(): Promise<ICredentialType[]>;
getExecution(id: string): Promise<IExecutionResponse>;
deleteExecutions(sendData: IExecutionDeleteFilter): Promise<void>;
retryExecution(id: string, loadWorkflow?: boolean): Promise<boolean>;
getTimezones(): Promise<IDataObject>;
oAuth1CredentialAuthorize(sendData: ICredentialsResponse): Promise<string>;
oAuth2CredentialAuthorize(sendData: ICredentialsResponse): Promise<string>;
oAuth2Callback(code: string, state: string): Promise<string>;
export interface IBinaryDisplayData {
index: number;
key: string;
node: string;
outputIndex: number;
runIndex: number;
export interface ICredentialsCreatedEvent {
data: ICredentialsDecryptedResponse;
options: {
closeDialog: boolean,
export interface IStartRunData {
workflowData: IWorkflowData;
startNodes?: string[];
destinationNode?: string;
runData?: IRunData;
export interface IRunDataUi {
node?: string;
workflowData: IWorkflowData;
export interface ITableData {
columns: string[];
data: GenericValue[][];
export interface IVariableItemSelected {
variable: string;
export interface IVariableSelectorOption {
name: string;
key?: string;
value?: string;
options?: IVariableSelectorOption[] | null;
allowParentSelect?: boolean;
dataType?: string;
// Simple version of n8n-workflow.Workflow
export interface IWorkflowData {
id?: string;
name?: string;
active?: boolean;
nodes: INode[];
connections: IConnections;
settings?: IWorkflowSettings;
tags?: string[];
export interface IWorkflowDataUpdate {
id?: string;
name?: string;
nodes?: INode[];
connections?: IConnections;
settings?: IWorkflowSettings;
active?: boolean;
tags?: ITag[] | string[]; // string[] when store or requested, ITag[] from API response
export interface IWorkflowTemplate {
id: string;
name: string;
workflow: {
nodes: INodeUi[];
connections: IConnections;
// Almost identical to cli.Interfaces.ts
export interface IWorkflowDb {
id: string;
name: string;
active: boolean;
createdAt: number | string;
updatedAt: number | string;
nodes: INodeUi[];
connections: IConnections;
settings?: IWorkflowSettings;
tags?: ITag[] | string[]; // string[] when store or requested, ITag[] from API response
// Identical to cli.Interfaces.ts
export interface IWorkflowShortResponse {
id: string;
name: string;
active: boolean;
createdAt: number | string;
updatedAt: number | string;
tags: ITag[];
// Identical or almost identical to cli.Interfaces.ts
export interface IActivationError {
time: number;
error: {
message: string;
export interface ICredentialsResponse extends ICredentialsEncrypted {
id?: string;
createdAt: number | string;
updatedAt: number | string;
export interface ICredentialsBase {
createdAt: number | string;
updatedAt: number | string;
export interface ICredentialsDecryptedResponse extends ICredentialsBase, ICredentialsDecrypted{
id: string;
export interface IExecutionBase {
id?: number | string;
finished: boolean;
mode: WorkflowExecuteMode;
retryOf?: string;
retrySuccessId?: string;
startedAt: Date;
stoppedAt?: Date;
workflowId?: string; // To be able to filter executions easily //
export interface IExecutionFlatted extends IExecutionBase {
data: string;
workflowData: IWorkflowDb;
export interface IExecutionFlattedResponse extends IExecutionFlatted {
id: string;
export interface IExecutionPushResponse {
executionId?: string;
waitingForWebhook?: boolean;
export interface IExecutionResponse extends IExecutionBase {
id: string;
data: IRunExecutionData;
workflowData: IWorkflowDb;
export interface IExecutionShortResponse {
id: string;
workflowData: {
id: string;
name: string;
mode: WorkflowExecuteMode;
finished: boolean;
startedAt: Date;
stoppedAt: Date;
executionTime?: number;
export interface IExecutionsListResponse {
count: number;
results: IExecutionsSummary[];
export interface IExecutionsCurrentSummaryExtended {
id: string;
finished?: boolean;
mode: WorkflowExecuteMode;
retryOf?: string;
retrySuccessId?: string;
startedAt: Date;
stoppedAt?: Date;
workflowId: string;
workflowName?: string;
export interface IExecutionsStopData {
finished?: boolean;
mode: WorkflowExecuteMode;
startedAt: Date;
stoppedAt: Date;
export interface IExecutionsSummary {
id: string;
mode: WorkflowExecuteMode;
finished?: boolean;
retryOf?: string;
retrySuccessId?: string;
startedAt: Date;
stoppedAt?: Date;
workflowId: string;
workflowName?: string;
export interface IExecutionDeleteFilter {
deleteBefore?: Date;
filters?: IDataObject;
ids?: string[];
export type IPushDataType = IPushData['type'];
export type IPushData =
| PushDataExecutionFinished
| PushDataExecutionStarted
| PushDataExecuteAfter
| PushDataExecuteBefore
| PushDataConsoleMessage
| PushDataTestWebhook;
type PushDataExecutionFinished = {
data: IPushDataExecutionFinished;
type: 'executionFinished';
type PushDataExecutionStarted = {
data: IPushDataExecutionStarted;
type: 'executionStarted';
type PushDataExecuteAfter = {
data: IPushDataNodeExecuteAfter;
type: 'nodeExecuteAfter';
type PushDataExecuteBefore = {
data: IPushDataNodeExecuteBefore;
type: 'nodeExecuteBefore';
type PushDataConsoleMessage = {
data: IPushDataConsoleMessage;
type: 'sendConsoleMessage';
type PushDataTestWebhook = {
data: IPushDataTestWebhook;
type: 'testWebhookDeleted' | 'testWebhookReceived';
export interface IPushDataExecutionStarted {
executionId: string;
mode: WorkflowExecuteMode;
startedAt: Date;
retryOf?: string;
workflowId: string;
workflowName?: string;
export interface IPushDataExecutionFinished {
data: IRun;
executionId: string;
retryOf?: string;
export interface IPushDataExecutionStarted {
executionId: string;
export interface IPushDataNodeExecuteAfter {
data: ITaskData;
executionId: string;
nodeName: string;
export interface IPushDataNodeExecuteBefore {
executionId: string;
nodeName: string;
export interface IPushDataTestWebhook {
executionId: string;
workflowId: string;
export interface IPushDataConsoleMessage {
source: string;
message: string;
export interface IN8nUISettings {
endpointWebhook: string;
endpointWebhookTest: string;
saveDataErrorExecution: string;
saveDataSuccessExecution: string;
saveManualExecutions: boolean;
timezone: string;
executionTimeout: number;
maxExecutionTimeout: number;
oauthCallbackUrls: {
oauth1: string;
oauth2: string;
urlBaseWebhook: string;
versionCli: string;
n8nMetadata?: {
[key: string]: string | number | undefined;
export interface IWorkflowSettings extends IWorkflowSettingsWorkflow {
errorWorkflow?: string;
saveDataErrorExecution?: string;
saveDataSuccessExecution?: string;
saveManualExecutions?: boolean;
timezone?: string;
executionTimeout?: number;
export interface ITimeoutHMS {
hours: number;
minutes: number;
seconds: number;
export type WorkflowTitleStatus = 'EXECUTING' | 'IDLE' | 'ERROR';
export type MenuItemType = 'link';
export type MenuItemPosition = 'top' | 'bottom';
export interface IMenuItem {
id: string;
type: MenuItemType;
position?: MenuItemPosition;
properties: ILinkMenuItemProperties;
export interface ILinkMenuItemProperties {
title: string;
icon: string;
href: string;
newWindow?: boolean;
export interface ISubcategoryItemProps {
subcategory: string;
description: string;
export interface INodeItemProps {
subcategory: string;
nodeType: INodeTypeDescription;
export interface ICategoryItemProps {
expanded: boolean;
export interface INodeCreateElement {
type: 'node' | 'category' | 'subcategory';
category: string;
key: string;
includedByTrigger?: boolean;
includedByRegular?: boolean;
properties: ISubcategoryItemProps | INodeItemProps | ICategoryItemProps;
export interface ICategoriesWithNodes {
[category: string]: {
[subcategory: string]: {
regularCount: number;
triggerCount: number;
nodes: INodeCreateElement[];
export interface ITag {
id: string;
name: string;
usageCount?: number;
export interface ITagRow {
tag?: ITag;
usage?: string;
create?: boolean;
disable?: boolean;
update?: boolean;
delete?: boolean;
export interface IRootState {
activeExecutions: IExecutionsCurrentSummaryExtended[];
activeWorkflows: string[];
activeActions: string[];
activeNode: string | null;
baseUrl: string;
credentials: ICredentialsResponse[] | null;
credentialTypes: ICredentialType[] | null;
endpointWebhook: string;
endpointWebhookTest: string;
executionId: string | null;
executingNode: string | null;
executionWaitingForWebhook: boolean;
pushConnectionActive: boolean;
saveDataErrorExecution: string;
saveDataSuccessExecution: string;
saveManualExecutions: boolean;
timezone: string;
stateIsDirty: boolean;
executionTimeout: number;
maxExecutionTimeout: number;
versionCli: string;
oauthCallbackUrls: object;
n8nMetadata: object;
workflowExecutionData: IExecutionResponse | null;
lastSelectedNode: string | null;
lastSelectedNodeOutputIndex: number | null;
nodeIndex: Array<string | null>;
nodeTypes: INodeTypeDescription[];
nodeViewOffsetPosition: XYPositon;
nodeViewMoveInProgress: boolean;
selectedNodes: INodeUi[];
sessionId: string;
urlBaseWebhook: string;
workflow: IWorkflowDb;
sidebarMenuItems: IMenuItem[];
export interface ITagsState {
tags: { [id: string]: ITag };
isLoading: boolean;
fetchedAll: boolean;
fetchedUsageCount: boolean;
export interface IModalState {
open: boolean;
export interface IUiState {
sidebarMenuCollapsed: boolean;
modalStack: string[];
modals: {
[key: string]: IModalState;
isPageLoading: boolean;
export interface IWorkflowsState {
export interface IRestApiContext {
baseUrl: string;
sessionId: string;