mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 02:56:40 -08:00
655 lines
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655 lines
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<div class="node-settings" @keydown.stop>
<div class="header-side-menu">
<span v-if="node">
<display-with-change :key-name="'name'" @valueChanged="valueChanged"></display-with-change>
<el-tooltip class="node-info" placement="top" v-if="nodeType.description" effect="light">
<div slot="content" v-html="'<b>Node Description</b><br />' + nodeType.description"></div>
<font-awesome-icon icon="question-circle" />
<span v-else>No node active</span>
<div class="node-is-not-valid" v-if="node && !nodeValid">
The node is not valid as its type "{{node.type}}" is unknown.
<div class="node-parameters-wrapper" v-if="node && nodeValid">
<el-tabs stretch>
<el-tab-pane label="Parameters">
<node-credentials :node="node" @credentialSelected="credentialSelected"></node-credentials>
<node-webhooks :node="node" :nodeType="nodeType" />
<parameter-input-list :parameters="parametersNoneSetting" :hideDelete="true" :nodeValues="nodeValues" path="parameters" @valueChanged="valueChanged" />
<div v-if="parametersNoneSetting.length === 0">
The node does not have any parameters.
<el-tab-pane label="Node">
<parameter-input-list :parameters="nodeSettings" :hideDelete="true" :nodeValues="nodeValues" path="" @valueChanged="valueChanged" />
<parameter-input-list :parameters="parametersSetting" :nodeValues="nodeValues" path="parameters" @valueChanged="valueChanged" />
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import {
} from 'n8n-workflow';
import {
} from '@/Interface';
import DisplayWithChange from '@/components/DisplayWithChange.vue';
import ParameterInputFull from '@/components/ParameterInputFull.vue';
import ParameterInputList from '@/components/ParameterInputList.vue';
import NodeCredentials from '@/components/NodeCredentials.vue';
import NodeWebhooks from '@/components/NodeWebhooks.vue';
import { get, set } from 'lodash';
import { genericHelpers } from '@/components/mixins/genericHelpers';
import { nodeHelpers } from '@/components/mixins/nodeHelpers';
import mixins from 'vue-typed-mixins';
export default mixins(
name: 'NodeSettings',
components: {
computed: {
nodeType (): INodeTypeDescription | null {
const activeNode = this.node;
if (this.node) {
return this.$store.getters.nodeType(this.node.type);
return null;
headerStyle (): object {
if (!this.node) {
return {};
return {
'background-color': this.node.color,
node (): INodeUi {
return this.$store.getters.activeNode;
parametersSetting (): INodeProperties[] {
return this.parameters.filter((item) => {
return item.isNodeSetting;
parametersNoneSetting (): INodeProperties[] {
return this.parameters.filter((item) => {
return !item.isNodeSetting;
parameters (): INodeProperties[] {
if (this.nodeType === null) {
return [];
return this.nodeType.properties;
isColorDefaultValue (): boolean {
if (this.nodeType === null) {
return false;
return this.node.color === this.nodeType.defaults.color;
workflowRunning (): boolean {
return this.$store.getters.isActionActive('workflowRunning');
data () {
return {
nodeValid: true,
nodeColor: null,
nodeValues: {
color: '#ff0000',
continueOnFail: false,
retryOnFail: false,
maxTries: 3,
waitBetweenTries: 1000,
notes: '',
parameters: {},
} as INodeParameters,
nodeSettings: [
displayName: 'Notes',
name: 'notes',
type: 'string',
typeOptions: {
rows: 5,
default: '',
noDataExpression: true,
description: 'Notes to save with the node.',
displayName: 'Node Color',
name: 'color',
type: 'color',
default: '#ff0000',
noDataExpression: true,
description: 'The color of the node in the flow.',
displayName: 'Retry On Fail',
name: 'retryOnFail',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
noDataExpression: true,
description: 'If activated it will automatically retry the node again multiple times.',
displayName: 'Max. Tries',
name: 'maxTries',
type: 'number',
typeOptions: {
minValue: 2,
maxValue: 5,
default: 3,
displayOptions: {
show: {
retryOnFail: [
noDataExpression: true,
description: 'How often it should try to execute the node before it should fail.',
displayName: 'Wait Between Tries',
name: 'waitBetweenTries',
type: 'number',
typeOptions: {
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 5000,
default: 1000,
displayOptions: {
show: {
retryOnFail: [
noDataExpression: true,
description: 'How long to wait between ties. Value in ms.',
displayName: 'Continue On Fail',
name: 'continueOnFail',
type: 'boolean',
default: false,
noDataExpression: true,
description: 'If activated and the node fails the workflow will simply continue running.<br />It will then simply pass through the input data so the workflow has<br />to be set up to handle the case that different data gets returned.',
] as INodeProperties[],
watch: {
node (newNode, oldNode) {
methods: {
noOp () {},
setValue (name: string, value: NodeParameterValue) {
const nameParts = name.split('.');
let lastNamePart: string | undefined = nameParts.pop();
let isArray = false;
if (lastNamePart !== undefined && lastNamePart.includes('[')) {
// It incldues an index so we have to extract it
const lastNameParts = lastNamePart.match(/(.*)\[(\d+)\]$/);
if (lastNameParts) {
lastNamePart = lastNameParts[2];
isArray = true;
// Set the value via Vue.set that everything updates correctly in the UI
if (nameParts.length === 0) {
// Data is on top level
if (value === null) {
// Property should be deleted
// @ts-ignore
Vue.delete(this.nodeValues, lastNamePart);
} else {
// Value should be set
// @ts-ignore
Vue.set(this.nodeValues, lastNamePart, value);
} else {
// Data is on lower level
if (value === null) {
// Property should be deleted
// @ts-ignore
let tempValue = get(this.nodeValues, nameParts.join('.')) as INodeParameters | NodeParameters[];
Vue.delete(tempValue as object, lastNamePart as string);
if (isArray === true && (tempValue as INodeParameters[]).length === 0) {
// If a value from an array got delete and no values are left
// delete also the parent
lastNamePart = nameParts.pop();
tempValue = get(this.nodeValues, nameParts.join('.')) as INodeParameters;
Vue.delete(tempValue as object, lastNamePart as string);
} else {
// Value should be set
if (typeof value === 'object') {
// @ts-ignore
Vue.set(get(this.nodeValues, nameParts.join('.')), lastNamePart, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value)));
} else {
// @ts-ignore
Vue.set(get(this.nodeValues, nameParts.join('.')), lastNamePart, value);
updateNodeCredentialIssues (node: INodeUi): void {
const fullNodeIssues: INodeIssues | null = this.getNodeCredentialIssues(node);
let newIssues: INodeIssueObjectProperty | null = null;
if (fullNodeIssues !== null) {
newIssues = fullNodeIssues.credentials!;
this.$store.commit('setNodeIssue', {
node: node.name,
type: 'credentials',
value: newIssues,
} as INodeIssueData);
credentialSelected (updateInformation: INodeUpdatePropertiesInformation) {
// Update the values on the node
this.$store.commit('updateNodeProperties', updateInformation);
const node = this.$store.getters.nodeByName(updateInformation.name);
// Update the issues
valueChanged (parameterData: IUpdateInformation) {
let newValue: NodeParameterValue;
if (parameterData.hasOwnProperty('value')) {
// New value is given
newValue = parameterData.value;
} else {
// Get new value from nodeData where it is set already
newValue = get(this.nodeValues, parameterData.name) as NodeParameterValue;
// Save the node name before we commit the change because
// we need the old name to rename the node properly
const nodeNameBefore = parameterData.node || this.node.name;
const node = this.$store.getters.nodeByName(nodeNameBefore);
if (parameterData.name === 'name') {
// Name of node changed so we have to set also the new node name as active
// Update happens in NodeView so emit event
const sendData = {
value: newValue,
oldValue: nodeNameBefore,
name: parameterData.name,
this.$emit('valueChanged', sendData);
this.$store.commit('setActiveNode', newValue);
} else if (parameterData.name.startsWith('parameters.')) {
// A node parameter changed
const nodeType = this.$store.getters.nodeType(node.type);
// Get only the parameters which are different to the defaults
let nodeParameters = NodeHelpers.getNodeParameters(nodeType.properties, node.parameters, false, false);
// Copy the data because it is the data of vuex so make sure that
// we do not edit it directly
nodeParameters = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(nodeParameters));
// Remove the 'parameters.' from the beginning to just have the
// actual parameter name
const parameterPath = parameterData.name.split('.').slice(1).join('.');
// Check if the path is supposed to change an array and if so get
// the needed data like path and index
const parameterPathArray = parameterPath.match(/(.*)\[(\d)\]$/);
// Apply the new value
if (parameterData.value === undefined && parameterPathArray !== null) {
// Delete array item
const path = parameterPathArray[1];
const index = parameterPathArray[2];
const data = get(nodeParameters, path);
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
data.splice(parseInt(index, 10), 1);
Vue.set(nodeParameters as object, path, data);
} else {
// For everything else
set(nodeParameters as object, parameterPath, newValue);
// Get the parameters with the now new defaults according to the
// from the user actually defined parameters
nodeParameters = NodeHelpers.getNodeParameters(nodeType.properties, nodeParameters as INodeParameters, true, false);
for (const key of Object.keys(nodeParameters as object)) {
if (nodeParameters && nodeParameters[key] !== null && nodeParameters[key] !== undefined) {
this.setValue(`parameters.${key}`, nodeParameters[key] as string);
// Update the data in vuex
const updateInformation = {
name: node.name,
value: nodeParameters,
this.$store.commit('setNodeParameters', updateInformation);
// All data got updated everywhere so update now the issues
const fullNodeIssues: INodeIssues | null = NodeHelpers.getNodeParametersIssues(nodeType.properties, node);
let newIssues: INodeIssueObjectProperty | null = null;
if (fullNodeIssues !== null) {
newIssues = fullNodeIssues.parameters!;
this.$store.commit('setNodeIssue', {
node: node.name,
type: 'parameters',
value: newIssues,
} as INodeIssueData);
} else {
// A property on the node itself changed
// Update data in settings
Vue.set(this.nodeValues, parameterData.name, newValue);
// Update data in vuex
const updateInformation = {
name: node.name,
key: parameterData.name,
value: newValue,
this.$store.commit('setNodeValue', updateInformation);
* Sets the values of the active node in the internal settings variables
setNodeValues () {
if (!this.node) {
// No node selected
if (this.nodeType !== null) {
this.nodeValid = true;
const foundNodeSettings = [];
if (this.node.color) {
Vue.set(this.nodeValues, 'color', this.node.color);
if (this.node.notes) {
Vue.set(this.nodeValues, 'notes', this.node.notes);
if (this.node.continueOnFail) {
Vue.set(this.nodeValues, 'continueOnFail', this.node.continueOnFail);
if (this.node.retryOnFail) {
Vue.set(this.nodeValues, 'retryOnFail', this.node.retryOnFail);
if (this.node.maxTries) {
Vue.set(this.nodeValues, 'maxTries', this.node.maxTries);
if (this.node.waitBetweenTries) {
Vue.set(this.nodeValues, 'waitBetweenTries', this.node.waitBetweenTries);
// Set default node settings
for (const nodeSetting of this.nodeSettings) {
if (!foundNodeSettings.includes(nodeSetting.name)) {
// Set default value
Vue.set(this.nodeValues, nodeSetting.name, nodeSetting.default);
if (nodeSetting.name === 'color') {
// For color also apply the default node color to the node settings
nodeSetting.default = this.nodeType.defaults.color;
Vue.set(this.nodeValues, 'parameters', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.node.parameters)));
} else {
this.nodeValid = false;
mounted () {
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border: none;
z-index: 200;
font-size: 0.8em;
color: #555;
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font-size: 1.35em;
background-color: $--custom-window-sidebar-top;
color: #555;
.node-info {
display: none;
padding-left: 0.5em;
font-size: 0.8em;
&:hover {
.node-info {
display: inline;
.node-is-not-valid {
padding: 10px;
.node-parameters-wrapper {
height: calc(100% - 110px);
.el-tabs__header {
background-color: #fff5f2;
line-height: 2em;
.el-tabs {
height: 100%;
.el-tabs__content {
height: calc(100% - 17px);
overflow-y: auto;
.el-tab-pane {
margin: 0 1em;
.el-tabs__nav {
padding-bottom: 1em;
.add-option > .el-input input::placeholder {
color: #fff;
font-weight: 600;
.add-option > .el-input .el-input__inner,
.add-option > .el-input .el-input__inner:hover
background-color: $--color-primary;
color: #fff;
text-align: center;
height: 38px;
.add-option > .el-input .el-input__inner
border: 1px solid $--color-primary;
border-radius: 17px;
height: 38px;
input.el-input__inner {
font-size: 0.9em;
line-height: 28px;
height: 28px;
.el-input-number {
padding: 0 10px;
.el-input--prefix .el-input__inner {
padding: 0 28px;
.el-input__prefix {
left: 2px;
top: 1px;
.el-select.add-option .el-input .el-select__caret {
color: #fff;
.parameter-content {
font-size: 0.9em;
margin-right: -15px;
margin-left: -15px;
input {
width: calc(100% - 35px);
padding: 5px;
select {
width: calc(100% - 20px);
padding: 5px;
&:before {
display: table;
content: " ";
position: relative;
box-sizing: border-box;
clear: both;
.parameter-wrapper {
line-height: 2.7em;
padding: 0 1em;
.parameter-name {
line-height: 2.7em;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.color-reset-button-wrapper {
position: relative;
.color-reset-button {
position: absolute;
right: 7px;
top: -25px;
.parameter-value {
input.expression {
border-style: dashed;
border-color: #ff9600;
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
background-color: #793300;