Omar Ajoue e53efdd337
Separate webhooks from core (#1408)
* Unify execution ID across executions

* Fix indentation and improved comments

* WIP: saving data after each node execution

* Added on/off to save data after each step, saving initial data and retries working

* Fixing lint issues

* Fixing more lint issues

*  Add bull to execute workflows

* 👕 Fix lint issue

*  Add graceful shutdown to worker

*  Add loading staticData to worker

* 👕 Fix lint issue

*  Fix import

* Changed tables metadata to add nullable to stoppedAt

* Reload database on migration run

* Fixed reloading database schema for sqlite by reconnecting and fixing postgres migration

* Added checks to Redis and exiting process if connection is unavailable

* Fixing error with new installations

* Fix issue with data not being sent back to browser on manual executions with defined destination

* Merging bull and unify execution id branch fixes

* Main process will now get execution success from database instead of redis

* Omit execution duration if execution did not stop

* Fix issue with execution list displaying inconsistant information information while a workflow is running

* Remove unused hooks to clarify for developers that these wont run in queue mode

* Added active pooling to help recover from Redis crashes

* Lint issues

* Changing default polling interval to 60 seconds

* Removed unnecessary attributes from bull job

* Added webhooks service and setting to disable webhooks from main process

* Fixed executions list when running with queues. Now we get the list of actively running workflows from bull.

* Add option to disable deregistration of webhooks on shutdown

* Rename WEBHOOK_TUNNEL_URL to WEBHOOK_URL keeping backwards compat.

* Added auto refresh to executions list

* Improvements to workflow stop process when running with queues

* Refactor queue system to use a singleton and avoid code duplication

* Improve comments and remove unnecessary commits

* Remove console.log from vue file

* Blocking webhook process to run without queues

* Handling execution stop graciously when possible

* Removing initialization of all workflows from webhook process

* Refactoring code to remove code duplication for job stop

* Improved execution list to be more fluid and less intrusive

* Fixing workflow name for current executions when auto updating

*  Right align autorefresh checkbox

Co-authored-by: Jan Oberhauser <jan.oberhauser@gmail.com>
2021-02-09 23:32:40 +01:00

224 lines
6.7 KiB

import {
} from 'n8n-core';
import { Command, flags } from '@oclif/command';
import * as Redis from 'ioredis';
import * as config from '../config';
import {
} from "../src";
import { IDataObject } from 'n8n-workflow';
let activeWorkflowRunner: ActiveWorkflowRunner.ActiveWorkflowRunner | undefined;
let processExistCode = 0;
export class Webhook extends Command {
static description = 'Starts n8n webhook process. Intercepts only production URLs.';
static examples = [
`$ n8n webhook`,
static flags = {
help: flags.help({ char: 'h' }),
* Stops the n8n in a graceful way.
* Make for example sure that all the webhooks from third party services
* get removed.
static async stopProcess() {
console.log(`\nStopping n8n...`);
try {
const externalHooks = ExternalHooks();
await externalHooks.run('n8n.stop', []);
setTimeout(() => {
// In case that something goes wrong with shutdown we
// kill after max. 30 seconds no matter what
}, 30000);
const removePromises = [];
if (activeWorkflowRunner !== undefined) {
// Remove all test webhooks
const testWebhooks = TestWebhooks.getInstance();
await Promise.all(removePromises);
// Wait for active workflow executions to finish
const activeExecutionsInstance = ActiveExecutions.getInstance();
let executingWorkflows = activeExecutionsInstance.getActiveExecutions();
let count = 0;
while (executingWorkflows.length !== 0) {
if (count++ % 4 === 0) {
console.log(`Waiting for ${executingWorkflows.length} active executions to finish...`);
await new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 500);
executingWorkflows = activeExecutionsInstance.getActiveExecutions();
} catch (error) {
console.error('There was an error shutting down n8n.', error);
async run() {
// Make sure that n8n shuts down gracefully if possible
process.on('SIGTERM', Webhook.stopProcess);
process.on('SIGINT', Webhook.stopProcess);
const { flags } = this.parse(Webhook);
// Wrap that the process does not close but we can still use async
await (async () => {
if (config.get('executions.mode') !== 'queue') {
* It is technically possible to run without queues but
* there are 2 known bugs when running in this mode:
* - Executions list will be problematic as the main process
* is not aware of current executions in the webhook processes
* and therefore will display all current executions as error
* as it is unable to determine if it is still running or crashed
* - You cannot stop currently executing jobs from webhook processes
* when running without queues as the main process cannot talk to
* the wehbook processes to communicate workflow execution interruption.
this.error('Webhook processes can only run with execution mode as queue.');
try {
// Start directly with the init of the database to improve startup time
const startDbInitPromise = Db.init().catch(error => {
console.error(`There was an error initializing DB: ${error.message}`);
processExistCode = 1;
// @ts-ignore
// Make sure the settings exist
const userSettings = await UserSettings.prepareUserSettings();
// Load all node and credential types
const loadNodesAndCredentials = LoadNodesAndCredentials();
await loadNodesAndCredentials.init();
// Load the credentials overwrites if any exist
const credentialsOverwrites = CredentialsOverwrites();
await credentialsOverwrites.init();
// Load all external hooks
const externalHooks = ExternalHooks();
await externalHooks.init();
// Add the found types to an instance other parts of the application can use
const nodeTypes = NodeTypes();
await nodeTypes.init(loadNodesAndCredentials.nodeTypes);
const credentialTypes = CredentialTypes();
await credentialTypes.init(loadNodesAndCredentials.credentialTypes);
// Wait till the database is ready
await startDbInitPromise;
if (config.get('executions.mode') === 'queue') {
const redisHost = config.get('queue.bull.redis.host');
const redisPassword = config.get('queue.bull.redis.password');
const redisPort = config.get('queue.bull.redis.port');
const redisDB = config.get('queue.bull.redis.db');
const redisConnectionTimeoutLimit = config.get('queue.bull.redis.timeoutThreshold');
let lastTimer = 0, cumulativeTimeout = 0;
const settings = {
retryStrategy: (times: number): number | null => {
const now = Date.now();
if (now - lastTimer > 30000) {
// Means we had no timeout at all or last timeout was temporary and we recovered
lastTimer = now;
cumulativeTimeout = 0;
} else {
cumulativeTimeout += now - lastTimer;
lastTimer = now;
if (cumulativeTimeout > redisConnectionTimeoutLimit) {
console.error('Unable to connect to Redis after ' + redisConnectionTimeoutLimit + ". Exiting process.");
return 500;
} as IDataObject;
if (redisHost) {
settings.host = redisHost;
if (redisPassword) {
settings.password = redisPassword;
if (redisPort) {
settings.port = redisPort;
if (redisDB) {
settings.db = redisDB;
// This connection is going to be our heartbeat
// IORedis automatically pings redis and tries to reconnect
// We will be using the retryStrategy above
// to control how and when to exit.
const redis = new Redis(settings);
redis.on('error', (error) => {
if (error.toString().includes('ECONNREFUSED') === true) {
console.warn('Redis unavailable - trying to reconnect...');
} else {
console.warn('Error with Redis: ', error);
await WebhookServer.start();
// Start to get active workflows and run their triggers
activeWorkflowRunner = ActiveWorkflowRunner.getInstance();
await activeWorkflowRunner.initWebhooks();
const editorUrl = GenericHelpers.getBaseUrl();
this.log('Webhook listener waiting for requests.');
} catch (error) {
this.error(`There was an error: ${error.message}`);
processExistCode = 1;
// @ts-ignore