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// Load type definitions that come with Cypress module
/// <reference types="cypress" />
import type { FrontendSettings } from '@n8n/api-types';
keystrokeDelay: 0,
interface SigninPayload {
email: string;
password: string;
interface DragAndDropOptions {
position: 'top' | 'center' | 'bottom';
declare global {
namespace Cypress {
interface SuiteConfigOverrides {
disableAutoLogin: boolean;
interface Chainable {
config(key: keyof SuiteConfigOverrides): boolean;
selector: string,
...args: Array<Partial<Loggable & Timeoutable & Withinable & Shadow> | undefined>
): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElement>>;
ifCanvasVersion<T1, T2>(getterV1: () => T1, getterV2: () => T2): T1 | T2;
findChildByTestId(childTestId: string): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElement>>;
* Creates a workflow from the given fixture and optionally renames it.
* @param fixtureKey
* @param [workflowName] Optional name for the workflow. A random nanoid is used if not given
createFixtureWorkflow(fixtureKey: string, workflowName?: string): void;
/** @deprecated use signinAsOwner, signinAsAdmin or signinAsMember instead */
signin(payload: SigninPayload): void;
signinAsOwner(): void;
signinAsAdmin(): void;
* Omitting the index will default to index 0.
signinAsMember(index?: number): void;
signout(): void;
overrideSettings(value: Partial<FrontendSettings>): void;
enableFeature(feature: string): void;
disableFeature(feature: string): void;
enableQueueMode(): void;
disableQueueMode(): void;
changeQuota(feature: string, value: number): void;
waitForLoad(waitForIntercepts?: boolean): void;
grantBrowserPermissions(...permissions: string[]): void;
readClipboard(): Chainable<string>;
paste(pastePayload: string): void;
selector: string | Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElement>>,
target: [number, number],
options?: { abs?: boolean; index?: number; realMouse?: boolean; clickToFinish?: boolean },
): void;
draggableSelector: string,
droppableSelector: string,
options?: Partial<DragAndDropOptions>,
): void;
push(type: string, data: unknown): void;
shouldNotHaveConsoleErrors(): void;
window(): Chainable<
AUTWindow & {
innerWidth: number;
innerHeight: number;
preventNodeViewBeforeUnload?: boolean;
maxPinnedDataSize?: number;
featureFlags: {
override: (feature: string, value: unknown) => void;
resetDatabase(): void;
setAppDate(targetDate: number | Date): void;
export {};