* N8N-2619 Value Survey Front-end * N8N-2619 Added Contact Prompt Modal and logic * N8N-2619 Added Link to Toast Message on Successful submitting ValueSurvey * N8N-2619 Updated TypeForm URL in ValueSurvey Success Toast * N8N-2619 Fixed Typo placeholder for ValueSurvey and ContactPrompt Modal * N8N-2619 Fixed Toast not close automatically in ValueSurvey, Make part of the title bold, Changed Font-sizes on Value Survey * N8N-2619 Fixed Close Button on ValueSurvey, Vertical Allignment for Questions in ValueSurvey Drawer * N8N-2619 Make Value Survey with static height * N8N-2619 Fixed Telemetry Events on closing ValueSurvey * N8N-2619 Updated N8NPrompt Interface, Added Dynamic Title and Description on ContactPrompt Modal * N8N-2619 Reversed Answers in ValueSurveyModal * N8N-2619 Added Telemetry Event on user close ValueSurvey on second Question * N8N-2619 Re-work, Optimized, Simplify the code after technical review * N8N-2619 Fixed If else statement in openUserPromptsIfPossible * N8N-2619 Change Text under Email Box - ValueSurvey, ContactPrompt, Added new Telemetary Event on ValueSurvey Open, Fixed Toast to close aftet 15s * N8N-2619 Change ContactPrompt Modal to use Atoms like N8N-Heading and N8N-Text * N8N-2619 Change Design & Logic on ValueSurvey - When to open * N8N-2619 Updated Value Survey with new Telemetry Events (Refactor), Simplified functions, Added Atoms in ValueSurvey + ContactPrompt * N8N-2619 Refactor in Interfaces, Updated/Refactor Getters and Vuex store props * N8N-2619 Defined IN8nValueSurveyData interface * N8N-2619 Disabled Keyboard shortcuts to be activated on typing in ValueSurvey Input field, Fire an event on Saving WF from Menu and with shorcut, Make Drawer keep-alive * N8N-2619 Added Atoms in Value Survey Modal (buttons), Rework css * N8N-2619 Added Responses on ValueSurvey Submit * N8N-2619 Added Response for SubmittingContactInfo * N8N-2619 Added loading state for buttons / ValueSurvey * N8N-2619 Changed ValueSurvey and ContactPrompt to support enter key on submit, Simplifed closeDialog Function, Changed css for button in ValueSurvey, Prevent showing the Modals if Saving WF fails, Add Debouncing on showing prompt * N8N-2619 Added IsTelemetryEnabled Getter in Vuex.store * N8N-2619 Created/Added N8N-SquareButton to Design-system * N8N-2619 Change Promise in MainSideBar with Async/Await function, Nitpick simpliefied * N8N-2619 Update the text under the input fields * N8N-2619 Update the text in ContactPrompt Modal * N8N-2619 Allign Send button on ValueSurvey Modal * N8N-2619 Fixed Input in ValueSurvey Modal * N8N-2619 Check if the workflow is saving * N8N-2619 Check if WF is saving to allowed performs fetchPromptsData * N8N-2619 Hotfix * N8N-2619 Fixed ValueSurvey, Updated onSaveButtonClick function, Created onSaveKeyboardShortcut function in NodeView * N8N-2619 Rework css module classes for ValueSurvey, Simplified * N8N-2619 Simplified N8N-SquareButton Component, removed dead code * N8N-2619 Added Breakpoints for Mobile/Tablet View * N8N-2619 Formatting fix * N8N-2619 Update css for mobile/tablet, change promises to asyn/await functions in ContactPrompt and ValueSurvey, Added isActive prop to ValueSurvey * N8N-2619 Update TEMPLATE_BASE_URL to production |
.github | ||
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assets | ||
docker | ||
packages | ||
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LICENSE.md | ||
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README.md | ||
n8n - Workflow Automation Tool
n8n is an extendable workflow automation tool. With a fair-code distribution model, n8n will always have visible source code, be available to self-host, and allow you to add your own custom functions, logic and apps. n8n's node-based approach makes it highly versatile, enabling you to connect anything to everything.
📺 A short demo (< 3 min) which shows how to create a simple workflow which automatically sends a new Slack notification every time a Github repository received or lost a star.
Available integrations
n8n has 200+ different nodes to automate workflows. The list can be found on: https://n8n.io/nodes
The official n8n documentation can be found under: https://docs.n8n.io
Additional information and example workflows on the n8n.io website: https://n8n.io
The changelog can be found here and the list of breaking changes here.
Execute: npm run start
Sign-up for an n8n.cloud account.
While n8n.cloud and n8n are the same in terms of features, n8n.cloud provides certain conveniences such as:
- Not having to set up and maintain your n8n instance
- Managed OAuth for authentication
- Easily upgrading to the newer n8n versions
If you have problems or questions go to our forum, we will then try to help you asap:
If you are interested in working for n8n and so shape the future of the project check out our job posts
What does n8n mean and how do you pronounce it?
Short answer: It means "nodemation" and it is pronounced as n-eight-n.
Long answer: "I get that question quite often (more often than I expected) so I decided it is probably best to answer it here. While looking for a good name for the project with a free domain I realized very quickly that all the good ones I could think of were already taken. So, in the end, I chose nodemation. 'node-' in the sense that it uses a Node-View and that it uses Node.js and '-mation' for 'automation' which is what the project is supposed to help with. However, I did not like how long the name was and I could not imagine writing something that long every time in the CLI. That is when I then ended up on 'n8n'." - Jan Oberhauser, Founder and CEO, n8n.io
Development Setup
Have you found a bug 🐛 ? Or maybe you have a nice feature ✨ to contribute ? The CONTRIBUTING guide will help you get your development environment ready in minutes.
n8n is fair-code distributed under Apache 2.0 with Commons Clause license.
Additional information about license can be found in the FAQ.