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synced 2025-03-05 20:50:17 -08:00
298 lines
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298 lines
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import fs from 'fs';
import { Container } from 'typedi';
import { mock } from 'jest-mock-extended';
import { GlobalConfig } from '../src/index';
const mockFs = mock<typeof fs>();
fs.readFileSync = mockFs.readFileSync;
describe('GlobalConfig', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
const originalEnv = process.env;
afterEach(() => {
process.env = originalEnv;
// deepCopy for diff to show plain objects
// eslint-disable-next-line n8n-local-rules/no-json-parse-json-stringify
const deepCopy = <T>(obj: T): T => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
const defaultConfig: GlobalConfig = {
path: '/',
host: 'localhost',
port: 5678,
listen_address: '',
protocol: 'http',
database: {
logging: {
enabled: false,
maxQueryExecutionTime: 0,
options: 'error',
mysqldb: {
database: 'n8n',
host: 'localhost',
password: '',
port: 3306,
user: 'root',
postgresdb: {
database: 'n8n',
host: 'localhost',
password: '',
poolSize: 2,
port: 5432,
schema: 'public',
connectionTimeoutMs: 20_000,
ssl: {
ca: '',
cert: '',
enabled: false,
key: '',
rejectUnauthorized: true,
user: 'postgres',
sqlite: {
database: 'database.sqlite',
enableWAL: false,
executeVacuumOnStartup: false,
poolSize: 0,
tablePrefix: '',
type: 'sqlite',
credentials: {
defaultName: 'My credentials',
overwrite: {
data: '{}',
endpoint: '',
userManagement: {
emails: {
mode: 'smtp',
smtp: {
host: '',
port: 465,
secure: true,
sender: '',
startTLS: true,
auth: {
pass: '',
user: '',
privateKey: '',
serviceClient: '',
template: {
'credentials-shared': '',
'user-invited': '',
'password-reset-requested': '',
'workflow-shared': '',
eventBus: {
checkUnsentInterval: 0,
crashRecoveryMode: 'extensive',
logWriter: {
keepLogCount: 3,
logBaseName: 'n8nEventLog',
maxFileSizeInKB: 10240,
externalSecrets: {
preferGet: false,
updateInterval: 300,
nodes: {
communityPackages: {
enabled: true,
registry: 'https://registry.npmjs.org',
reinstallMissing: false,
errorTriggerType: 'n8n-nodes-base.errorTrigger',
include: [],
exclude: [],
publicApi: {
disabled: false,
path: 'api',
swaggerUiDisabled: false,
templates: {
enabled: true,
host: 'https://api.n8n.io/api/',
versionNotifications: {
enabled: true,
endpoint: 'https://api.n8n.io/api/versions/',
infoUrl: 'https://docs.n8n.io/hosting/installation/updating/',
externalStorage: {
s3: {
host: '',
bucket: {
name: '',
region: '',
credentials: {
accessKey: '',
accessSecret: '',
workflows: {
defaultName: 'My workflow',
onboardingFlowDisabled: false,
callerPolicyDefaultOption: 'workflowsFromSameOwner',
endpoints: {
metrics: {
enable: false,
prefix: 'n8n_',
includeWorkflowIdLabel: false,
includeDefaultMetrics: true,
includeMessageEventBusMetrics: false,
includeNodeTypeLabel: false,
includeCacheMetrics: false,
includeApiEndpoints: false,
includeApiPathLabel: false,
includeApiMethodLabel: false,
includeCredentialTypeLabel: false,
includeApiStatusCodeLabel: false,
includeQueueMetrics: false,
queueMetricsInterval: 20,
additionalNonUIRoutes: '',
disableProductionWebhooksOnMainProcess: false,
disableUi: false,
form: 'form',
formTest: 'form-test',
formWaiting: 'form-waiting',
payloadSizeMax: 16,
formDataFileSizeMax: 200,
rest: 'rest',
webhook: 'webhook',
webhookTest: 'webhook-test',
webhookWaiting: 'webhook-waiting',
cache: {
backend: 'auto',
memory: {
maxSize: 3145728,
ttl: 3600000,
redis: {
prefix: 'cache',
ttl: 3600000,
queue: {
health: {
active: false,
port: 5678,
bull: {
redis: {
db: 0,
host: 'localhost',
password: '',
port: 6379,
timeoutThreshold: 10_000,
username: '',
clusterNodes: '',
tls: false,
queueRecoveryInterval: 60,
gracefulShutdownTimeout: 30,
prefix: 'bull',
settings: {
lockDuration: 30_000,
lockRenewTime: 15_000,
stalledInterval: 30_000,
maxStalledCount: 1,
it('should use all default values when no env variables are defined', () => {
process.env = {};
const config = Container.get(GlobalConfig);
it('should use values from env variables when defined', () => {
process.env = {
DB_POSTGRESDB_HOST: 'some-host',
NODES_INCLUDE: '["n8n-nodes-base.hackerNews"]',
const config = Container.get(GlobalConfig);
database: {
logging: defaultConfig.database.logging,
mysqldb: defaultConfig.database.mysqldb,
postgresdb: {
host: 'some-host',
user: 'n8n',
sqlite: defaultConfig.database.sqlite,
tablePrefix: 'test_',
type: 'sqlite',
endpoints: {
metrics: {
enable: true,
nodes: {
include: ['n8n-nodes-base.hackerNews'],
templates: {
enabled: false,
it('should read values from files using _FILE env variables', () => {
const passwordFile = '/path/to/postgres/password';
process.env = {
mockFs.readFileSync.calledWith(passwordFile, 'utf8').mockReturnValueOnce('password-from-file');
const config = Container.get(GlobalConfig);
database: {
postgresdb: {
password: 'password-from-file',