Iván Ovejero 1a661e6d00
feat(core): Integrate object store as binary data manager (#7253)
Depends on: #7225 | Story:

This PR integrates the object store service as a new binary data manager
for Enterprise.
2023-10-05 15:25:17 +02:00

567 lines
14 KiB

import type express from 'express';
import type {
} from 'n8n-workflow';
import { IsBoolean, IsEmail, IsOptional, IsString, Length } from 'class-validator';
import { NoXss } from '@db/utils/customValidators';
import type {
} from '@/Interfaces';
import type { Role } from '@db/entities/Role';
import type { User } from '@db/entities/User';
import type { UserManagementMailer } from '@/UserManagement/email';
import type { Variables } from '@db/entities/Variables';
import type { WorkflowEntity } from './databases/entities/WorkflowEntity';
import type { CredentialsEntity } from './databases/entities/CredentialsEntity';
import type { WorkflowHistory } from './databases/entities/WorkflowHistory';
export class UserUpdatePayload implements Pick<User, 'email' | 'firstName' | 'lastName'> {
email: string;
@IsString({ message: 'First name must be of type string.' })
@Length(1, 32, { message: 'First name must be $constraint1 to $constraint2 characters long.' })
firstName: string;
@IsString({ message: 'Last name must be of type string.' })
@Length(1, 32, { message: 'Last name must be $constraint1 to $constraint2 characters long.' })
lastName: string;
export class UserSettingsUpdatePayload {
@IsBoolean({ message: 'userActivated should be a boolean' })
userActivated: boolean;
@IsBoolean({ message: 'allowSSOManualLogin should be a boolean' })
allowSSOManualLogin?: boolean;
export type AuthlessRequest<
RouteParams = {},
ResponseBody = {},
RequestBody = {},
RequestQuery = {},
> = express.Request<RouteParams, ResponseBody, RequestBody, RequestQuery>;
export type AuthenticatedRequest<
RouteParams = {},
ResponseBody = {},
RequestBody = {},
RequestQuery = {},
> = Omit<express.Request<RouteParams, ResponseBody, RequestBody, RequestQuery>, 'user'> & {
user: User;
mailer?: UserManagementMailer;
globalMemberRole?: Role;
// ----------------------------------
// /workflows
// ----------------------------------
export declare namespace WorkflowRequest {
type CreateUpdatePayload = Partial<{
id: string; // delete if sent
name: string;
nodes: INode[];
connections: IConnections;
settings: IWorkflowSettings;
active: boolean;
tags: string[];
hash: string;
meta: Record<string, unknown>;
type ManualRunPayload = {
workflowData: IWorkflowDb;
runData: IRunData;
pinData: IPinData;
startNodes?: string[];
destinationNode?: string;
type Create = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, CreateUpdatePayload>;
type Get = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }>;
type Delete = Get;
type Update = AuthenticatedRequest<
{ id: string },
{ forceSave?: string }
type NewName = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, { name?: string }>;
type GetAllActive = AuthenticatedRequest;
type GetAllActivationErrors = Get;
type ManualRun = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, ManualRunPayload>;
type Share = AuthenticatedRequest<{ workflowId: string }, {}, { shareWithIds: string[] }>;
// ----------------------------------
// list query
// ----------------------------------
export namespace ListQuery {
export type Request = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, Params> & {
listQueryOptions?: Options;
export type Params = {
filter?: string;
skip?: string;
take?: string;
select?: string;
export type Options = {
filter?: Record<string, unknown>;
select?: Record<string, true>;
skip?: number;
take?: number;
* Slim workflow returned from a list query operation.
export namespace Workflow {
type OptionalBaseFields = 'name' | 'active' | 'versionId' | 'createdAt' | 'updatedAt' | 'tags';
type BaseFields = Pick<WorkflowEntity, 'id'> &
Partial<Pick<WorkflowEntity, OptionalBaseFields>>;
type SharedField = Partial<Pick<WorkflowEntity, 'shared'>>;
type OwnedByField = { ownedBy: Pick<IUser, 'id'> | null };
export type Plain = BaseFields;
export type WithSharing = BaseFields & SharedField;
export type WithOwnership = BaseFields & OwnedByField;
export namespace Credentials {
type SlimUser = Pick<IUser, 'id' | 'email' | 'firstName' | 'lastName'>;
type OwnedByField = { ownedBy: SlimUser | null };
type SharedWithField = { sharedWith: SlimUser[] };
export type WithOwnedByAndSharedWith = CredentialsEntity & OwnedByField & SharedWithField;
export function hasSharing(
workflows: ListQuery.Workflow.Plain[] | ListQuery.Workflow.WithSharing[],
): workflows is ListQuery.Workflow.WithSharing[] {
return workflows.some((w) => 'shared' in w);
// ----------------------------------
// /credentials
// ----------------------------------
export declare namespace CredentialRequest {
type CredentialProperties = Partial<{
id: string; // delete if sent
name: string;
type: string;
nodesAccess: ICredentialNodeAccess[];
data: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject;
type Create = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, CredentialProperties>;
type Get = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }, {}, {}, Record<string, string>>;
type Delete = Get;
type GetAll = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, { filter: string }>;
type Update = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }, {}, CredentialProperties>;
type NewName = WorkflowRequest.NewName;
type Test = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, INodeCredentialTestRequest>;
type Share = AuthenticatedRequest<{ credentialId: string }, {}, { shareWithIds: string[] }>;
// ----------------------------------
// /executions
// ----------------------------------
export declare namespace ExecutionRequest {
namespace QueryParam {
type GetAll = {
filter: string; // '{ waitTill: string; finished: boolean, [other: string]: string }'
limit: string;
lastId: string;
firstId: string;
type GetAllCurrent = {
filter: string; // '{ workflowId: string }'
type GetAll = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, QueryParam.GetAll>;
type Get = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }, {}, {}, { unflattedResponse: 'true' | 'false' }>;
type Delete = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, IExecutionDeleteFilter>;
type Retry = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }, {}, { loadWorkflow: boolean }, {}>;
type Stop = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }>;
type GetAllCurrent = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, QueryParam.GetAllCurrent>;
// ----------------------------------
// /me
// ----------------------------------
export declare namespace MeRequest {
export type UserSettingsUpdate = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, UserSettingsUpdatePayload>;
export type UserUpdate = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, UserUpdatePayload>;
export type Password = AuthenticatedRequest<
{ currentPassword: string; newPassword: string; token?: string }
export type SurveyAnswers = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, Record<string, string> | {}>;
export interface UserSetupPayload {
email: string;
password: string;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
mfaEnabled?: boolean;
mfaSecret?: string;
mfaRecoveryCodes?: string[];
// ----------------------------------
// /owner
// ----------------------------------
export declare namespace OwnerRequest {
type Post = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, UserSetupPayload, {}>;
type DismissBanner = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, Partial<{ bannerName: BannerName }>, {}>;
// ----------------------------------
// password reset endpoints
// ----------------------------------
export declare namespace PasswordResetRequest {
export type Email = AuthlessRequest<{}, {}, Pick<PublicUser, 'email'>>;
export type Credentials = AuthlessRequest<{}, {}, {}, { userId?: string; token?: string }>;
export type NewPassword = AuthlessRequest<
Pick<PublicUser, 'password'> & { token?: string; userId?: string; mfaToken?: string }
// ----------------------------------
// /users
// ----------------------------------
export declare namespace UserRequest {
export type Invite = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, Array<{ email: string }>>;
export type ResolveSignUp = AuthlessRequest<
{ inviterId?: string; inviteeId?: string }
export type SignUp = AuthenticatedRequest<
{ id: string },
{ inviterId?: string; inviteeId?: string }
export type Delete = AuthenticatedRequest<
{ id: string; email: string; identifier: string },
{ transferId?: string; includeRole: boolean }
export type Get = AuthenticatedRequest<
{ id: string; email: string; identifier: string },
{ limit?: number; offset?: number; cursor?: string; includeRole?: boolean }
export type PasswordResetLink = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }, {}, {}, {}>;
export type UserSettingsUpdate = AuthenticatedRequest<
{ id: string },
export type Reinvite = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }>;
export type Update = AuthlessRequest<
{ id: string },
inviterId: string;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
password: string;
// ----------------------------------
// /login
// ----------------------------------
export type LoginRequest = AuthlessRequest<
email: string;
password: string;
mfaToken?: string;
mfaRecoveryCode?: string;
// ----------------------------------
// MFA endpoints
// ----------------------------------
export declare namespace MFA {
type Verify = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, { token: string }, {}>;
type Activate = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, { token: string }, {}>;
type Config = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, { login: { enabled: boolean } }, {}>;
type ValidateRecoveryCode = AuthenticatedRequest<
{ recoveryCode: { enabled: boolean } },
// ----------------------------------
// oauth endpoints
// ----------------------------------
export declare namespace OAuthRequest {
namespace OAuth1Credential {
type Auth = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, { id: string }>;
type Callback = AuthenticatedRequest<
{ oauth_verifier: string; oauth_token: string; cid: string }
> & {
user?: User;
namespace OAuth2Credential {
type Auth = OAuth1Credential.Auth;
type Callback = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, { code: string; state: string }>;
// ----------------------------------
// /node-parameter-options
// ----------------------------------
export type NodeParameterOptionsRequest = AuthenticatedRequest<
nodeTypeAndVersion: string;
methodName: string;
path: string;
currentNodeParameters: string;
credentials: string;
// ----------------------------------
// /node-list-search
// ----------------------------------
export type NodeListSearchRequest = AuthenticatedRequest<
nodeTypeAndVersion: string;
methodName: string;
path: string;
currentNodeParameters: string;
credentials: string;
filter?: string;
paginationToken?: string;
// ----------------------------------
// /get-mapping-fields
// ----------------------------------
export type ResourceMapperRequest = AuthenticatedRequest<
nodeTypeAndVersion: string;
methodName: string;
path: string;
currentNodeParameters: string;
credentials: string;
// ----------------------------------
// /tags
// ----------------------------------
export declare namespace TagsRequest {
type GetAll = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, { withUsageCount: string }>;
type Create = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, { name: string }>;
type Update = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }, {}, { name: string }>;
type Delete = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }>;
// ----------------------------------
// /nodes
// ----------------------------------
export declare namespace NodeRequest {
type GetAll = AuthenticatedRequest;
type Post = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, { name?: string }>;
type Delete = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, { name: string }>;
type Update = Post;
// ----------------------------------
// /curl-to-json
// ----------------------------------
export declare namespace CurlHelper {
type ToJson = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, { curlCommand?: string }>;
// ----------------------------------
// /license
// ----------------------------------
export declare namespace LicenseRequest {
type Activate = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, { activationKey: string }, {}>;
export type BinaryDataRequest = AuthenticatedRequest<
id: string;
action: 'view' | 'download';
fileName?: string;
mimeType?: string;
// ----------------------------------
// /variables
// ----------------------------------
export declare namespace VariablesRequest {
type CreateUpdatePayload = Omit<Variables, 'id'> & { id?: unknown };
type GetAll = AuthenticatedRequest;
type Get = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }, {}, {}, {}>;
type Create = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, CreateUpdatePayload, {}>;
type Update = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }, {}, CreateUpdatePayload, {}>;
type Delete = Get;
export declare namespace ExternalSecretsRequest {
type GetProviderResponse = Pick<SecretsProvider, 'displayName' | 'name' | 'properties'> & {
icon: string;
connected: boolean;
connectedAt: Date | null;
state: SecretsProviderState;
data: IDataObject;
type GetProviders = AuthenticatedRequest;
type GetProvider = AuthenticatedRequest<{ provider: string }, GetProviderResponse>;
type SetProviderSettings = AuthenticatedRequest<{ provider: string }, {}, IDataObject>;
type TestProviderSettings = SetProviderSettings;
type SetProviderConnected = AuthenticatedRequest<
{ provider: string },
{ connected: boolean }
type UpdateProvider = AuthenticatedRequest<{ provider: string }>;
// ----------------------------------
// /orchestration
// ----------------------------------
export declare namespace OrchestrationRequest {
type GetAll = AuthenticatedRequest;
type Get = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }, {}, {}, {}>;
// ----------------------------------
// /workflow-history
// ----------------------------------
export declare namespace WorkflowHistoryRequest {
type GetList = AuthenticatedRequest<
{ workflowId: string },
Array<Omit<WorkflowHistory, 'nodes' | 'connections'>>,
type GetVersion = AuthenticatedRequest<
{ workflowId: string; versionId: string },