कारतोफ्फेलस्क्रिप्ट™ c7d4b471c4
refactor(core): Move backend config to a separate package (no-changelog) (#9325)
2024-07-05 11:43:27 +02:00

71 lines
2.3 KiB

import Container from 'typedi';
import { GlobalConfig } from '@n8n/config';
import type { SelectQueryBuilder } from '@n8n/typeorm';
import { Not, LessThanOrEqual } from '@n8n/typeorm';
import { BinaryDataService } from 'n8n-core';
import { nanoid } from 'nanoid';
import { mock } from 'jest-mock-extended';
import { ExecutionEntity } from '@db/entities/ExecutionEntity';
import { ExecutionRepository } from '@db/repositories/execution.repository';
import { mockEntityManager } from '../../shared/mocking';
import { mockInstance } from '../../shared/mocking';
describe('ExecutionRepository', () => {
const entityManager = mockEntityManager(ExecutionEntity);
const globalConfig = mockInstance(GlobalConfig);
const binaryDataService = mockInstance(BinaryDataService);
const executionRepository = Container.get(ExecutionRepository);
const mockDate = new Date('2023-12-28 12:34:56.789Z');
beforeAll(() => {
afterAll(() => jest.useRealTimers());
describe('getWaitingExecutions()', () => {
test.each(['sqlite', 'postgresdb'] as const)(
'on %s, should be called with expected args',
async (dbType) => {
globalConfig.database.type = dbType;
await executionRepository.getWaitingExecutions();
expect(entityManager.find).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ExecutionEntity, {
order: { waitTill: 'ASC' },
select: ['id', 'waitTill'],
where: {
status: Not('crashed'),
waitTill: LessThanOrEqual(
dbType === 'sqlite'
? '2023-12-28 12:36:06.789'
: new Date('2023-12-28T12:36:06.789Z'),
describe('deleteExecutionsByFilter', () => {
test('should delete binary data', async () => {
const workflowId = nanoid();
jest.spyOn(executionRepository, 'createQueryBuilder').mockReturnValue(
select: jest.fn().mockReturnThis(),
andWhere: jest.fn().mockReturnThis(),
getMany: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue([{ id: '1', workflowId }]),
await executionRepository.deleteExecutionsByFilter({ id: '1' }, ['1'], { ids: ['1'] });
expect(binaryDataService.deleteMany).toHaveBeenCalledWith([{ executionId: '1', workflowId }]);