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synced 2025-03-05 20:50:17 -08:00
417 lines
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import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import type { ToISOTimeOptions } from 'luxon';
import type {
} from 'n8n-workflow';
import { ApplicationError, NodeApiError } from 'n8n-workflow';
/((?:\+|00)[17](?: |\-)?|(?:\+|00)[1-9]\d{0,2}(?: |\-)?|(?:\+|00)1\-\d{3}(?: |\-)?)?(0\d|\([0-9]{3}\)|[1-9]{0,3})(?:((?: |\-)[0-9]{2}){4}|((?:[0-9]{2}){4})|((?: |\-)[0-9]{3}(?: |\-)[0-9]{4})|([0-9]{7}))/;
export function isEmailValid(email: string): boolean {
return VALID_EMAIL_REGEX.test(String(email).toLowerCase());
export function isPhoneValid(phone: string): boolean {
return VALID_PHONE_REGEX.test(String(phone));
export function dateToIsoSupressMillis(dateTime: string) {
const options: ToISOTimeOptions = { suppressMilliseconds: true };
return DateTime.fromISO(dateTime).toISO(options);
export async function taskPostReceiceAction(
this: IExecuteSingleFunctions,
items: INodeExecutionData[],
_response: IN8nHttpFullResponse,
): Promise<INodeExecutionData[]> {
const contactId = this.getNodeParameter('contactId');
items.forEach((item) => (item.json.contactId = contactId));
return items;
export async function dueDatePreSendAction(
this: IExecuteSingleFunctions,
requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions,
): Promise<IHttpRequestOptions> {
let dueDateParam = this.getNodeParameter('dueDate', null) as string;
if (!dueDateParam) {
const fields = this.getNodeParameter('updateFields') as { dueDate: string };
dueDateParam = fields.dueDate;
if (!dueDateParam) {
throw new NodeApiError(
{ message: 'dueDate is required', description: 'dueDate is required' },
const dueDate = dateToIsoSupressMillis(dueDateParam);
requestOptions.body = (requestOptions.body ?? {}) as object;
Object.assign(requestOptions.body, { dueDate });
return requestOptions;
export async function contactIdentifierPreSendAction(
this: IExecuteSingleFunctions,
requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions,
): Promise<IHttpRequestOptions> {
requestOptions.body = (requestOptions.body ?? {}) as object;
let identifier = this.getNodeParameter('contactIdentifier', null) as string;
if (!identifier) {
const fields = this.getNodeParameter('updateFields') as { contactIdentifier: string };
identifier = fields.contactIdentifier;
if (isEmailValid(identifier)) {
Object.assign(requestOptions.body, { email: identifier });
} else if (isPhoneValid(identifier)) {
Object.assign(requestOptions.body, { phone: identifier });
} else {
Object.assign(requestOptions.body, { contactId: identifier });
return requestOptions;
export async function validEmailAndPhonePreSendAction(
this: IExecuteSingleFunctions,
requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions,
): Promise<IHttpRequestOptions> {
const body = (requestOptions.body ?? {}) as { email?: string; phone?: string };
if (body.email && !isEmailValid(body.email)) {
const message = `email "${body.email}" has invalid format`;
throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), {}, { message, description: message });
if (body.phone && !isPhoneValid(body.phone)) {
const message = `phone "${body.phone}" has invalid format`;
throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), {}, { message, description: message });
return requestOptions;
export async function dateTimeToEpochPreSendAction(
this: IExecuteSingleFunctions,
requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions,
): Promise<IHttpRequestOptions> {
const qs = (requestOptions.qs ?? {}) as {
startDate?: string | number;
endDate?: string | number;
const toEpoch = (dt: string) => new Date(dt).getTime();
if (qs.startDate) qs.startDate = toEpoch(qs.startDate as string);
if (qs.endDate) qs.endDate = toEpoch(qs.endDate as string);
return requestOptions;
export async function addLocationIdPreSendAction(
this: IExecuteSingleFunctions,
requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions,
): Promise<IHttpRequestOptions> {
const { locationId } =
((await this.getCredentials('highLevelOAuth2Api'))?.oauthTokenData as IDataObject) ?? {};
const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource') as string;
const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation') as string;
if (resource === 'contact') {
if (operation === 'getAll') {
requestOptions.qs = requestOptions.qs ?? {};
Object.assign(requestOptions.qs, { locationId });
if (operation === 'create') {
requestOptions.body = requestOptions.body ?? {};
Object.assign(requestOptions.body, { locationId });
if (resource === 'opportunity') {
if (operation === 'create') {
requestOptions.body = requestOptions.body ?? {};
Object.assign(requestOptions.body, { locationId });
if (operation === 'getAll') {
requestOptions.qs = requestOptions.qs ?? {};
Object.assign(requestOptions.qs, { location_id: locationId });
return requestOptions;
export async function highLevelApiRequest(
| IExecuteFunctions
| IExecuteSingleFunctions
| IWebhookFunctions
| IPollFunctions
| IHookFunctions
| ILoadOptionsFunctions,
method: IHttpRequestMethods,
resource: string,
body: IDataObject = {},
qs: IDataObject = {},
url?: string,
option: IDataObject = {},
) {
let options: IHttpRequestOptions = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Version: '2021-07-28',
url: url ?? `https://services.leadconnectorhq.com${resource}`,
json: true,
if (!Object.keys(body).length) {
delete options.body;
if (!Object.keys(qs).length) {
delete options.qs;
options = Object.assign({}, options, option);
return await this.helpers.httpRequestWithAuthentication.call(this, 'highLevelOAuth2Api', options);
export const addNotePostReceiveAction = async function (
this: IExecuteSingleFunctions,
items: INodeExecutionData[],
response: IN8nHttpFullResponse,
): Promise<INodeExecutionData[]> {
const note = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields.notes', 0) as string;
if (!note) {
return items;
const contact: IDataObject = (response.body as IDataObject).contact as IDataObject;
// Ensure there is a valid response and extract contactId and userId
if (!response || !response.body || !contact) {
throw new ApplicationError('No response data available to extract contact ID and user ID.');
const contactId = contact.id;
const userId = contact.locationId;
const requestBody = {
body: note,
await highLevelApiRequest.call(this, 'POST', `/contacts/${contactId}/notes`, requestBody, {});
return items;
export async function taskUpdatePreSendAction(
this: IExecuteSingleFunctions,
requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions,
): Promise<IHttpRequestOptions> {
const body = (requestOptions.body ?? {}) as { title?: string; dueDate?: string };
if (!body.title || !body.dueDate) {
const contactId = this.getNodeParameter('contactId');
const taskId = this.getNodeParameter('taskId');
const resource = `/contacts/${contactId}/tasks/${taskId}`;
const responseData = await highLevelApiRequest.call(this, 'GET', resource);
body.title = body.title || responseData.title;
// the api response dueDate has to be formatted or it will error on update
body.dueDate = body.dueDate || dateToIsoSupressMillis(responseData.dueDate as string);
requestOptions.body = body;
return requestOptions;
export async function splitTagsPreSendAction(
this: IExecuteSingleFunctions,
requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions,
): Promise<IHttpRequestOptions> {
const body = (requestOptions.body ?? {}) as IDataObject;
if (body.tags) {
if (Array.isArray(body.tags)) return requestOptions;
body.tags = (body.tags as string).split(',').map((tag) => tag.trim());
return requestOptions;
export async function highLevelApiPagination(
this: IExecutePaginationFunctions,
requestData: DeclarativeRestApiSettings.ResultOptions,
): Promise<INodeExecutionData[]> {
const responseData: INodeExecutionData[] = [];
const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource') as string;
const returnAll = this.getNodeParameter('returnAll', false) as boolean;
const resourceMapping: { [key: string]: string } = {
contact: 'contacts',
opportunity: 'opportunities',
const rootProperty = resourceMapping[resource];
requestData.options.qs = requestData.options.qs ?? {};
if (returnAll) requestData.options.qs.limit = 100;
let responseTotal = 0;
do {
const pageResponseData: INodeExecutionData[] = await this.makeRoutingRequest(requestData);
const items = pageResponseData[0].json[rootProperty] as [];
items.forEach((item) => responseData.push({ json: item }));
const meta = pageResponseData[0].json.meta as IDataObject;
const startAfterId = meta.startAfterId as string;
const startAfter = meta.startAfter as number;
requestData.options.qs = { startAfterId, startAfter };
responseTotal = (meta.total as number) || 0;
} while (returnAll && responseTotal > responseData.length);
return responseData;
export async function getPipelineStages(
this: ILoadOptionsFunctions,
): Promise<INodePropertyOptions[]> {
const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation') as string;
let pipelineId = '';
if (operation === 'create') {
pipelineId = this.getCurrentNodeParameter('pipelineId') as string;
if (operation === 'update') {
pipelineId = this.getNodeParameter('updateFields.pipelineId') as string;
if (operation === 'getAll') {
pipelineId = this.getNodeParameter('filters.pipelineId') as string;
const { locationId } =
((await this.getCredentials('highLevelOAuth2Api'))?.oauthTokenData as IDataObject) ?? {};
const pipelines = (
await highLevelApiRequest.call(this, 'GET', '/opportunities/pipelines', undefined, {
).pipelines as IDataObject[];
const pipeline = pipelines.find((p) => p.id === pipelineId);
if (pipeline) {
const options: INodePropertyOptions[] = (pipeline.stages as IDataObject[]).map((stage) => {
const name = stage.name as string;
const value = stage.id as string;
return { name, value };
return options;
return [];
export async function getPipelines(this: ILoadOptionsFunctions): Promise<INodePropertyOptions[]> {
const { locationId } =
((await this.getCredentials('highLevelOAuth2Api'))?.oauthTokenData as IDataObject) ?? {};
const responseData = await highLevelApiRequest.call(
{ locationId },
const pipelines = responseData.pipelines as [{ id: string; name: string; email: string }];
const options: INodePropertyOptions[] = pipelines.map((pipeline) => {
const name = pipeline.name;
const value = pipeline.id;
return { name, value };
return options;
export async function getContacts(this: ILoadOptionsFunctions): Promise<INodePropertyOptions[]> {
const { locationId } =
((await this.getCredentials('highLevelOAuth2Api'))?.oauthTokenData as IDataObject) ?? {};
const responseData = await highLevelApiRequest.call(this, 'GET', '/contacts/', undefined, {
const contacts = responseData.contacts as [{ id: string; name: string; email: string }];
const options: INodePropertyOptions[] = contacts.map((contact) => {
const name = contact.email;
const value = contact.id;
return { name, value };
return options;
export async function getUsers(this: ILoadOptionsFunctions): Promise<INodePropertyOptions[]> {
const { locationId } =
((await this.getCredentials('highLevelOAuth2Api'))?.oauthTokenData as IDataObject) ?? {};
const responseData = await highLevelApiRequest.call(this, 'GET', '/users/', undefined, {
const users = responseData.users as [{ id: string; name: string; email: string }];
const options: INodePropertyOptions[] = users.map((user) => {
const name = user.name;
const value = user.id;
return { name, value };
return options;
export async function addCustomFieldsPreSendAction(
this: IExecuteSingleFunctions,
requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions,
): Promise<IHttpRequestOptions> {
const requestBody = requestOptions.body as IDataObject;
if (requestBody && requestBody.customFields) {
const rawCustomFields = requestBody.customFields as IDataObject;
// Define the structure of fieldId
interface FieldIdType {
value: unknown;
cachedResultName?: string;
// Ensure rawCustomFields.values is an array of objects with fieldId and fieldValue
if (rawCustomFields && Array.isArray(rawCustomFields.values)) {
const formattedCustomFields = rawCustomFields.values.map((field: unknown) => {
// Assert that field is of the expected shape
const typedField = field as { fieldId: FieldIdType; fieldValue: unknown };
const fieldId = typedField.fieldId;
if (typeof fieldId === 'object' && fieldId !== null && 'value' in fieldId) {
return {
id: fieldId.value,
key: fieldId.cachedResultName ?? 'default_key',
field_value: typedField.fieldValue,
} else {
throw new ApplicationError('Error processing custom fields.');
requestBody.customFields = formattedCustomFields;
return requestOptions;