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synced 2025-03-05 20:50:17 -08:00
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604 lines
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import type {
} from 'n8n-workflow';
import { NodeApiError } from 'n8n-workflow';
import {
} from '../GenericFunctions';
export const callOperations: INodeProperties[] = [
displayName: 'Operation',
name: 'operation',
type: 'options',
noDataExpression: true,
displayOptions: {
show: {
resource: ['call'],
options: [
name: 'Get',
value: 'get',
description: 'Retrieve data for a specific call',
routing: {
request: {
method: 'POST',
url: '/v2/calls/extensive',
ignoreHttpStatusErrors: true,
output: {
postReceive: [handleErrorPostReceive],
action: 'Get call',
name: 'Get Many',
value: 'getAll',
description: 'Retrieve a list of calls',
routing: {
request: {
method: 'POST',
url: '/v2/calls/extensive',
body: {
filter: {},
ignoreHttpStatusErrors: true,
output: {
postReceive: [handleErrorPostReceive],
action: 'Get many calls',
default: 'getAll',
const getFields: INodeProperties[] = [
displayName: 'Call to Get',
name: 'call',
default: {
mode: 'list',
value: '',
displayOptions: {
show: {
resource: ['call'],
operation: ['get'],
modes: [
displayName: 'From List',
name: 'list',
type: 'list',
typeOptions: {
searchListMethod: 'getCalls',
searchable: true,
displayName: 'By ID',
name: 'id',
placeholder: 'e.g. 7782342274025937895',
type: 'string',
validation: [
type: 'regex',
properties: {
regex: '[0-9]{1,20}',
errorMessage: 'Not a valid Gong Call ID',
displayName: 'By URL',
name: 'url',
extractValue: {
type: 'regex',
regex: 'https:\\/\\/[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.app\\.gong\\.io\\/call\\?id=([0-9]{1,20})',
placeholder: 'e.g. https://subdomain.app.gong.io/call?id=7782342274025937895',
type: 'string',
validation: [
type: 'regex',
properties: {
regex: 'https:\\/\\/[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\.app\\.gong\\.io\\/call\\?id=([0-9]{1,20})',
errorMessage: 'Not a valid Gong URL',
required: true,
routing: {
send: {
type: 'body',
property: 'filter.callIds',
propertyInDotNotation: true,
value: '={{ [$value] }}',
output: {
postReceive: [
type: 'rootProperty',
properties: {
property: 'calls',
type: 'resourceLocator',
displayName: 'Options',
name: 'options',
default: {},
displayOptions: {
show: {
resource: ['call'],
operation: ['get'],
options: [
displayName: 'Call Data to Include',
name: 'properties',
type: 'multiOptions',
default: [],
'The Call properties to include in the returned results. Choose from a list, or specify IDs using an <a href="https://docs.n8n.io/code-examples/expressions/">expression</a>.',
options: [
name: 'Action Items',
value: 'pointsOfInterest',
description: 'Call points of interest',
name: 'Audio and Video URLs',
value: 'media',
description: 'Audio and video URL of the call. The URLs will be available for 8 hours.',
name: 'Brief',
value: 'brief',
description: 'Spotlight call brief',
routing: {
send: {
type: 'body',
property: 'contentSelector.exposedFields.content.brief',
propertyInDotNotation: true,
value: '={{ $value }}',
name: 'Comments',
value: 'publicComments',
description: 'Public comments made for this call',
name: 'Highlights',
value: 'highlights',
description: 'Call highlights',
name: 'Keypoints',
value: 'keyPoints',
description: 'Key points of the call',
name: 'Outcome',
value: 'callOutcome',
description: 'Outcome of the call',
name: 'Outline',
value: 'outline',
description: 'Call outline',
name: 'Participants',
value: 'parties',
description: 'Information about the participants of the call',
name: 'Structure',
value: 'structure',
description: 'Call agenda',
name: 'Topics',
value: 'topics',
description: 'Duration of call topics',
name: 'Trackers',
value: 'trackers',
description: 'Smart tracker and keyword tracker information for the call',
name: 'Transcript',
value: 'transcript',
description: 'Information about the participants',
routing: {
send: {
preSend: [
async function (
this: IExecuteSingleFunctions,
requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions,
): Promise<IHttpRequestOptions> {
const contentProperties = [
const exposedFieldsProperties = ['media', 'parties'];
const collaborationProperties = ['publicComments'];
const properties = this.getNodeParameter('options.properties') as string[];
const contentSelector = { exposedFields: {} } as any;
for (const property of properties) {
if (exposedFieldsProperties.includes(property)) {
contentSelector.exposedFields[property] = true;
} else if (contentProperties.includes(property)) {
contentSelector.exposedFields.content ??= {};
contentSelector.exposedFields.content[property] = true;
} else if (collaborationProperties.includes(property)) {
contentSelector.exposedFields.collaboration ??= {};
contentSelector.exposedFields.collaboration[property] = true;
requestOptions.body ||= {};
Object.assign(requestOptions.body, { contentSelector });
return requestOptions;
output: {
postReceive: [
async function (
this: IExecuteSingleFunctions,
items: INodeExecutionData[],
_responseData: IN8nHttpFullResponse,
): Promise<INodeExecutionData[]> {
const properties = this.getNodeParameter('options.properties') as string[];
if (properties.includes('transcript')) {
for (const item of items) {
const callTranscripts = await gongApiPaginateRequest.call(
{ filter: { callIds: [(item.json.metaData as IDataObject).id] } },
item.index ?? 0,
item.json.transcript = callTranscripts?.length
? callTranscripts[0].transcript
: [];
return items;
placeholder: 'Add Option',
type: 'collection',
const getAllFields: INodeProperties[] = [
displayName: 'Return All',
name: 'returnAll',
default: false,
description: 'Whether to return all results or only up to a given limit',
displayOptions: {
show: {
resource: ['call'],
operation: ['getAll'],
routing: {
send: {
paginate: '={{ $value }}',
operations: {
pagination: getCursorPaginatorCalls(),
type: 'boolean',
displayName: 'Limit',
name: 'limit',
default: 50,
description: 'Max number of results to return',
displayOptions: {
show: {
resource: ['call'],
operation: ['getAll'],
returnAll: [false],
routing: {
output: {
postReceive: [
async function (
this: IExecuteSingleFunctions,
items: INodeExecutionData[],
_response: IN8nHttpFullResponse,
): Promise<INodeExecutionData[]> {
return extractCalls(items);
type: 'limit',
properties: {
maxResults: '={{ $value }}',
type: 'number',
typeOptions: {
minValue: 1,
validateType: 'number',
displayName: 'Filters',
name: 'filters',
default: {},
displayOptions: {
show: {
resource: ['call'],
operation: ['getAll'],
options: [
displayName: 'After',
name: 'fromDateTime',
default: '',
'Returns calls that started on or after the specified date and time. If not provided, list starts with earliest call. For web-conference calls recorded by Gong, the date denotes its scheduled time, otherwise, it denotes its actual start time.',
placeholder: 'e.g. 2018-02-18T02:30:00-07:00 or 2018-02-18T08:00:00Z',
routing: {
send: {
type: 'body',
property: 'filter.fromDateTime',
propertyInDotNotation: true,
value: '={{ new Date($value).toISOString() }}',
type: 'dateTime',
validateType: 'dateTime',
displayName: 'Before',
name: 'toDateTime',
default: '',
'Returns calls that started up to but excluding specified date and time. If not provided, list ends with most recent call. For web-conference calls recorded by Gong, the date denotes its scheduled time, otherwise, it denotes its actual start time.',
placeholder: 'e.g. 2018-02-18T02:30:00-07:00 or 2018-02-18T08:00:00Z',
routing: {
send: {
type: 'body',
property: 'filter.toDateTime',
propertyInDotNotation: true,
value: '={{ new Date($value).toISOString() }}',
type: 'dateTime',
validateType: 'dateTime',
displayName: 'Workspace ID',
name: 'workspaceId',
default: '',
description: 'Return only the calls belonging to this workspace',
placeholder: 'e.g. 623457276584334',
routing: {
send: {
type: 'body',
property: 'filter.workspaceId',
propertyInDotNotation: true,
value: '={{ $value }}',
type: 'string',
validateType: 'number',
displayName: 'Call IDs',
name: 'callIds',
default: '',
description: 'List of calls IDs to be filtered',
hint: 'Comma separated list of IDs, array of strings can be set in expression',
routing: {
send: {
preSend: [
async function (
this: IExecuteSingleFunctions,
requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions,
): Promise<IHttpRequestOptions> {
const callIdsParam = this.getNodeParameter('filters.callIds') as
| number
| number[]
| string
| string[];
if (callIdsParam && !isValidNumberIds(callIdsParam)) {
throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), {
message: 'Call IDs must be numeric',
description: "Double-check the value in the parameter 'Call IDs' and try again",
const callIds = Array.isArray(callIdsParam)
? callIdsParam.map((x) => x.toString())
: callIdsParam
.map((x) => x.trim());
requestOptions.body ||= {};
(requestOptions.body as IDataObject).filter ||= {};
Object.assign((requestOptions.body as IDataObject).filter as IDataObject, {
return requestOptions;
placeholder: 'e.g. 7782342274025937895',
type: 'string',
displayName: 'Organizer',
name: 'primaryUserIds',
default: {
mode: 'list',
value: '',
description: 'Return only the calls hosted by the specified user',
modes: [
displayName: 'From List',
name: 'list',
type: 'list',
typeOptions: {
searchListMethod: 'getUsers',
searchable: true,
displayName: 'By ID',
name: 'id',
placeholder: 'e.g. 7782342274025937895',
type: 'string',
validation: [
type: 'regex',
properties: {
regex: '[0-9]{1,20}',
errorMessage: 'Not a valid Gong User ID',
routing: {
send: {
type: 'body',
property: 'filter.primaryUserIds',
propertyInDotNotation: true,
value: '={{ [$value] }}',
type: 'resourceLocator',
placeholder: 'Add Filter',
type: 'collection',
displayName: 'Options',
name: 'options',
default: {},
displayOptions: {
show: {
resource: ['call'],
operation: ['getAll'],
options: [
displayName: 'Call Data to Include',
name: 'properties',
type: 'multiOptions',
default: [],
'The Call properties to include in the returned results. Choose from a list, or specify IDs using an <a href="https://docs.n8n.io/code-examples/expressions/">expression</a>.',
options: [
name: 'Participants',
value: 'parties',
description: 'Information about the participants of the call',
name: 'Topics',
value: 'topics',
description: 'Information about the topics of the call',
routing: {
send: {
preSend: [
async function (
this: IExecuteSingleFunctions,
requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions,
): Promise<IHttpRequestOptions> {
const contentProperties = ['topics'];
const exposedFieldsProperties = ['parties'];
const properties = this.getNodeParameter('options.properties') as string[];
const contentSelector = { exposedFields: {} } as any;
for (const property of properties) {
if (exposedFieldsProperties.includes(property)) {
contentSelector.exposedFields[property] = true;
} else if (contentProperties.includes(property)) {
contentSelector.exposedFields.content ??= {};
contentSelector.exposedFields.content[property] = true;
requestOptions.body ||= {};
Object.assign(requestOptions.body, { contentSelector });
return requestOptions;
placeholder: 'Add Option',
type: 'collection',
export const callFields: INodeProperties[] = [...getFields, ...getAllFields];